[OPEN LOG] Man about town...

Apr 18, 2011 13:48

WHO: Sirius Black...AND YOU?
WHERE: A) His warehouse, B) Sandust Bookstore, C) Xavier's Institute, D) Central Park
WHEN: Anytime over the weekend
SUMMARY: General post for CR purposes!
FORMAT: Paragraph, but I ain't picky

A) The warehouse... )

† sirius black | padfoot, hans von hammer | enemy ace, † aphrodite | goddess of love, † cynthia | champion, carrie kelley | redbird, boyd langton | rossum, *in progress, *open, † tyler durden | n/a

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Comments 78

bookstore, saturday afternoon favorsthebrave April 18 2011, 23:02:33 UTC
Luck has too much time on his hands, these days. Visiting bookstores is one of the ways he's been filling it, so it was inevitable that he'd find his way into Sandust sooner or later. A few steps in from the door, he stops to push the brim of his hat back a little and look around - keeping an eye out for the dog that the sign in the window mentioned, because he wasn't especially keen on the idea of being jumped on unexpectedly, however friendly the dog.

It reminds him, a little, of the bookstore he used to frequent back home, with its tall shelves crammed full of books in esoteric order. He'd looked for the place after he'd arrived in the City, but of course it wasn't there, and probably never had been, just another sign that this place was long and far away from his New York.


purmoncul April 19 2011, 01:23:10 UTC
The dog did not seem to be in attendance. The shop seemed empty, in fact, until Luck got to the back where he would find a young man perched on top of a ladder, reading something old in...what looked like Greek.

"Oh. Hello."

Sirius seemed vaguely surprised to see someone in his store, blinking at Luck like he was some sort of odd apparition. "Uh. Welcome to Sandust."


favorsthebrave April 19 2011, 05:21:31 UTC
Luck looks up, and laughs quietly, seeming amused rather than put off by Sirius's surprise and the general emptiness of the store. "I'm sorry," he says, amiably enough, taking off his hat to allow a view unobstructed by the brim of the fedora; "am I interrupting you?"


purmoncul April 19 2011, 16:37:57 UTC
"No," Sirius said, closing the book and leaping down off the ladder. "If you'd come 15 minutes ago you would have been. Extensive testing has shown that 2-3pm on a Saturday is the best time to nap."

This is possibly the least apologetic grin there ever was.

"Oh! Hey, I've seen you on the comms, I think. Sirius Black." Have a handshake with your grin.


Central Park; Sunday heart_my_hat April 18 2011, 23:11:55 UTC
It was becoming more and more rare for Yoite to be out during the daylight hours, preferring to stay inside until the sky had started going dark in order to avoid the worst rush of people and to avoid pulling any attention to himself. Today was a rare exception though, when he'd felt the need to get some fresh air after waking up with a horrible headache and most likely a slight fever, though he wasn't quite certain. It could just be the pain making him feel too warm and somewhat sick to his stomach ( ... )


purmoncul April 19 2011, 01:39:38 UTC
As Yoite sat and relaxed, he would probably notice that there was another visitor to the park nearby. A large black dog was enthusiastically rolling in the grass in the sunlight across the path. There didn't seem to be anyone nearby watching the dog, or calling for it, and it certainly wasn't a leash attached to its collar.

The dog didn't seem to be particularly bothered by this, however. It rolled over to lay in the afternoon sun panting, just relaxing and looking about much like Yoite himself was doing.


heart_my_hat April 19 2011, 01:47:00 UTC
Noticing the dog, Yoite sat up a bit more and watched it, wondering where its owner was... It was wearing a collar, so maybe it had ran away from its home. He said nothing though, simply watched as it rolled over and relaxed. He knew that approaching a dog wasn't the best idea in the world, especially since you never knew it was aggressive to strangers or not. He did like dogs though, and a lot of dogs tended to like him for some reason. For now, he simply watched it, finding it more interesting than watching people at least. At least dogs were cute.


purmoncul April 19 2011, 02:26:09 UTC
It wasn't a particularly hot day, but the sun was warm, and that kid looked like he could use some company.

The dog got up and trotted casually over, tongue lolling. It hopped up onto the bench next to the boy and flopped down. "Wuff," he said, conversationally.


Sandust Bookstore, Sunday afternoon rossum_ceo April 19 2011, 00:56:13 UTC
Boyd normally wouldn't go shopping for a book himself, but today he felt a need to get away from the office and going book hunter provided him the perfect excuse. He needed the book anyway so it wasn't as if he was simply wasting time. What he hadn't been counting on was how difficult it would be to find the book he was searching for. It wasn't as if it was an unknown work, but he'd been up and down the entire philosophy section without managing to find it.

