A Angel's Child 2/2

Jan 21, 2011 10:26

Title: A Angel's Child
Author: candylovinangel 
Rating: G 
Pairing: Gabriel/Jimmy
Spoilers: 4.20 and 5.08, 5.19
Word Count: 1,036
Summary: Gabriel makes a mysterious visit to Jimmy and Amelia the day the child is born and seems to be more than stressed before having to leave...
This is a sequel to When I'm in Pain You're There

Part One of this two parter

The baby was born on April 22 that year and the moment the baby came out as was typical the baby was wailing, but this...this was different, it was a crying of the broken hearted, and Jimmy didn't know what to think even as he noticed the kid had Gabriel's hair color... The nurses took the kid and cleaned him up and then brought him back to Amelia, who despite what the doctors had told them months earlier, was alive and well and healthy and Jimmy was glad Gabriel had taken time to make sure she would be...

In came a breathless looking Gabriel about an hour later and he looked like he was in a hurry...

"The kid....what did you name him?" Gabriel asked, he was actually panting, like he'd gotten there as fast as he could and saw the baby look at him with wide blue eyes and Gabriel seemed so happy to see that kid as he went over to Amelia and asked if he could hold the tyke. Amelia knew what Gabriel had done, Jimmy had told her just weeks earlier and she nodded and let Gabriel hold the baby.

"We were hoping you would come, we haven't been able to decide," Jimmy said with a smile as  Gabriel thumbed the soft hair on the kid's head.

"He looks like a Matthew," He says with a smile as he looked to Jimmy smiling and the Amelia smiled too.

"Then Matthew it is," Amelia said as  Gabriel muttered something to Matthew and the baby giggled and  Gabriel  looked around the room and when it was clear he let his wings be shown in this plane and  little Matthew gasped as at that moment Gabriel wrapped his grace around him lovingly and brought his wings up and Matthew reached out and touched them with a giggle and Gabriel could tell the baby was pleased, and that the adults were in awe. He then gave the baby back to Amelia and his wings vanished and  he sighed and looked to Jimmy.

"I have to go save those mooks Sam and Dean...I hope you'll see me later..." He says as he starts to leave and Jimmy grabbed him by the jacket.

"What do you mean you hope to see me later?" He asked with concern, but Gabriel didn't answer the question.

"Just...take care of him okay?" He said in a soft voice and he got his jacket out of Jimmy's grip and then vanished in a flutter of wings...
It's a year later and they haven't seen Gabriel even once since the birth of Matthew and Jimmy was fearing the worst, Matthew was a cute kid, his hair full and hard to tame like Jimmy's own... Jimmy had finally gotten so desperate to find out what happened to Gabriel he left Matthew with Claire and Amelia as he went outside and stood in the backyard and  started yelling for Castiel, for Gabriel for anyone...and it was Castiel that appeared after ten minutes. Wow, Cas really did like that trenchcoat...

"Hello Jimmy, it has been quite a while," Castiel said in way of greeting and jimmy nodded, "What is it you're calling me for?" He asked gently, sensing that Jimmy was distressed.

"Where's Gabriel? It's Matthew's birthday and I haven't seen Gabriel in a year! He's this kid's father too and I want to know where he is!" Jimmy said in desperation and he saw shock go across Cas' face as he looked to the house.

"You have Gabriel's child? When did this happen?" Cas asked sharply.

"In September of last year, Amelia gave birth on April 22nd...," He saw Cas look away quietly and Jimmy took that as a bad sign even as the angel spoke after a minute, "Jimmy...That's the day Gabriel died...He was killed by Lucifer..." Jimmy blinked and shook his head.

"No...He can't be dead..." Jimmy said as he started to back up and Cas stopped him and showed him a memory burned into his mind now...Cas walking through a few doorways and then into a ballroom, and there on the floor with a sword through his chest and the shadows of his wings showing on the floor and blood dried to his mouth is Gabriel... When the reflection was gone jimmy had fallen to his knees.

"There may still be hope Jimmy, my father brought me back, he might have brought Gabriel back too," Cas said gently and Jimmy nodded even as Cas disappeared...

Jimmy got up and went inside and when Amelia saw the look on her husband's face, she knew what it meant...

September came around again and by now Jimmy had stopped hoping for anything and was now set into a daily routine and Matthew was lively and happy and his hair flipped out in the back like Gabriel's always had and it didn't help the toddler had started having dreams now...dreams the toddler would only say had 'a man with wings.' Matthew was smart and he was a fast learned and that's how at the age of one year and five months he could speak in a limited vocabulary.

The day was quiet, Jimmy and Amelia had been having financial troubles with how horrible the economy was and Amelia was out on a job she'd been lucky to get while Jimmy was still trying to find something where he could work at home cause of Matthew and Claire...

It was three in the afternoon when Matthew suddenly started yelling, 'Man with wings! Man with wings!' and the kid went running to the door and trying to open it even as there was a resounding knock.

Jimmy picked up the screaming kid and he opened the door, and nearly dropped said kid, found himself fumbling with Matthew as the kid tried to desperately get to the man there, who chuckled and took Matthew into his arms.

"What took you so long?" Jimmy asked with a happy smile as Gabriel beamed at him and kissed Matthew's head and walked inside.

"You wouldn't believe the waiting line to get resurrected by dear old dad, lots of complications and rejections of some and so on...So! What's to eat? I'm starved."

gabriel, castiel, lucifer, fic: supernatural, cas, trickster, pairing: gabriel/jimmy, supernatural

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