No one to answer to.

Jun 23, 2011 20:39

WHO: Jason Todd and OPEN
WHERE: The rooftops in the City, specifics are up to you!
WHEN: Friday, early morning (~2-8 amish?)
WARNINGS: Potential violence, crude language.
SUMMARY: Jason arrives in the City and decides to explore.
FORMAT: Action or paragraphs, whichever you'd prefer! I'll start with action, though.

No one is gonna argue. )

kate kane | batwoman, lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, dick grayson | batman, carrie kelley | redbird, damian wayne | robin, † kara zor-el | supergirl, † mia dearden | speedy, jason todd | red hood

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Comments 121

and eenie meenie miney moe said kara. so have a flying torso. ALSO LET'S SAY 3AMISH?? supertorso June 24 2011, 00:54:47 UTC
[ Kara's been keeping to herself a lot since Clark and Diana both left. Keeping to herself and keeping as busy as possible. Which really isn't that hard to do in the City, what with everything going to hell every other Tuesday. Between the craziness that's just part and parcel with this place and job hunting and apartment hunting and actively trying to stay away from the soap opera that is the two people she lives with, well.

Let's just say that sometimes a girl's gotta get out and have some time to fly by herself every once in a while. Which is why there's a blonde in civvies zooming past whatever roof Jason's on. Kara gets maybe five blocks away before she pulls up short and realizes that, hey. Wait a minute. Guy on a rooftop not wearing spandex with a helmet. That's got the potential to be kind of fishy.

So about half a minute after the fly-by she doubles back to the roof and raises an eyebrow at Jason. ]You know, most people with the whole mask-and-kevlar, hanging on rooftops thing actually have a costume. Not just cargo pants ( ... )


3 AM! under_thehood June 24 2011, 01:01:34 UTC
[Jason furrows his eyebrows when Kara zooms past him the first time. Okay, so one of the Supers is in town. He didn't get the best look the first time, but when she starts to double back, the vigilante's almost grateful. He's not about to underestimate her, but he'd be more worried about the big man than Princess Pea. Still, a Super is a Super, regardless, don't get too cocky.]

So, where's your costume, expert?

[Still, the fact that she mentioned a costume starts ringing his alarm bells.]


supertorso June 24 2011, 01:09:21 UTC
It's at the dry cleaners. The cape isn't machine washable.

[ Spoilers: it's in her closet.

She shoves her hands into her pockets and gives Jason a little bit of a smile. There's something about him that's familiar, but as she's never really met him, two and two aren't coming together quite yet. ]

I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just get here, or are you the lone wolf type? Or, you know. Both.


under_thehood June 24 2011, 02:38:02 UTC
[Jason pockets his hands smirking underneath the helmet. This lack of knowledge on her part makes him feel all too happy; it's an advantage.]

C. None of the above. Not everyone fits into two categories.


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Re: 6:30 amish. under_thehood June 24 2011, 02:21:02 UTC
[Jason frowns darkly when he spots a girl walking by herself at this hour of the morning. It's not something unusual, considering his usual habitat, but it doesn't make him the slightest bit comfortable. He's already swooping down with his jump line to land a few feet from her.]

You probably shouldn't be out here.


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under_thehood June 24 2011, 14:55:56 UTC
[Jason already loves the spirit in this kid and is sorely tempted to pull off the helmet. She's got a fire that he remembers having himself when he was a kid. Living on the streets will instill that in anyone. So, instead, he squats down a little bit, resting his elbows on his knees.]

No, I'm sure you can, kid. Just don't think you should be wandering around with only Fido here.


5 AMish!! girlyboywonder June 24 2011, 03:28:41 UTC
[ She's done training with Miho for the night, she's made a few rounds, and she knows perfectly well that she really ought to turn in. More training tomorrow, after all. And Cass doesn't go very easy, sleep deprivation or not. So she's just about to kill the mad leaps into space and slinking about in the shadows-- when she catches a familiar silhouette against a street light.

A very familiar silhouette.

She catches her breath for a second, but -- but it can't be him, right? He'd been ported out. Again. And then quietly she hears Tim pointing out to her that the Porter seems to really like Jason. That he'd be back. And she'd know that silhouette, that style, those moves -- well, anywhere. She's grinning even before she launches herself after him, excitement in every flip and bound. ]

Jason! When'd you get in?


Re: 5 AMish!! under_thehood June 24 2011, 14:26:26 UTC
[Jason isn't quite sure who's following him and even less sure when he hears her voice, but his paranoia is already spiked up. Honestly, he only thinks that Bruce, Talia, and R'as know he's alive and having someone else just makes things difficult. Neatly, he lands on next roof over and aleady has his hand on his pistol, but not yet drawing it out.]

Not that long ago.

[She knows him and his real name, but she's also pretty young, almost in the kid category. There's no way he'll shoot a kid.]

What's with the costume?

