A Graceful Combination 3/5

Jan 16, 2011 21:19

Title: A Graceful Combiniation
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Gabriel, Richard, Jared, Jensen, Misha, Mark (In this part)
Spoilers: up until 6x11 ...maybe
Warnings: Fictional Characters + Actors = Crack from me,
Disclaimer: I don't own anything - Also the Actors here ARE NOT the real deal. I try and make their personalities somewhat close, and they still have their respective partners though RSJ here is single
Summary: Richard has no clue why it happened but it did. He had gotten into a terrible situation... and now he has Gabriel using him as a vessel, which causes some problems with Misha...
Word Count: 4,208
Note: I got inspired by morganoconner 's fics Entangled and These Scattered Shards of a Broken Mirror (Piece Me Back Together). I had recently been suffering from some writer's block and this was just what I needed to inspire me and get me back on my feet.. Seriously Guys go check those out on her journal they are awesome.

Part 1
  Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5

When Richard got up the next day and went onto set it was to see Misha practically dive for one of the set’s beds to keep himself from being seen. This prompted confused looks from everyone on set as Richard let out a sigh and braced himself for a bad day… At the end of the day he went back to his trailer with his hands in the pockets of his jacket and head low as Misha had refused to talk to him outside of when he was doing their lines. It…stung to say the least. Richard wasn’t sure what to do. Misha had every right to freak out over what had happened and well, who was he to force Misha to talk to him…? Either way it still hurt like hell…and over the next two weeks it would continue to hurt, the emotional pain getting worse as Misha kept up with the stubborn refusal to not talk to Richard.

It got so bad for Richard that he refused to get up in the morning to go to work, so that was when Gabriel decided to take over and he made Richard go to work, but Richard wasn’t paying attention even as Gabriel went through the lines, being well, himself, and having to restrain himself from doing something horrible to Misha, who wouldn’t make eye contact and Gabriel could tell Jensen and Jared were worried for the two of them, bit more Richard than Misha because Richard was starting to look as ragged as he felt and the makeup crew was scolding him for lack of sleep when Gabriel had taken over that first day.

Gabriel had sighed and said he’d work on that as he ran Richard’s hand through his hair and thought of ways he could try to fix this. The next morning Richard didn’t even bother saying anything as Gabriel got him up and about, Gabriel having forced Richard’s body into a ten hour sleep as he went about and did the things Richard normally did before going down and going through the day, trying to catch Misha alone. He started to get increasingly pissed when Misha kept either ignoring him or deliberately slipping away… and pissing off Gabriel…was never a good thing…

It was Friday and Gabriel had his last straw with Misha, so it was with a deadly calm that he went onto set that day and Richard found himself worried for Misha, not knowing what the archangel had planned as the angel got on set early and sat on the hood of the Impala and spotted Misha coming out of his trailer to come to set when Gabriel smirked and suddenly everyone could see Misha coming very clearly. After all…Neon blue hair with pink tips is hard to miss. It was only Gabriel out there and he knew his eyes were giving him away but he also knew Misha wouldn’t look at them.

“Misha!” Gabriel called out and he saw Misha’s jaw set and he looked away, but ah there were the two people coming that Gabriel was counting on. Jared and Jensen were coming up dumbfounded.

“Holy crap, Misha! What happened to your hair?!” Jared yelped as Jensen averted his eyes, the bright turquoise blinding him in the morning sun.

“What about my hair?” Misha asked as Gabriel started laughing, actually laughing at Misha, the sound so unexpected and pure to the other three that they stared at him for a bit before Misha’s eyes widened. Misha ran over to the car where there was a reflective surface, saw his hair color, turned and punched Gabriel in the face, causing Gabriel to yelp and fall off the hood of the car, but the punch didn’t hurt, he wasn’t even bleeding, he was just acting the part as Misha glared at him and Gabriel smirked at him.

Gabriel folded his arms and watched as Misha fumed in anger and Jared and Jensen were running up to check on Gabriel and Jared was pulling Misha away from Gabriel.

“He did this! He fucking dyed my hair!” Misha yelled at long last as he broke Jared’s grip and lunged for Gabriel, who sidestepped the furious actor.

