I can't stop this feeling

Dec 30, 2011 17:07

WHO: Calendar Man, a bunch of people who signed up, and also an open thing!
WHERE: Times Square
WHEN: New Year's Eve & New Year's
WARNINGS: Violence, fighting, monsters
SUMMARY: Calendar Man! Monster Father Times! GIANT BABY! Have a happy new year.
FORMAT: Whichever is preferred.
deep inside of me )

vic sage | the question, jaime reyes | blue beetle, keith anyan | n/a, sofia mantega | wind dancer, joel weinberg | houston, dick grayson | batman, lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, geddoe | raijin, julian keller | hellion, jade harley | witch of space, kanaya maryam | sylph of space, garrus vakarian | the archangel, maxine gibson | batwoman, julian day | calendar man

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Comments 152

FATHER TIMES - Garrus, Geddoe, Batwoman, Wind Dancer, Lyra, Hellion, Spider-Man exceptfebruary December 30 2011, 22:35:29 UTC
They came from the date, clawing their way out of thin air. Sunken dark eyes with filmy cataracts peered from wrinkled faces and peeling skin. The robes were old, ripped and torn, with cracked hourglasses stringed at the waist. All thirty-one held large rusted scythes and long tangled white beards ( ... )


futurebatwoman December 31 2011, 06:44:09 UTC
It probably said something about the city that three holidays in Max was already wondering why she even bothered attending any celebrations. She'd wandered by Times Square in the evening, not sure what to do with the free time she had, suit in her backpack. She was planning on patrolling once it was dark enough, keeping New Year's Eve a safe place for the City's citizens ( ... )


ex_julianhe December 31 2011, 16:39:58 UTC
Julian doesn't know either her or batwoman, but he sees her fighting with some kind of boomerang thing, and he's more than willing to play the teaming up game. He pushes his way through the scampering crowd to her side. He's surrounded by a glowing green aura, and when he reaches her, he channels that energy through his hand to create a telekinetic shield in front of them.

"You all right? That was a hell of a fall."


exceptfebruary December 31 2011, 17:43:40 UTC
Their attention grabbed, about three of the Father Times start heading toward them. One slices with its scythe and hits the shield. It doesn't seem to realize it can't get through because it immediately tries again. The other two start attacking from the side.


CROWD CONTROL & BYSTANDERS - OPEN exceptfebruary December 30 2011, 22:42:59 UTC
The farther away from the ball, the less chaotic. Since the Father Times had a rather specific goal, many of the people were confused as to what exactly was going on. Quite a few decided to stick around and watch anyway - it wasn't as if it were fear gas or carnivorous beasts or anything.

Between the oblivious new arrivals, the ones that were trying to get out of the square as fast as they could, and the Father Times that had split off from the main group, Times Square was a confusing, pushing, shoving mess.

And at midnight, just when things couldn't possibly get worse - the giant monster New Year Baby appeared.


OPEN tastesrainbows January 1 2012, 03:15:07 UTC
[ kanaya had been viewing the on television, as she'd heard would be customary on this occasion, when she saw the commotion, that crowd. and it was no sooner than that when she burst onto the scene, trying to bring in as many barriers between the crowd and the trouble.

she could work out an exit strategy once she had that much managed ]


respaces January 1 2012, 04:44:13 UTC
[And of course, Jade isn't going to leave her friend to deal with this all alone! She pops in and finds Kanaya pretty easily, grinning despite the chaos.]

Hi, Kanaya!


tastesrainbows January 1 2012, 04:57:23 UTC
[ kanaya shoots her a smile as she pulls up a few cars to bolster her barricade ]

Jade, I'm glad you came!


BABY NEW YEAR - Blue Beetle, Hellion, Batman, Possibly Others (see post) exceptfebruary December 31 2011, 03:06:51 UTC
((ooc: discussion is over here.))

