A Angel's Child 1/2

Jan 19, 2011 17:04

Title: A Angel's Child
Author: candylovinangel 
Rating: G 
Pairing: Gabriel/Jimmy
Spoilers: 4.20 and 5.08, 5.19
Word Count: 1,393
Summary: Gabriel makes a mysterious visit to Jimmy and Amelia's place and gives them a surprise.
This is a sequel to When I'm in Pain You're There

Part 2

Gabriel wasn't sure why he'd done it, why he'd made Amelia pregnant. He hadn't actually had sex with Amelia...No that would just piss Jimmy off and Gabriel couldnt afford another pissed off human hating his guts. No...While Amelia was asleep with Jimmy, Gabriel came and held a hand over her and closed his eyes. He wanted a kid but he didn't want to have to go through the means of actually knocking someone up the old fashioned way. it was a long process of taking dna from his vessel and infusing it with his grace, a part of him and then getting dna from Jimmy and combining it and weaving it into the beggining of a baby inside Amelia, let the proper connections with her body be made and he made sure her body would accept it, and when it did, he gave a sigh of relief as her body kicked into high gear to provide the proper hormones and so on to the kiddo...Now...Now Gabriel had to wait nine months...after all the kid would need to stay there and get it's own vessel.Gabriel had no doubt in his mind that the kid would end up looking awesome.
3 weeks later.

She was heaving her guts out in the toilet, Jimmy at her side patting her back and trying to soothe her. They'd found out she was pregnant a week ago, and the doctor was in shock, the kid seemed to be growing at a faster rate than normal. Amelia was constantly weak and dizzy, something that hadn't really happened in her pregnancy with Claire, who they had told this bit of news to, and Claire was happy she was going to have a sibling to play with and be an older sister to. Yet poor Amelia was just so exhausted from the toll this pregnancy was already taking on her. Not to mention her cravings were abnormal. She craved candy and hamburgers constantly... Jimmy and Claire were there for her, doing their best to comfort her and help her...
Three months later

"This baby...he is going to most likely kill you at birth Amelia...there's an 80% chance," The doctor said after Jimmy had brought Amelia in, her pregnant belly loked to be two months further along than it really should be, the doctor said the baby was growing fast, and that it was healthy but it was taking quite a toll on Amelia's health. Amelia looked to Jimmy with wide frightened eyes. Jimmy looked upset but he squeezed her hand lightly.
While Amelia was asleep that night, Jimmy prayed for the first time in a long time. he prayed for help, and he pleaded quietly for his wife to not die... When he opened his eyes and turned around, he saw someone he thought he'd never see again sitting at the foot of the bed.

"You..." He said in a soft voice, wiping away his tears from his eyes
"Me," Gabriel said quietly, "I heard you...and I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner, should have come sooner..." He said as he went over to Amelia, who looked very uncomfortable, and he put a hand to her pregnant belly, the hand glowing faintly.

"told me what?" Jimmy asked with a frown, though that softened a bit when he saw Amelia seeming to relax so much more....and seemed peaceful.
"I...have been wanting to have a kid for a while now...a kid somewhere out there with my dna...I searched for years and well I came across you that day and...I knew if I were to have a kid out there somewhere, I wanted it to have your DNA..."
Jimmy's eyes widened.
"You had sex with my wife?!" He growled but Gabriel shook his head.

"No. Even if I were to have sex with her my vessel's reproductive organs wouldn't uh...give anything unless I'm...mated to the person...So I just...did a long complicated process of starting the kid, mixing your dna with mine so that the kid would be formed and well your wife has been taking care of the rest...I should have asked...I know but I never intended to tell you at this point..." He saw that Jimmy looked relatively pissed at first, but then looked to Amelia and the way Gabriel was keeping her peaceful for the first time in a month...

"Yeah...you should have asked...poor Amelia has to go through all this..." Jimmy said still sounding pissed but now worry overtook it, "The kid is growing faster than normal...he's half angel isn't he?"

"yes...but not a Nephilim, I can guarantee that. I worked hard to make sure that didn't happen with the kid, and anyhow, it's still your kid...It's still your wife carrying the child. I don't plan on taking him away." He said softly as he moves a hand to Amelia's chest, just above her breasts.

"I...You're going to let us have a half angel run around?" He asked and he watched as Gabriel smiled.

"Yeah, why not?" He asked and his smile became sad for a moment. and Jimmy couldn't interpret what he was sad about but then that sadness seemed to be gone.

"Wouldn't it be dangerous?" Gabriel shrugged lightly as there was a flutter of -wings as his hand glowed over Amelia's chest. and Gabriel's eyes glazed over for a moment.

"Could be, depends on how well you raise him," He says in a quiet voice. Jimmy frowns at him.
"What are you doing?" He asked, hoping he was helping Amelia, after all...He'd just revealed that he was behind this pregnancy that was draining her.
"I'm strengthening her body...Making it so she can handle the pregnancy and not die...after all wasn't that what you were praying for?" He says with a slight smile. He then goes over to Jimmy after he's done. He looks him in the eyes for a long moment, "I'm not sorry for what I did....I'll never be sorry for it...just take care of the kid alright?" He says as  Jimmy  felt a rush of power go through him.

He remembered the feel of grace, after Castiel had left...Had made himself a vessel looking like him...He'd been left alone. That was at the beginning of this year and when that had happened Dean, Sam and Cas had left him, on a hospital bed in New Jersey...He'd felt both relieved and pissed...So after one of his fainting spells in there, he'd woken up to see Gabriel siting in a chair.

"If you're looking for Cas, he isn't here..." He'd said weakly and Gabriel chuckled.
"If he were I wouldn't be visiting. Wasn't nice of them to ditch you in your state...I know you're having a hard time readjusting to this. He's worn your body out pretty hard and fast that's why you keep passing out like this."  Gabriel came up and Jimmy flinched and that got a hurt look from Gabriel for a moment before he pressed a hand to Jimmy's shoulder.and Jimmy had felt a rush of power that had made him dizzy, and yet it felt like the first time he had met Gabriel, when he had healed him. Jimmy passed out after that, but when he woke up again he was in a nice comfy bed and  there were hushed voices. Jimmy had opened his eyes to find Gabriel talking with...Amelia, and  Jimmy had gotten out of the bed and pulled his wife close. Gabriel smiled at them both, and gave them each charms to protect them from possession thateven now Jimmy still wore... Then he's said he'd taken care of everything on the house, that all the debts were paid off on well everything. Jimmy had thanked him happily. and hugged him (in a manly way) and Gabriel had been off. Jimmy hadn't heard from him in months, til now...

Gabriel then left after that. It was quiet, up until the eighth month. Jimmy remembered it was the middle of the night again and Gabriel looked frantic and he checked Amelia over and when he did he looked to Jimmy, Jimmy could feel the angel looking at him...But the angel didn't say a word, but he thought he heard him whisper, 'I'm sorry...' and a shuddering of breath almost like he was crying before he was gone, and Jimmy couldn't help but wonder what it was that could make an angel so sad...

pairing: gabriel/jimmy, gabriel, jimmy, castiel, fic: supernatural, cas, supernatural

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