“You have no proof Misha,” Gabriel said calmly, even as Richard couldn’t help the laughing from his front seat to all the craziness.

“Misha! He was out here before any of us were; he was nowhere near your trailer! He hasn’t been near it for the last week, we would have seen him!” Jensen was saying as Misha came around for another attack and Gabriel made a pointed yawn as he dodged another attack from Misha who stopped and tried to deck him, but Gabriel’s hand shot out faster than any of the others could have predicted and grabbed that hand and then when Misha swung at him with the other he caught that one easily and he pulls Misha close.

“Listen to me and listen closely,” He whispered in Misha’s ear his voice low and grave, “I hate being avoided, and seriously? The whole dancing around and pretending I don’t exist part is just going to make it worse. Believe me; you don’t want to see it worse. So you’re gonna suck it up and go back to your trailer and your hair will be back to normal and you can say it was a wig, Got it?” Gabriel growled and Misha actually paled even as Gabriel shoved him back and went back to leaning against the hood of the impala. Misha practically fled from there and Jared and Jensen watched him before looking to Gabriel.

“What did you say to him?” Jared said and Gabriel let out a dry chuckle.

“That he looks good with hair that color, oh and that I don’t appreciate him ignoring me.” Gabriel said calmly, watching as Misha turned the corner and he twitched a finger, changing Misha’s hair back.

And that was that, though Misha still ignored him to an extent after that, if anything because he was pissed.
Three days later they were in Los Angeles shooting a scene quite a few times that had to do with Cas refusing to do what Sam and Dean wanted anymore, and Sam stabbing Cas.

They had been shooting it for hours and Gabriel wasn’t in this scene but Richard was watching from the side. Gabriel had managed to convince Richard to actually do his job and Richard had given in, even though he was still mad at Misha for decidedly ignoring him…

They were at the last scene when something felt off to him and he tensed up when he saw the sword was shinier than it should be as Jared stabbed Misha with it and Richard flinched when he suddenly could feel Misha’s shock and…pain. He was in pain. Misha threw his Head back and let out the most realistic yell yet and collapsed. There was the call of cut and everyone was rushing to get to the next set which left Richard and Misha alone and Richard hurried up to Misha who was actually whimpering in pain. He knelt down to Misha, whose blood was staining the white of the dress shirt and Richard saw the pain in Misha’s every feature as he grabbed the sword and pulled it out, throwing it to the side and lifting Misha up, he noticed the wound was right in the chest and Misha seemed to be struggling to stay conscious.

“R…richard…” He whimpered and Richard ran his hand through Misha’s hair and he looked around and vanished from the spot and appeared in his hotel room there in Los Angeles, noticing Misha had passed out just seconds before.

Richard he’s going to freak out like last time… Gabriel pointed out as Richard took Misha to the bed.

I don’t care. Now do you have the power to heal him? Richard asked as he unbuttoned the shirt and brought his hand to Misha’s chest.

You know I do, Gabriel said as Richard rolled his eyes.

Fine then heal him, he won’t last long. He said and Gabriel did so, there being a flare of light and when Richard brought his hand away it was to see flawless skin where the wound had been.
He wasn’t sure what happened…but he just knew he…he wasn’t hurt anymore when the pain vanished after a flooding of warmth and he opened his eyes later to find Richard sitting by the window of the hotel room Misha found was Richard’s and he saw Richard looking down at his hands that were clean and just…flat on the table.

“You feeling better?” Richard asked, not looking up from his spot.

“Yeah…but what did you do?” Misha asked as he looked to his chest before he paused, “Does this have to do with how you got rid of that demon?”

“It has everything to do with it Misha…I-“ He paused and he grimaced and he let out a bit of a snarl and Misha looked over to Richard as suddenly huge freaking WINGS were coming from his back, stretching out and flexing a bit and Richard swallowed and looked to Misha who was staring.

“Holy shit!” Misha said, knowing he was staring, but man; the wings were white with a tint of hazel to them.

“So…tell me you didn’t get wings just for kicks…” Misha mutters as even Richard is looking at them in awe.

“Well, I obviously have a angel inside me…Three guesses as to who. He’s a fugitive archangel who is still recovering from ‘dying’,” Richard says, deliberately air quoting the dying part. Misha stared at him.

