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blacktearqueen May 19 2011, 03:19:11 UTC
Ophelia just sort of blinked in surprise as the lightning shot past her and then the very orange man came charging towards the mob. It was a shame he didn't know he was only helping one import, and two...well. Whatever it was Ophelia turned her tear drinkers into.

Still, she wasn't going to turn down a bit of help, really. "Help him." She stated to the gravedigger, and then turned to the nerds that were charging at her. The gravedigger held up his parking meter, swinging it like a baseball bat as he clipped away a nerd who was running at Lion-o, dressed as Batman and wielding the He-Man sword. It didn't help him much.

"I think some music would be appropriate." She said to the bride as she hovered next to Ophelia. The woman nodded behind her veil, and began humming softly, the music very similar to a bridal march. The grey cloud above the two of them expanded to ten or so feet, and as the mob reached her, their movements began to slow, their muscles ignoring their orders to charge forward.

And Ophelia struck almost like a snake, the black tears solidifying and lashing out towards her assailents. She was far less humane than lion-o. There was no stunning, but half a dozen people went down screaming with holds in their legs and occasionally abdomens.


oh lord he definitely went to help the wrong person lordofthundera May 19 2011, 03:37:04 UTC
Lion-O was at first appreciative of the help... though it was a little bit more gruesome than he had hoped... but then new levels of gruesome unfolded right before his eyes.

This woman... did she.... just do what he thought she did? No. No one could be that malicious. Hearing their screams, the Thunderian felt something in the pit of his stomach. Brows narrowing and teeth gritting he ran ahead. "Stop! They've had enough!"


Mmhmm. blacktearqueen May 19 2011, 03:42:39 UTC
The mob seemed to be falling back as she felled a number of them, and she raised an eyebrow at the orange man as he yelled at her. The gravedigger ignored all of this, following after the retreating nerds with his parking meter held high, smashing it against any that got too close.

"You realize they attacked me, right?" She crossed her arms, and the black tears roiled around her, evaporating in large waves as they bubbled into the air. Even the coverings on her skin shivered and moved in irritation. The bride kept the few still brave enough to come near them away, slowing them down so greatly that almost looked like they were wading through jello. "And nothing I've done will actually kill them." Well, not right away, anyway. Blood loss would probably be an issue eventually.


lordofthundera May 19 2011, 04:19:26 UTC
Still off-put by her methods he couldn't help but feel a little defensive around her. There was definitely a dark air about her... but he would always extend a hand of friendship before deciding she might have to be dealt with.

"Yes, that's why I came." He nodded, trying to hide his feelings a bit. "I'm sorry... it must've sounded much worse than it actually was." He looked at the gravedigger and bride. "You work great as a team. Perhaps I was wrong into thinking you may have needed my help. There were a lot of them. I was concerned." He placed a fist over his chest. "My name is Lion-O. Lord of the Thundercats."


blacktearqueen May 19 2011, 04:26:53 UTC
"Hey, I can play the damsel in distress just as well as the next girl, if I have to," she smirked at him thinking she needed help, but she wasn't necessarily adverse to it, given the situation. "Besides, from what everyone is saying, we're all going to need help. They're angry I made their 'action figures' disappear, I think. Those are dolls, right?"

She almost laughed at his name, managing to cover her amusement with a black hand long enough to stifle the urge. "Lord of the Thundercats. Man...that would make a fantastic band name, you know." She glanced away for a moment as one of the nerds being slowed by the bride got rather close to her. She waved a hand and a black tear tendril lashed out, solidifying into a hard surface and smacking into his chest, sending him sprawling away. She didn't cut the man in half, though...just for Lion-o.

"I am Ophelia," she gave a little mock half-bow as her dark eyes turned back to the orange man. "Queen of the Drowning Doom."


lordofthundera May 19 2011, 04:45:55 UTC
"They were angry over action figures? That's just foolish.... I understand getting upset over losing a toy, but resorting to violence is going too far." Even when Lion-O was little he just pouted when he lost something. He never pummeled Snarf over it.

Thankfully her personality didn't seem as terrifying as her power. He rubbed the back of his neck a moment, chuckling at her band comment. "I wasn't aware of that. Thank you."

And she was a queen? Inwardly he wondered what kind of place Drowning Doom was, but they were in a middle of a crisis. He had to keep conversation short. "It's... nice to meet you, Queen Ophelia." He bowed slightly, giving her a boyish smile before looking out at the street.

".. How long do you suppose these people will keep attacking us?"


blacktearqueen May 19 2011, 05:02:13 UTC
"People can get angry about whatever they want, it doesn't matter. Everyone's angry about something." Ophelia took the long view now that she was supposed to be dead, it seemed. "And violence works pretty well for most problems. It's doing wonders for them so far."

