joy, plain and simple [OPEN]

May 24, 2011 14:39

WHO: Giselle and many folks, no doubt
WHERE: Ccccentral park, and perhaps elsewhere if led away!
WHEN: The days following the rise of the geeks (tues, wed, thurs, fri? PICK SOME)
SUMMARY: ( Read more... )

† giselle | n/a, luna lovegood | loony, † luck gandor | montresor, † henry pym jr. | n/a, feferi peixes | witch of life, zevran arainai | insert innuendo here, † momiji sohma | kaninchen, † alex wilder | n/a, rapunzel | n/a, † buffy summers | the slayer, † mew | n/a, *open, kaylee frye | n/a

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Comments 127

shiny_lilkaylee May 24 2011, 18:54:30 UTC
Kaylee liked cutting through the park when she was out running errands and the like, and she liked just coming to wander around sometimes. She'd never really had this nice of greenery back home, between her homeworld being -- well, somewhat dry, and living in space.

She was currently having one of those aimless wanders, and she couldn't help but notice the enthusiastic woman. People with giant grins were honestly refreshing, especially in the City, and Kaylee just grinned back.


princesscliche May 24 2011, 19:17:38 UTC
At that point, Giselle had a half-full bag of breadcrumbs, given to her by an elderly gentleman she had met earlier. They had spent a little time feeding birds (with Giselle earnestly trying to convince him that she could hear them talk), and he had given her the rest when he had to leave. What a nice old man! She hoped she would see him again.

She was almost skipping at that point, on her way to the duck pond, when her happy expression was mirrored by another girl. Giselle's dreamy demeanor broke, snapped immediately to attention and zeroed right in on her. It only took a hop and a skip to approach a good greeting distance.

"Hello!" she chirped. "Are you here to feed the birds, too?"


shiny_lilkaylee May 24 2011, 19:38:14 UTC
"Hadn' much thought on it!" Kaylee said, shrugging. "Was just sorta out for a walk, but."


princesscliche May 24 2011, 19:41:12 UTC
"Oh, but!" Giselle interjected, practically trampling over Kaylee's words. "You have time, right? Have you seen the pond? It's so lovely. Would you like to come with me? I have plenty here to share." She raised the bag and gave it a little shake to indicate.


paints_lanterns May 24 2011, 19:29:56 UTC
Rapunzel was humming softly to herself as she waited for Giselle to arrive for their trip off to see what she was sure had to be an amazing statue on an amazing island. As long as it didn't sink into the sea before they got there, anyway, and at this point she wasn't willing to say one way or another if it would.

The city wasn't the most predictable place, she'd discovered.

She was perched on a red cushioned bench she had bought and pushed up against the largest window in her MAC apartment (her only real expense since she had arrived), slowly braiding her hair while Pascal dozed on her knee. Braiding her hair was usually something of an intensive project, since it took her hours on her own, but Giselle had offered to help so she was worrying less about speed and more about making sure it was solid. She was even weaving little white flowers she had picked from the park unto it.


princesscliche May 24 2011, 19:38:55 UTC
By waking up extra-early, Giselle had managed to have enough time for not only her self-designated morning chores, breakfast, and the final touches on a new summer dress, but also to take a stop by the park to say hello to some of the animals and frequenting elderly that she loved so much to see. It was a special day, yes, but it just wouldn't do to leave anyone feeling neglected!

It did make her a little late, however, seeing as she was trying to get her cab driver to follow a robin that knew the way to the MAC (Giselle sure didn't!). Of course, all of that was surprisingly over and done with when she did say 'MAC' - apparently he already knew where it was! It was quite a relief. She sure hoped that cab driver had no hard feelings for the trouble she'd accidentally put him through ( ... )


paints_lanterns May 24 2011, 19:50:10 UTC
Rapunzel was honestly a bit startled when the bird landed on the windowsill she was sitting right next to, then tittered something and flew off. She hadn't been expecting that at all...but then, she never had much luck with birds. They always flew away when she tried to talk to them. Pascal was woken by the tittering and hoped onto the windowsill to peer after the creature as it flew away, before glancing up at Rapunzel and giving a little chameleon shrug.

When the knock came a few minutes later, Rapunzel laughed to herself. Giselle talked to birds, she had said, so that would explain the odd behavior. "It's open!" She called out pleasantly, since she wasn't expecting anyone else this morning. The apartment was perfectly clean, and would've looked it too if not for the hair draped over pretty much everything. Rapunzel was a foot or so into her braid (which was almost as wide as her waist at this point) which meant she'd managed to make about ten feet of hair disappear.

Which left a lot.


princesscliche May 24 2011, 23:43:57 UTC
The knob jiggled almost frantically, then the whole door gave way to one beaming redhead just ready to pounce. She sang out her greeting, "Rapunzel!" and rushed in, giving a giggly gasp at the sight of all the hair pooled around the floor, minding her step.