“Gabriel?!” Misha yelps as the look on Richard’s face changes into a genuine grin and his voice changes tenor to how he uses it when playing Gabriel.

“The one and only,” Gabriel says with a grin Misha had come to learn comes from the angel not Richard, not really from him anyway. Well, not as frequently from Richard.

“Um…how long have you been using him as your muppet?” Misha asks with a raised brow and Gabriel chuckled.

“I have been in him since the moment before he came back in the ambulance. I was the one acting for Richard that Wednesday, Thursday and the Friday your hair was changed colors. That was all me. I usually let Richard have the wheel since I technically have no life to live of my own…” He paused and was about to take a breath when Misha’s phone rang and he took it out and blinked.

“Shit, it’s Bob…” He answered the call and was saying something had come up when Gabriel snapped his fingers and the phone was now in his hand and held to his ear.

“Hey. Yeah it’s me. Yes I stole him from you. Well he passed out on the set and I thought I should bring him to my hotel to rest. yes I’ll make sure he doesn’t ruin the wardrobe. I should have him back on the set within twenty minutes, okay? Well I want to makes sure he’s actually eaten something. I think it was just from lack of food…Yeah…Yeah and I’m going to need to talk to Jared when I get back on set about something…Mhm alright, see you in twenty,” And Gabriel brought the phone away and hung up. He saw Misha staring at him and tilted his head a bit like Misha would.

“Hey…Thanks, really,” He said as Gabriel gave him a very Richard-like smile.

“No problem, now to answer your question…Ever since they brought him back in the ambulance…,” Gabriel pauses and looks at him curiously again, “And you’re not pissed off or freaking out again…why?”

“Well, cause you both saved me from dying? I really don’t know why I’ve been overreacting its just…I don’t know something about seeing and feeling the power you displayed with the demon…It well, it spooked me and I wasn’t sure what to do after that so I just…kept my distance. That and I wasn’t really sure what was going on…Still not sure really but you guys saved me from dying so…that’s gotta be worth something right?” He says with a shrug and he saw a faint smile on Gabriel’s face. He also realized it was because of Gabriel that Richard has seemed so off a lot of the times…or that’s he’s seemed so damn in character it was like Richard wasn’t even there.

“You know what I don’t get? You’re supposed to be dead! You got stabbed!” Misha says, knowing how the episode went and Gabriel smirks at him.

“Same thing just happened to you too chucklehead,” Misha blinked at that as Gabriel snapped his fingers and the blood on Misha’s shirt was gone and it was magically buttoned back up.

“Though yeah…One thing the writers of yours didn’t get right is that Archangels are immortal. They don’t die. When Lucifer stabbed me, it killed my vessel and damaged my grace and…banished me from my world and sent me to this one. That was right when Richard here got in his crash. My grace attached to the next best person that could stand it, your world’s Richard. He’s the only one of endless worlds that actually stepped foot on the Supernatural set.” Gabriel went silent then and snapped his fingers and there was now a plate of food in Misha’s hands.

“And remember. Don’t piss me off again or you will have Neon blue hair for…forever,” He says with a smirk, “and would you believe that Richard was the one who gave me the idea for that?”

“Hmph. I would honestly have expected him to say neon orange. He can tell you the story behind that,” Misha says with a slight smirk as he starts eating, and when Gabriel started laughing his ass off, Misha had figured Richard had just told him about the underwear incident.

“Seriously? Orange underwear? That’s messed up!” Gabriel says while sniggering. There’s a flutter of feathers as the wings vanish. Misha just smiles sheepishly as he finishes his food before he pauses.

“Oh crap! We need to get back to the set! I need to have a talk with Jared about stabbing you with the real sword!” with that there’s a snap of fingers and they’re back on set and Gabriel’s already running up to where the set was they’d been at, Jared was there sitting on one of the beds.

Misha could see the quiet panic on Gabriel’s face real quick before he saw Jared holding the sword, stained with Misha’s blood and there’s an exchange between them but Misha nearly yelped when he saw Jared’s eyes go black and Gabriel was flung back against the wall. Apparently this demon was more powerful than the one from before.