She glanced out at the nerds. Her gravedigger was menacing at them, but they seemed to be keeping back for now. She held up a hand, snapping her fingers twice, and the vaguely unsettling looking mime came trudging back, the parking meter resting on his shoulder. Ophelia grinned at the title, she rather liked the sound of that. 'Queen Ophelia.' Sure, she fancied herself a queen over the tear drinkers...she was, really. But it was nice to hear from someone else.

"No idea," she answered his question with a shrug. "I guess they'll stop when they blow up the porter building. That's what they want to do, right?"


lordofthundera May 19 2011, 06:58:14 UTC
Lion-O sheathed the Sword of Omens in the Claw Shield resting at his side. For now, it seemed their current threat was moving elsewhere. He nodded.

"Right. I think I may just make my way over there... I just hope no one is getting too terribly hurt over all this." He couldn't help but notice some of the nerds still writhing a little on the ground. "...Maybe I ought to bring the injured to the hospital first."

He looked back at Ophelia with a slight smile. "If you don't mind me saying, try to... be a bit more gentle when you're defending yourself, your majesty."


blacktearqueen May 19 2011, 07:56:38 UTC
"I think you're probably worrying about the wrong people," as Ophelia spoke, the Grave Digger fell into place behind her, standing opposite where the Bride hovered about looking depressing. "These...people..." she nudged one of the nerds she'd injured with a foot, and he groaned. "Are attacking the entire city. And not just 'imports,' but people from here too."

She shrugged, "you should worry more about yourself, or the people they are trying to hurt in the first place. If you're too busy trying not to hurt your enemy, they'll kill you." She didn't actually care if the orange man died, frankly. But his attitude...bothered her a little bit.

Still, she could at least pretend to go along with it. "I'll...try, though." Yeah, like that would last. "But if they keep attacking me, I am not going to be nice to them."


lordofthundera May 19 2011, 16:43:26 UTC
Lion-O grunted a little. He didn't like the idea that these people were even hurting their own. "It just doesn't sit well with me." He was feeling stubborn.

They had reason to attack, right? It wasn't that they were being thoughtless.... though... if they were just attacking Ophelia over action figures... maybe they were. He glanced over to see Jaga, the ghost figure appear beside Ophelia. She probably couldn't see him, but Lion-O took a moment to take his council.

"I find it hard to hurt people who are just trying to get their lives back. What should I do, Jaga?"

The older Thunderian spoke, Young Lion-O, perhaps its time to stop thinking about what they are going through and start thinking about what their attack means. You all were brought there, not by your own will, and instead of trying to work with you all and accept the situation that they had been forced into they are making matters worse.

Lion-O nodded. "The sooner these "Crabhammers" are subdued, the sooner things could be peaceful. You're right." He spoke, though to Ophelia it might've looked like he was a crazy person. He looked back at her, responding to what she had said.

"Fair enough," He nodded to her.... the Queen's reasoning was sound. His brows narrowed and his expression became more gruff. "Maybe... I'm done being nice to them as well."


blacktearqueen May 19 2011, 16:58:14 UTC
Ophelia didn't have a hard time hurting almost anybody, really. She was a bit more hesitant to hurt women, especially if she knew something about them, but in general...nope. No moral compass going on in here anymore. She was about to comment when he appeared to, well...talk to no one.

She actually turned to peer over her shoulder at the empty air, and then back to him, one eyebrow raised. So, lunatic. Maybe. Or else this place had older spirits than she realized. She knew the Gods of Metal weren't here, but maybe something similar. Although Lion-o hadn't done anything to activate an object. Hmm...

Still, his change actually make her grin, though it was still decidedly smirkish. "Good to know. You're more likely to survive the day that way, at least. And they won't be nice to you." From the distant mob someone hurled another bottle that shattered on the street nearby, and her eyes narrowed in irritation.

"Don't you love when someone makes your point for you?"


lordofthundera May 19 2011, 17:15:05 UTC
And as soon as the bottle shattered, Lion-O drew out the Sword of Omens and slid on the Claw Shield. "Someone should teach them some manners." He growled, seeing a mob once again grow around them. The Thunderian ran ahead knocking several people out with the gold-plated claw. Were these people any different than the criminals he was fighting before on the streets of the city? Lion-O now knew they weren't.


blacktearqueen May 20 2011, 04:49:11 UTC
She almost laughed as he went valiantly charging off to slay the nerds, tilting her head to the side and tapping her fingers against her hip as she watched him. She wasn't entirely sure he needed help, really...and she didn't owe him anything, since he'd saved her from something she probably could've handled...

Well, there was no sense standing around when she could be fighting, though. "Come on." She said to her two Doom followers as she went drifting after him to help.

[ooc: Shall we assume they fight together for a bit then get separated?]


ooc lordofthundera May 20 2011, 23:03:43 UTC
works for me!


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