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DAY TWO: 12:00 PM -- 7:42 PM (CONTINUED BATTLING, TOY RAIDS) pacifisted May 18 2011, 14:50:45 UTC
OPEN! notadartboard May 19 2011, 16:04:43 UTC
The intent had been a noble one, anyway. Sanji had spent most of the first day holed up in the MAC, feeding his dwindling crew and anyone else who trickled in hungry, not really interested in the fight outside. If they were going to send everybody home, he was not going to interfere. But it was clear by this morning that "sending the imports home" wasn't happening, either by design or by chance. And now they were attacking his friends - his lady friends. Sanji was not about to sit by and wait it out while that happened ( ... )


firstmate May 20 2011, 04:08:47 UTC
Rayleigh's life hadn't changed much since the intent to declare war on the imports. Some of the usual gambling spots had been closed down, but he still had plenty to drink, and for the most part he was left alone. The people seemed to know who was or wasn't a native, but apparently being an old man made people overlook him.

Which was fine by him. He didn't particularly want to be involved in the first place. Leave it to the younger generation, see how they handle it.

However, he couldn't quite turn a blind eye when he saw a familiar blond chef being accosted. Or was he the one doing the accosting? Whichever.

From his spot sitting on the doorstep of the local ABC Liquor, he lowered his bottle of beer just long enough to look over and give a.... laugh. The situation amused him, and he didn't particularly care what kind of attention it brought.


notadartboard May 20 2011, 04:18:45 UTC
The laugh made Sanji bristle. He knew that laugh. He turned his head enough to glance over and see where Rayleigh was sitting. "Oh. Nice to see you helping out, here, old man," he quipped over his shoulder. "Enjoying the view?"


firstmate May 20 2011, 04:27:29 UTC
"I'm just seeing what all of you young kids can do," Rayleigh quipped back. He made a show of patting his shoulder. "These old bones aren't what they used to be, you know." He didn't get up... or do much of anything else, really. He just sat and watched the scene unfolding. "You don't need any help, right?"


notadartboard May 20 2011, 04:37:20 UTC
Sanji snorted around his cigarette. "Of course I don't need any help! Damn geezer. You and your old bones." He didn't believe it for a second, not after seeing him train Luffy over the comm.

The three girls were doing their best to just stand there, tilting their hips coyly and waving, something that definitely got Sanji's attention back on them after a moment. But that let the guys behind them regroup and decide whether they were going to attack him or escape. "Ah...ladies, would you mind getting out of the way? I don't want to..."

One of them suddenly leaped at him, swinging her bat for his head. He leaped backwards with a grunt, letting the blow whiff harmlessly past his scruffy chin. "O-oi!"


firstmate May 20 2011, 04:47:51 UTC
The seductive hips, the coy waves, that all caught Rayleigh's attention too. (Please don't tell Shakky.) He wasn't surprised when one of them went forward with the swing of a baseball bat, however. Not because he sensed it with haki, or even because of his innate battle sense, but rather because he was used to that sort of treatment from the women in Sabaody.

"Best be careful!" he called out helpfully. "These girls have some real bite to them!"


notadartboard May 20 2011, 04:56:57 UTC
"Not. Helping!" Sanji managed to snap while dodging a couple more errant swings. The girl in the miniskirt may not have a lot of skill with that thing, but she was sure putting all of her power behind it. A split-second's calculation and he countered, springing up and roundhouse-kicking the bat out of her hands. It flew off in the opposite direction of the others, preserving Sanji's perfect record of not harming women even on accident.

The girl raged at him and then swung her backpack off her shoulder, using it to beat him around the head and shoulders instead. Sanji withstood it, wincing. "Ow! What the hell have you got in there...ow, hey! Quit it!"


1/2 firstmate May 20 2011, 05:02:08 UTC
Sanji, the trusted chef of the Straw Hat pirate crew, a member of (from what Rayleigh had heard) the trio who did most of the crew's fighting, a man with a bounty that was (while not as impressive as the captain's) quite intimidating....

Was getting beaten over the head with a bag.


firstmate May 20 2011, 05:02:34 UTC
Excuse Rayleigh for a minute, he's laughing.


XD notadartboard May 20 2011, 05:06:55 UTC
There is absolutely dignity in this, no. But at least Sanji never promised not to touch women. Heaven forbid! He got tired of it quickly enough and lunged to grab the girl around the waist, picking her up and hoisting her over his shoulder. She still beat on his back (and ass) with her bag but there was much less strength and far more flailing about it now. "Now, now," he scolded, turning around with her (and giving pretty much everyone in the area except himself a panty shot, oops). "Pretty girls like you should be sitting in a cafe having a nice drink and talking about handsome men, not getting into the middle of a war."

Pity the other two girls were staunch feminists. Two more baseball bats were coming for him in an instant.


:) firstmate May 20 2011, 05:23:45 UTC
Poor Sanji. Missing the best view, one he was giving everybody else.

Oh well.

But still, this had gone on long enough. It'd be a shame to see somebody get really hurt over this, and even more of a shame to see these young girls turn to a life of crime and violence (without the additional benefit of being pirates.)

He gave a single glare, directed to the two with baseball bats. Only those two. And they both collapsed in mid-swing.

He did hope Sanji would at least be able to catch the two ladies. If not, he would have to give that man a mild scolding.


notadartboard May 20 2011, 05:31:00 UTC
It took some quick thinking and maneuvering, but Sanji did it. He set his captive down and lunged for the other two, sliding on his knees across the pavement to come to rest just under them. Each arm caught one unconscious girl. The third just whirled around and stared at Rayleigh, too scared to even accuse him of doing something to her friends.

For his part, Sanji was just as gentle as he would be with a friend. He struggled to his feet with his arms still burdened and carefully dragged both girls to the sidewalk, out of the way. "I told you ladies, this isn't a game," he warned in a quiet tone, mostly to the third. "I don't think you're ready to give your lives like a pirate, are you? Go on, shoo."

After all, there was still a pack of toughs over there. And Sanji was not feeling very generous towards them anymore. He did not have the will to let any of them leave the area conscious and undamaged.


firstmate May 20 2011, 05:55:33 UTC
Rayleigh took another swig from his bottle. He didn't particularly want to be noticed, though his conversation probably did draw a little attention. But it would be what it would be.

But with the lovely ladies out of the picture, it was just Sanji and those lackluster ruffians. It didn't take an experienced pirate to see how this would end.


notadartboard May 20 2011, 15:38:30 UTC
It was over pretty quickly. Sanji wasn't even interested in toying with them one on one, he just wanted them all down and staying down. He leaped on one with an Escalope and before the guy even fell, sprang off his back and kicked through the rest, not even bothering to call his shots. He didn't need to, they were weak. He only left one conscious, so he could pick him up and slam him into the wall. "Just what are you assholes planning?" he snarled into the man's face, accompanied by a good puff of cigarette smoke. "This doesn't look like 'sending everybody home ( ... )


firstmate May 20 2011, 19:58:09 UTC
So that was their plan, was it? Destroying the machine... and trapping them in this world?

Huh. That struck him as odd.

Still, as Sanji came over, Rayleigh put on another smile. "You'll be up to stopping them, won't you?" Shakky wouldn't be very happy if he never came back, even if he did disappear for months at a time.


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