Though he’d never seen Gabriel or Richard for that matter that pissed. He actually ran at Jared and tackled the man about eight inches taller than him. Gabriel was on top and Jared was basically hidden even as there was a yell from the younger man and black smoke went into the air, there’s a flare of white fire and the smoke’s gone and Suddenly Richard is right next to Misha. Richard staggers for a minute and Misha realizes it really is Richard as he grabs the shorter man’s shoulders and Richard’s nodding thankfully to Misha.

“He says to act like we’ve just gotten onto the set…” He mumbled as Jared stirred and got up and looks around blearily.

“Jared!” Richard yells towards the younger man and he goes running over to him and Jared looks at Richard oddly for a moment.

“Richard? Weren’t you just…here?” Jared mumbles and Richard shakes his head.

“No I just got here with Misha. What happened?” Richard asked as he helped his friend onto the bed.

“I…I don’t know…One minute we’re on break and the next I….I could swear You were tackling me Richard…” Jared muttered. Richard snorted out a laugh.

“Jared, I could never take down someone as huge as you,” He said as he patted Jared’s back and Jared just shook his head and looked to Misha who was watching them quietly.

“Come on let’s get you two to the set, I’m sure they’re wondering what’s taking us so long. Come on.” Richard said as he urged the two towards the other set, Jared ahead of him and Misha looked to Richard.

“What did you do?” He muttered to Richard who just smiled.

“I didn’t do anything. The demon just didn’t want Jared watching cause he was afraid Jared would break his hold if he knew what he was doing.” Richard mumbled. Misha shrugged and looked back to Jared and let out a sigh.
“At least he won’t be stabbing me anytime soon…” Misha muttered and Richard smiled at that.
Three days later.

“Okay, who did this to them?!” Jared’s yelling and pissed. The people he’s yelling at? Misha, Jensen and Richard. Richard can’t help the sniggering as he saw both Jared’s dog were bright neon yellow. Misha was also having a hard time keeping from laughing hysterically whereas Jensen had already gone to the level, he was rolling on the floor laughing hard and crying from it.
I think they like it, Gabriel said in between his own laughing fit, a smirk twisting Richard’s face. Hell he was pretty sure Marley was enjoying it.

“It was the ‘I got bored and have lots of dye’ man.” Richard says before he breaks and starts laughing his ass off. In truth Gabriel and Misha had done it earlier as a tag team. Misha had gone into Jared’s trailer and distracted him while Gabriel had done the deed. Jensen had just happened to come by and he had started howling with laughter and had been greeted by one of the dogs in question and he had just started laughing his ass off at that. Jared had come out to see this and now…Well here they were.
Jared narrowed his eyes at Richard.

“Hey! Don’t look at me! I didn’t do it!” He said raising his hands up in defeat and watching the dogs’ fur become their natural color again.

“I think it was all in your head Jared, look!” And he pointed at the dogs and Misha let out a snort of laughter at the look on Jared’s face. They were there laughing as Jared muttered something about brandy and Jensen and Misha flocked over to the table while Jared snuck out and went back to his trailer, still chuckling. Misha and the guys were gonna come over later for the game so he’d see them then. For now he wasn’t going to let Gabriel pull more than one stunt in an hour with the guys…
“Sam I don’t see why you want to come to this convent again,” Dean growled as they got out of the car with Cas right beside them, as silent as ever as they went up the steps of the convent and went inside…

They weren’t sure why Sam was drawn back there, but when he went through those doors there was a sort of growl and Cas stiffened.
“Sam…” He said in a tense and stiff tone as Sam stopped before they got towards where the dried blood circle was. Sam looked back to where Cas was standing in the entry.

“Do not go any further, something is not right here. We must go now before we cause something terrible to happen!” Cas said, something close to fear in his normally emotionless voice but Sam rolled his eyes and went forward.

“Sam no!” Dean yelled as suddenly there was a bright light like from the first night Lucifer was released and Cas swore loudly in enochian as they heard a high pitched tone and the room was filled with the light as they turned to try and leave but the doors had been slammed closed much like the first time.

“Cas! What’s happening?!” Dean yelled as Sam backed up, eyes wide as Dean looked to the angel at his side.