While he often did have a great deal of patience this particular endeavor was finally starting to aggravate Boyd and it showed. Finally he gave up and decided to call for a clerk. Even if the place did look deserted there had to be somebody on duty. "Excuse me is there anyone here?"


purmoncul April 19 2011, 01:44:26 UTC
A large black dog had been watching Boyd with an air of bemused sympathy from his spot on a small throw rug. At Boyd's question, it gives a small wuff and gets up. Tail a-wag, the dog trots over and looks up at Boyd with friendly intelligence.

You called?


rossum_ceo April 19 2011, 01:58:40 UTC
Boyd knelt down to give the dog a pet, still looking rather annoyed at his inability to find what he was looking for. "Now, where's your master? I need him to help me find a book."


purmoncul April 19 2011, 02:39:54 UTC
The dog accepts the pats, but looks slightly glum - if Remus was here, he could have told Boyd that Padfoot could find any book in the store for him. Ah well. Maybe he should put up more signs...

In the here and now, Padfoot barks acknowledgement and trots off into the back room of the store. A few moments later a shaggy-haired young man comes out with an apologetic smile.

"Thought I heard someone out here, hullo. You must be simmering, if the dog came back after me."


Central Park love_and_lace April 19 2011, 18:57:24 UTC
Aphrodite was finally starting to see what mortals liked so much about Spring. When you could feel cold winter was a lot more of a bummer. Sure she always liked the green better before, but that was more of an aesthetic thing. After being trapped indoors all winter (she wasn't going to change her wardrobe for anything) spring had a whole new meaning.

As soon as it was warm enough, she was back out in Central Park. It was a good place to mortal watch, and plus it was the only large piece of greenery she new about.


purmoncul April 19 2011, 21:49:54 UTC
It was a good place to be watched as well, and there was no shortage of tanned and toned bodies jogging along, getting in shape and showing it off at the same time. Cue: Sirius Black, a clean shaven young man with black hair pulled back, jogging along in shorts and a white t-shirt that show off his muscular legs and broadening shoulders. deal. He's not turning quite as many heads as Aphrodite, but then again, who could?

He himself goes arse over teakettle over his own two feet as Aphrodite catches his eye and keeps it. He needs to work on his oggling and joggling skills if he wants to do both at the same time, apparently.


love_and_lace April 20 2011, 21:03:01 UTC
On the plus side for Sirius, falling head over heals (literally) in front of her was a good way to get noticed. She almost felt pity for the mortal...almost. That looked painful.

She came over and stood next to him. "Hey," she asked, prodding gently with her foot. "You okay?"


The Park ; A Very Fine Day flowersnotboys April 20 2011, 00:12:48 UTC
Ivy is a little protective of the park. It's not Robinson Park, but there's still that manic not-so-little part of her brain that is very insistent that this is hers. So the joggers are a nuisance. Actually, everyone is a nuisance, but today, it's definitely the joggers she hates the most. Treading over the same path, day after day, disrupting people who want nothing more than to lounge on the park benches.

Honestly, they're worse than cattle.

Even if some of them are pretty.

Which is why Ivy feels she is doing nothing short of her civic duty in letting a few errant vines on the particularly overgrown path stretch themselves out juuust enough to catch at the ankles and feet of a few of those joggers.


purmoncul April 20 2011, 19:56:30 UTC
Central park is large enough that there are full roads that pass through it, and while that's the most visible place to jog, it's not really the most fun. Sirius had circled the reservoir yesterday, and that was his favorite place thus far, but today he was trying his hand at the ramble.

It was, thus far, not easy going. He was hiking more than jogging, but as long as he kept up a good pace, Sirius felt it was about the same in the end. Unfortunately, that pace was thoroughly interrupted when he tripped over a vine and skinned his knees.


Very little of the park was completely deserted at this time, but there wasn't a lot of traffic here, just now. Glancing around, Sirius pulled out his wand and flicked it at the offending flora, feeling it was his own civic duty to defend the knees of his fellow citizens.


flowersnotboys April 22 2011, 00:19:56 UTC
Rather than curling up and behaving light it really ought to, more branches and vines snapped forward to slap him across the face like an insulted Southern belle. Then the vines and tangles neatly rearranged themselves casually across the path, the rustling of the leaves sounding down right huffy.

"Really now," Ivy called from her bench, neatly crossing her legs in her business like skirt. "There's no need to be rude." She looked like a proper business type woman with her neat little suit and skirt, just come from work, but there was something a bit off about her. Possibly the green skin.


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