"Ohh! Oh, my, it's even shinier in person! Your hair is so beautiful!"


tinytechhead May 24 2011, 23:28:51 UTC
[Is flying around the park, being outside and exploring the city.

Well he was, because right now he's flying away from a bird who is following him and trying to eat him.

Have what looks like a lightning bug except out in the day flying towards you, Giselle. Also, it's yelling in a tinny voice.]

Aaaaaaaaah, don't eat me, don't eat me, don't eat me! I'm not a bug!


princesscliche May 24 2011, 23:46:40 UTC
[Giselle was preoccupied with a few other birds, one resting on her outstretched hand as she hummed a happy song, sitting on a sunny patch of grass near a walking patch. the commotion calls her attention, though.]

Oh! Oh, my goodness! [the perched bird flutters off and allows her to stretch out both hands, cupping to catch the little thing.]


tinytechhead May 24 2011, 23:57:31 UTC
[Sees the hands and changes course because birds are scared of people, right? Maybe if he gets closer, it'll go away.

So he's going to dive into Giselle's hair.] Make it go away!


princesscliche May 25 2011, 00:16:19 UTC
Oh! [eek! Giselle flinches, little bug in her hair and pigeon in her face!] Stop, please! Shoo, shoo! [and so the bird shoos. Giselle is still fidgeting and rifling her hair for whatever it was that was in her hair making noise.]


niceassassin May 24 2011, 23:33:53 UTC
It was a little paradoxical. Zevran was a city elf through and through--he'd tried the alternative and failed at it. But the City was a different story. He was still adjusting to just how different it was, with its giant skyscrapers and bizarre, stinking traffic. So occasionally, he had to retreat to the park. That too was different, but not as overwhelmingly so.

What was overwhelmingly different was this: Giselle. When Zevran caught sight of her passing by the rock on which he was perched (which, technically, he wasn't supposed to be climbing in this section of the park), it gave him pause. What was she doing out here alone? And why did he care?

He pushed off the ledge and jumped down to the path.


princesscliche May 24 2011, 23:50:59 UTC
She was a little, ah, distracted by the time Zevran hopped onto the path, singing a little song to herself and striding on tip-toe like the ballerina she never was. Giselle giggled, gave a happy twirl at the cue of birdsong ringing out from points unknown (read: nearly everywhere), and caught a glimpse of him in her peripheral. A second turn brought her to a stop facing him, skirts twirling even after she stopped herself. It took only a moment for her to squint and regard the face, which she had only known through a tiny screen...but her own face lit up with recognition and a big smile when it clicked.



niceassassin May 25 2011, 00:53:31 UTC
Skirt-twirling was an excellent way for ladies to show off their legs, and Zevran could not help but look in that direction...only to remember that he was checking out Giselle, and for some reason that felt weird. It wasn't quite like making advances on Chantry sisters back home--they were proud about their purity, and that made teasing them about it all the better (when he could get away with it without risking being gutted by templars). Giselle simply...was pure, and she didn't even know it. Honestly, he'd never known the like.

And it was kind of nice that she smiled at him like that, even if he hated to admit it.

"Giselle, my dear. You're alone?" A beat, and he ducked his head in abrupt recognition. "Silly question. Are your animal friends with you always?"


princesscliche May 25 2011, 01:18:56 UTC
Still on the balls of her feet (slippered, really; Shockwave was rather adamant about footwear in the City), Giselle practically floated over, coming to a hovering kind of stop, hands clasped to her breast.

"Oh, I'm most certainly not alone," she affirmed, nodding. "But Panthro and the others have to stay back at Shockwave's. There are plenty of others out today, though! Don't they sound just lovely?"


whatmuttiforgot May 25 2011, 01:23:02 UTC
Momiji often cut through the park when visiting his favorite sweets shop. Arms full of bags of chocolate and gummi bears, he skipped through the middle of the park. He paused when he was the woman beaming so madly and stared a few minutes, fishing out a candy bar to chew on. He slowly crept over, still staring.

"You look like something really good happened?"


princesscliche May 25 2011, 01:43:06 UTC
She had been in the middle of a reverie, imagining what Edward would think of the park and the City by extension. What fun it would be! She'd make a big, delicious dinner for him and Shockwave (and the animals, of course), complete with all the fixings. And then they'd visit all her friends, animal and human alike! It would be simply wonderf--

"Huh-?" Giselle was suddenly yanked away from her imaginings to see a blonde boy, candy in mouth, peering at him. "Oh! I'm...I'm so sorry!" She chuckled with a bit of nervousness. "What did you say?"


whatmuttiforgot May 25 2011, 02:21:11 UTC
He pulled the bar away from his mouth, swallowing. Momiji smiled sheepishly, adjusting his bags. "Sorry, did I startle you? I just said you looked really happy."


princesscliche May 25 2011, 02:53:02 UTC
She relaxed, smiling apologetically and nodding. "Oh, please don't worry! I wasn't paying attention at all. But you're right! I'm very happy today." Her head began to tilt with light inquiry. "What about you? What are you eating?"


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