No one to answer to.

Jun 23, 2011 20:39

WHO: Jason Todd and OPEN
WHERE: The rooftops in the City, specifics are up to you!
WHEN: Friday, early morning (~2-8 amish?)
WARNINGS: Potential violence, crude language.
SUMMARY: Jason arrives in the City and decides to explore.
FORMAT: Action or paragraphs, whichever you'd prefer! I'll start with action, though.

No one is gonna argue. )

kate kane | batwoman, lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, dick grayson | batman, carrie kelley | redbird, damian wayne | robin, † kara zor-el | supergirl, † mia dearden | speedy, jason todd | red hood

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and eenie meenie miney moe said kara. so have a flying torso. ALSO LET'S SAY 3AMISH?? supertorso June 24 2011, 00:54:47 UTC
[ Kara's been keeping to herself a lot since Clark and Diana both left. Keeping to herself and keeping as busy as possible. Which really isn't that hard to do in the City, what with everything going to hell every other Tuesday. Between the craziness that's just part and parcel with this place and job hunting and apartment hunting and actively trying to stay away from the soap opera that is the two people she lives with, well.

Let's just say that sometimes a girl's gotta get out and have some time to fly by herself every once in a while. Which is why there's a blonde in civvies zooming past whatever roof Jason's on. Kara gets maybe five blocks away before she pulls up short and realizes that, hey. Wait a minute. Guy on a rooftop not wearing spandex with a helmet. That's got the potential to be kind of fishy.

So about half a minute after the fly-by she doubles back to the roof and raises an eyebrow at Jason. ]You know, most people with the whole mask-and-kevlar, hanging on rooftops thing actually have a costume. Not just cargo pants ( ... )


3 AM! under_thehood June 24 2011, 01:01:34 UTC
[Jason furrows his eyebrows when Kara zooms past him the first time. Okay, so one of the Supers is in town. He didn't get the best look the first time, but when she starts to double back, the vigilante's almost grateful. He's not about to underestimate her, but he'd be more worried about the big man than Princess Pea. Still, a Super is a Super, regardless, don't get too cocky.]

So, where's your costume, expert?

[Still, the fact that she mentioned a costume starts ringing his alarm bells.]


supertorso June 24 2011, 01:09:21 UTC
It's at the dry cleaners. The cape isn't machine washable.

[ Spoilers: it's in her closet.

She shoves her hands into her pockets and gives Jason a little bit of a smile. There's something about him that's familiar, but as she's never really met him, two and two aren't coming together quite yet. ]

I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just get here, or are you the lone wolf type? Or, you know. Both.


under_thehood June 24 2011, 02:38:02 UTC
[Jason pockets his hands smirking underneath the helmet. This lack of knowledge on her part makes him feel all too happy; it's an advantage.]

C. None of the above. Not everyone fits into two categories.


supertorso June 24 2011, 02:53:12 UTC
True enough. But those are generally the only reasons one doesn't show up on the network that often.

[ 'That often,' being the key words there, since she remembers hearing an unfiltered post or two from previous-Jason. Never talked to him, but the voice is familiar. ]

So what are you, if not a lone-wolf newbie? Little Red Riding Hood?


under_thehood June 24 2011, 14:50:56 UTC
Still none of the above. Wow, you're bad at guessing.

[Jason crosses his arms and shrugs as nonchalantly as he can manage with the excitement dancing through him. A Super caught off her guard.]

I don't think the superhero business is cut out for you. Just don't pick up that cape from the dry cleaners.


supertorso June 24 2011, 21:54:15 UTC
[ She smiles at him and tilts her head to the side, giving him a once over. ]

Oh, I think you're underestimating me. I may not be the best when it comes to things like detective work, but I'm your girl when it comes to a fist fight.

[ And while she talks, Kara's trying to put things together. He recognizes her without her costume when she's hardly ever Supergirl on the network, which means that he's more than likely from home. The last time she was Supergirl on the Network and actually showed the camera anything but her boots was way back in November, after all. She's not a hundred percent sure, but she's sure enough that she can try something... ]

So what was up back in our home universe of crazy, last you -- hang on. [ She digs her communicator our of her pocket, pretending as if someone just messaged her so she can flip through posts to find the ones that she knows are around. ] Anyways. Home universe. How was it, last you checked?


under_thehood June 27 2011, 13:45:54 UTC
[Jason raises an eyebrow underneath his helmet, wondering why she's asking in the first place. Something's up and Jason doesn't like it one bit. He cocks his head a little as he keeps the casual posture. Back home, Bludhaven had just been destroyed but that wasn't that important and could possibly give him away.]

Bludhaven's a pile of rubble.

[He watches her closely for any reaction he could potentially get a read from.]


supertorso June 28 2011, 06:20:15 UTC
[ Just a little further... Ah! There's the- wait, what? ]

That's the point in time the Porter grabbed you from? The Crisis? That was years ago, from my point of view.


under_thehood June 28 2011, 12:57:56 UTC
[Years? Years? once again,he'sgrateful for the helmet to hide his shock. He didn'teven know there was a crisis. He didn't think Bludhaven's destruction required the term 'crisis.' Great.]

I'm excited for you, really.


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