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Comments 388

DAY ONE: 7:30 AM--10:00 AM (FIRST CHARGE, BROKEN TRAINS, TRAFFIC JAMS) pacifisted May 18 2011, 14:41:44 UTC
Open, in the air above the Manhattan Bridge ctu_savior May 18 2011, 16:24:03 UTC
Ten minutes after it became clear that the City was experiencing an attack of massive proportions, Jack and his helicopter were in the air. The craft's powerful communications and information suite allowed Jack to continue belting out commands even as he flew to get a firsthand look at what was happening ( ... )


owwmyspine May 18 2011, 19:15:31 UTC
It was taking a while to process the whole situation rapidly unfolding below. Really, Jaime was still boggling over the name Crabhammers. What the hell? Revenge of the nerds packing heat? An--

Did someone bring a catapult?

Even Scarab had to admit the oddball quality of it all, impressed. And lightly remind its host of the capacity to construct its own searing projectiles in response if the need be.

No. Thanks. Let's not make this STUPID-crazy. Just crazy is good.

The Blue Beetle made a wide arc in the air, high above the hot spot and within great view of said catapult's retaliation against a cop copter. Not a good thing. He changed course to come astride the thing while Scarab opened up a channel to speak directly to the pilot and its passengers.

"Hey, officers! Blue Beetle - Justice League! I'm here to help! Tell me what you need the most focus on and I'll be on it!"


ctu_savior May 18 2011, 20:28:58 UTC
Jack was glad to see the help, especially since the Justice League had a high reputation as far as the City's vigilantes went. "Blue Beetle, this is Captain Jack Bauer!" He had to yell over the steady zap-zap-zap of the copter's stun cannons, dropping more medievally-dressed hostiles to the pavement. "We've got civilians trapped in their cars on the bridge, surrounded by hostiles. I need you to get as many of them as you can to safety!"


Random street somewhere, open. blacktearqueen May 18 2011, 20:55:29 UTC
Ophelia had been perfectly content to let the little nerds go about their 'destroy the porter' plan. She was actually rather fond of it, really...if that thing went away, she couldn't ever be ported out. Granted, she wasn't sure if that meant dying here became permanent too, but it was a risk she was willing to take, really.

And yet the nerds themselves weren't willing to leave her be. She had just been out for a stroll to watch the war when the mob had found her. Now she stood on the end of a street, arms crossed, with the gravedigger she had created in her first network post and a bride she had apparently picked up somewhere along the way. The gravedigger was holding a broken off parking meter, and the bride was hovering ominously in place with her misery-inducing storm cloud floating above her head.

"That's her! I had all the action figures from that game and she made them disappear!" One of the mob members in the front, dressed as what appeared to be a viking, was rallying the nerds around him to charge, but no one seemed quite ( ... )


lordofthundera May 19 2011, 01:33:05 UTC
Lion-O had been fighting himself on whether or not he should even get involved in this, but in the end he couldn't help himself. The Crabhammers had their reasons to attack, but he had his reasons to protect and try to keep the peace. Seeing a mob closing in on three imports, he felt the need to step in.

"HO!" He clutched the Sword of Omens in his hand and lightning shot out, stunning several at a time. He ran forward. He didn't want to add to the chaos, but some of these people had to be stopped. They were a threat to themselves and the people that had come to call this place home.


blacktearqueen May 19 2011, 03:19:11 UTC
Ophelia just sort of blinked in surprise as the lightning shot past her and then the very orange man came charging towards the mob. It was a shame he didn't know he was only helping one import, and two...well. Whatever it was Ophelia turned her tear drinkers into ( ... )


Open to STARS and anyone who wants to help defuse some bombs ctu_savior May 18 2011, 16:37:23 UTC
Once the bombs had started to go off and fires began to spread, Jack immediately made them a priority. From their location it was clear they were intended to be distractions for the main strike at the Porter, but they posed a major threat to civilians, especially from fires. They couldn't be ignored.

A police officer had spotted what looked like a bomb being planted in a department store by people dressed as blue-shirted COBRA troopers from G.I. Joe. The costumes may not have been real, but the weapons seemed to be, and the car had withdrawn while the store was evacuated and available STARS personnel were mobilized. A few minutes later Jack was leading them toward the store, painfully aware that his team wasn't at its full strength, and that the enemy would almost certainly be ready to defend their bomb.


newbvampire May 18 2011, 23:27:37 UTC
Seras stormed forward right behind Jack, a drum style grenade launcher loaded with CS gas was slung over her back and a carbine in her hands. She would have loved to have brought out the Harkonnen for this call, one shot and it would be all over, but with possible explosives in the building it was too much of a risk.

She really needed to get a machine gun for these sorts of situations. Not that it would probably make much difference right now. These were still natives, civilians, humans and she had to at least try to bring them in alive. Even if they were completely mental. God she hoped they had enough sense left to not turn this into a firefight.


ctu_savior May 19 2011, 16:02:12 UTC
"You're sure? All right, thanks." Jack flipped his cell phone shut and turned to Seras. "We've got confirmation, the store's been evacuated. Gas them."

He picked up a gas mask and put it on, tightening the straps, giving himself a moment to adjust to seeing and breathing through the thing. When he spoke again, his voice was muffled. "Once the gas spreads, I'm going for the bomb. I need you to cover me."


DAY ONE: ALL DAY (ON THE SIDELINES, AT REST, TAKING BREAKS, ETC.) pacifisted May 18 2011, 14:46:47 UTC
OPEN hells4children May 19 2011, 06:33:42 UTC
Alex had been celebrating his vacation by...converting his living room into a war room. He had the TV on 24/7, skimming through the news feeds, a laptop tracking social media, and the Abstract open in front of him.

The was a map of Manhattan spread out on the table, where he used the information he was gathering to track the movement of enemy troops. He kept in contact with other imPorts and their sympathizers via a bluetooth headset synced with his comm.

Glancing out the window of his MAC apartment, he could tell things were only getting started here. It wouldn't be long before they tried to bring the whole building down under him.


DAY ONE: ALL DAY (FORGET THE BATTLE, I HAVE HBO) pacifisted May 18 2011, 14:47:49 UTC

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