“Sam was Lucifer’s backdoor! He must have placed the urge for Sam to come here so that he could be freed with his true vessel being back at the scene of the release! We never did get to put the seals back in place after he was released.” Cas said as he too pounded against the door and his wings were black against the walls, at least the shadows were as they were blinded as an explosion rocked the convent and there was a pulse of light and warmth and when it had died down…Not a single one of them was there…
Richard scowled as he looked to the clock. They were an hour late! Damnit! He was going to see what was taking them so long. He got out of the trailer and went to Jared’s trailer only to get tackled by his dogs who were outside for some reason. He noticed they were scared and he hushed them quietly and looked up to the trailer, seeing the lights on. Okay, something was definitely off and Gabriel felt it too as he went up to the door and knocked on it.

“Hello? Guys? You know the dogs are out right?” He asked as he saw movement in there and the door opened and Richard frowned as he went in.

“Guys?” He called and then there was something hard connecting with his skull and he yelped and turned around and saw Jensen there, holding a gun and looking at him, startled to see him standing.

“Dude, what the hell Jensen?!” He snarled as he staggered back only for Jared to come at him from the doorway to the bedroom and Richard let out an annoyed growl and spun around and caught Jared’s hand with the gun in it.

“Real cute guys, you playing ‘Knock Richard out with the props’ game?” Richard growled as he shoved Jared towards Jensen.

“Actually, these aren’t props …” Wait what? And then there was a report and a biting pain in his shoulder and Richard let out a yelp of pain as he staggered into the bedroom. Okay what was going on? He didn’t realize another person there that stabbed him in the back with a knife and Richard let out a yelp as someone pressed a hand to his head and he spins around to see Misha, he snarled and decked him, hitting him right in the jaw. He saw Misha looked shocked for a moment before Richard heard something in the corner and saw Misha, Jensen, and Jared tied up there and he sighed.

“They were wondering when you’d come,” the Jensen double said from by the door, locking it.

“So…you’re Richard?” the Jared double said as they approached. Richard rubbed his head and realized Gabriel was silent. He was…hiding? No he was waiting.

“Yeah…what do you three want with…us?” He says motioning to the others tied up.

“To figure out what the hell kind of game Lucifer is putting us through cause this isn’t funny.” The second Jared said now and Richard could feel the color drain from his face.

“Should I tie this one up too?” Castiel asked from behind Richard as Dean and Sam frowned at Richard.

“Yeah go ahead, We need to figure out what’s going on without this one running off,” Dean said and Richard felt the smirk cross his face as Gabriel finally took over, Richard’s wings twitching and causing a flutter of feathers to sound through the room. They went at him and he snapped his fingers freezing them and smirking again.

“Oh man you guys. This is just, wow. Of all alternate worlds you could have ended up at, you end up at the one I am trapped in.” Gabriel says, shaking his head and he twitched his hand and threw Dean into the next room as he pulled out the knife and saw it was the knife they’d gotten from Ruby. He tossed it aside.

“That’s for shooting my vessel you ass, after everything I sacrificed standing up to Lucifer, you mooks decide to shoot me the moment trying to knock out my vessel doesn’t work!” Gabriel growls, pissed and he looks to Castiel and shakes a finger at him.

“And I’m disappointed in you Cas, you should have been able to sense me the moment Richard walked in the door. I may let him have free reign but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to feel me. Tsk.” He looks over to Jared and Jensen who are staring at him with wide eyes.

“Gabriel?” Jensen said questioningly and Gabriel sighed and did what Castiel had once done, let the shadows of his wings be seen. He didn’t feel like showing them the fully materialized versions.

“Yes,” He said as he saw Jared and Jensen start laughing.

“How long have you been here, brother?” Castiel asked and Gabriel looked to him and frowned.

“Three or four months their time…our time…about a year and a month. Time passes by slower here than it does back there.” Gabriel says calmly and he snaps his fingers, the bonds around the other three falling away.

“Now…you said something about Lucifer?”

castiel, misha, dean winchester, cw rpf, misha collins, demons, fic: crossover, gabriel, mark, cw rps, lucifer, sam, fic: supernatural, cas, richard speight jr, dean, richard, supernatural

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