The Baby New Year was made in the middle of the square, summoned from the brand new date, appearing from nowhere. It was massive and fat, with a shiny top hat and banner on pale white skin, complete with a rather cheesy classic-looking diaper. No real baby was so tall, with clawed hands and feet and wide eyes. Its pupils were eternally small and red. Its wails were ear-splitting and started almost immediately after its appearance.

And that was before it started to attempt to destroy everything in sight. The stage. The lights. The people. Whatever it could get its chubby little fists on. There was no purpose to what it was doing. Calendar Man had given it no instructions. All it wanted to do was ruin the New Year, with the intensity of a something with no other purpose.

And it was having a temper tantrum.


OPEN ex_julianhe December 31 2011, 17:15:21 UTC
First the Grim Reaper Wannabees had shown up. Now they were gone, which Julian had almost been willing to take as a good thing, until the baby showed up.

Yeah, a baby. Seriously. A demon baby freaking out and trying to destroy everything.

Julian decided that eye level would be the best way to approach this. He surrounded himself with telekinesis and rose up, getting straight in the baby's face.

"Bad. Baby."

And then he tried to grab each of its wrists with his powers. He didn't know how easy this was gonna be, but he had to stop it smashing the crowd apart.


batmantled January 1 2012, 15:35:55 UTC
There's too many people, too much real potential for damage here to leave that kid he doesn't recognize without backup. He hooks a line up and uses the momentum to swing in from the other side, aiming with a capsule of binding goop. Chances are it'll be a stalling measure more than anything else.

"Wait, keep it there!"


ex_julianhe January 1 2012, 18:28:02 UTC

Julian looks confused, for a second, until he recognises this as the Batman that helped Houston. He nods, and focuses on trying to keep the Baby still.

"I'm trying! It's...dammnit, it's strong."


CALENDAR MAN - Houston, Batwoman, Question, Lyra, Spider-Man exceptfebruary December 31 2011, 07:16:27 UTC
Almost as soon as he summoned the Baby New Year, he was off. The crowds were a lot thinner now, more ragged. Panic was official, giant monster babies had a habit of doing that. Calendar Man was getting out of the square as soon as possible, taking advantage of the confusion.

He was prepared for confrontation. He had readied a few things in anticipation. A fog machine started spewing out smoke at exactly 12:01. And he had a thing or two up his sleeve. He knew that he wouldn't win a straight up fight, so escaping was his main priority. Hopefully the monster would distract.

If not, well, he'd just have to set off some fireworks and lose the costume. Every time he ran into someone, he'd pull off another highly noticeable bit of his clothing. And every time, he used up another one of his gadgets. Speed was important, he couldn't afford to run into too many heroes.

He still had work to do.


incywincyhero January 2 2012, 01:57:45 UTC
The long minutes it took for Peter to plausibly extricate himself from Norman Osborn's party, change into his spider-suit, and swing down and around to Times Square meant that by the time Spider-Man arrived on the scene, the Father Times he'd seen on the screen were gone, replaced by a --

-- Giant monster baby. Well, then.

Tempting as it was to leap into the fray, it looked like that situation was mostly under control -- and there was that patch of unweatherly fog that would have raised his suspicions even if it didn't raise a faint but familiar buzz in his awareness. He bounded in that direction, keeping all his senses peeled.


(The comment has been removed)

exceptfebruary January 3 2012, 02:58:30 UTC
Calendar Man was unhooking his cape. It was only for show, and his part of the show was over. He needed to be inconspicuous, fast. It took all of his effort to do so, but this is why he had posted, this is why he had shown the Network - so everybody would know this was his doing, this was his fault. So he wouldn't have to stick around afterward.

He wouldn't have to watch. At least, not until he reached a secure vantage point. The faster he got there, the sooner it would be.

He reached the edges of the fog, his cape undone. He paused, briefly, to look back out over the damage to see how his baby was doing as he took it off. All said and done, he couldn't resist a look.


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