[As far as he knows, there's only Tim Drake as Robin at the moment and his costume definitely doesn't look like that. Then again, some punk was dressed up in one too this morning, so maybe it's some kind of fad.]


girlyboywonder June 24 2011, 14:37:47 UTC
[ On anyone else, at any other time, she'd read the wariness as clearly as day. The hand on his gun is a pretty big giveaway, after all. But this? This is Jason, who's finally back again, who's got time to keep up vigilance for little details she doesn't expect to see? She's still grinning when she flips to her perch at the edge of an AC unit, just a half a level above Jason. ]

Shoulda said, spud. [ and a quick, vaguely puzzled glance down at her suit, then up at Jason again. ] ...You expecting something else, or what?


under_thehood June 24 2011, 15:05:58 UTC
[Jason swallows when she flips up higher than him, reading that as a sign of her having the upper hand in the situation. Spud? He forces himself to relax and play casual, pocketing his hands.]

Guess not. [Okay, this is getting even more weird. She knows him, thinks that he knows her, and is prancing around in a Robin costume. Maybe it doesn't mean anything anymore. Maybe she'll get herself killed.]


i am horrible at picking times lets just say 2 xuffasch June 24 2011, 05:38:34 UTC
( It a city like this, the rooftops are practically a hang-out spot, given how many imports are prone spending time on them. Although Damian would like to count himself as an exception to this rule, he is anything but. And so even on nights like this one, when he's not patrolling actively with Batman, he finds himself scampering across them--it is the most convenient form of transport he can come up with on short notice.

He tends to avoid other figures when he sees them, but tonight he spots a new one which he doesn't recognize immediately. That's enough cause for him to try to subtly edge his way closer. )


2 it is! under_thehood June 24 2011, 14:33:56 UTC
[Jason hates it when people get the jump on him, but it still takes him a couple moments to hear the sound of smaller, lighter feet. He turns the wrong way at first, his senses betraying as they adapt to his new ability that he's currently completely unaware of. When he turns the other way, he thinks he catches a glimpse of Damian's bright colors and almost smiles underneath the helmet, thinking it's one of the other Robins: Tim Drake.

Drake. That stupid kid. Any rematch would be just as much of a beatdown as ever. He's got some skills, but not enough to take Jason down. Still, Jason hates the thought of being so easily replaced by a kid who claims to have hunted down the greatest detective on Earth.]

Drake, there's no need to hide.

[He slides one of his pistols out of the holster.]


xuffasch June 24 2011, 17:12:48 UTC
( Two things happen when Jason speaks. The first is that Damian recognizes his voice, and so now knows who he is. The second is that being mistaken for Drake makes him very angry very quickly. So instead of responding right away, he just darts forward and attempts to knock Jason over. Not a particularly elegant move, but one he thinks is fairly effective. )

Who's hiding?


under_thehood June 24 2011, 17:33:15 UTC
[Jason has the fortunate advantage of having expected someone bigger to attack him, so he staggers but doesn't get completely knocked over by Damian's assault. Still, it's enough to prevent him from trying to wrangle the Robin like one would usually handle a ten-year-old.

Wait, ten-year-old? That can't be Drake.

There's another Robin (another replacement)? Had he really failed Bruce that badly that he needed two more Robins? Jason's lucky the helmet hides his surprise. He can't believe it. How could Bruce do this to him, especially now that he knows that Jason is alive?]

You were, shortstack. Lurking is still hiding.


1:20AM!! soldarius June 24 2011, 10:12:06 UTC
[ It's not Gotham but the rooftops, alleyways and ledges are hardly foreign to Kate -- maybe even easier to maneuver about. The way she leaps from across one roof to another, one might not guess she has only been in the City for a couple of days. Every land is graceful and confident, and she slinks about quietly, examining all her surroundings.

It's the only real way to get a "feel" of the City, anyway.

From the corner of her peripheral vision, she spots a figure on the opposite building. In this new dimension, it's a guarantee she will only come across people she will not recognize. She prefers not to deal with others if she can and settles for watching for now, taking a step back to blend with the building's shadows. ]


Re: 1:20AM!! under_thehood June 24 2011, 14:40:58 UTC
[There's a small niggling feeling in the back of his head, like he's being watched, and he's been in Gotham long enough to not ignore it, no matter how insignificant it seems. He pulls his leg back from the ledge and prepares himself for what he thinks could be a fight or a confrontation he really doesn't want to deal with. All those crazy mooks and capes that hang around on rooftops aren't the best to pal around with.

Still, he's silent as well, for once, not wanting to necessarily give himself away to an unknown presence. So, instead, he prepares a jump line and swings across to another rooftop, hoping that whoever this stranger is would follow him across.]


soldarius June 24 2011, 19:47:22 UTC
[ The figure is most likely baiting her but Kate herself has always been one to take them, anyway. She waits for him to land over on the next building and trains down the rooftop towards the ledge while pulling out her own line and shooting it across, further away from where the other has now landed.

She swings across and descends onto another side of the roof. Her cape drapes over her body while she crouches. She stands, eyes focused on rooftop. ]


under_thehood June 25 2011, 13:27:03 UTC
[Jason turns to catch a glimpse of Kate and the unfamiliar cape as he reaches down for his pistol. He creeps toward the gap separating him from where he believes he saw the cape before retreating back across and doing the same as before. He wants to judge his opponent before facing them and so he swings over to the next roof, diving behind an air conditioning unit almost immediately.]


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