A Graceful Combination 2/5

Jan 05, 2011 00:06

Title: A Graceful Combiniation
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Gabriel, Richard, Jared, Jensen, Misha, Mark (In this part)
Spoilers: up until 6x11 ...maybe
Warnings: Fictional Characters + Actors = Crack from me,
Disclaimer: I don't own anything - Also the Actors here ARE NOT the real deal. I try and make their personalities somewhat close, and they still have their respective partners though RSJ here is single
Summary: Richard gets back into the throw of things and gets quite the surprise from the staff. Then later when something happens to Misha, it puts a serious dent in his and Richard's friendship...
Word Count: 6,057
Note: I got inspired by morganoconner 's fics Entangled and These Scattered Shards of a Broken Mirror (Piece Me Back Together). I had recently been suffering from some writer's block and this was just what I needed to inspire me and get me back on my feet.. Seriously Guys go check those out on her journal they are awesome.

Part 1
  Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5

They had sneaked Richard back on set, not wanting anyone to over excite him or get over excited. Richard didn’t complain once about the walk over, the long…agonizingly slow and painful walk. They were glancing back to see how he was doing and he desperately did what he could do keep the pain from crossing his face. They had offered to push him in a wheelchair but Richard had stubbornly refused it, too prideful to be in one. It was a good thing they got to the trailer when they did because Richard had been about to break and say something when the trailer had come into sight so he climbed up the steps, refusing the help from the others as he made his way over to the couch and that was when they heard a whimper from him as he sprawled out on it and passed the fuck out.

The three looked at Richard with worried looks for a moment before Misha said he’d be right back with the stuff for Richard and then left the two Js with an unconscious Richard. They took pity on Richard and got some blankets from Jensen’s small closet and put them over Richard, Jared also grabbing a pillow and lifting Richard’s head a bit to put the pillow under it and he put Richard’s head back carefully. Richard shifted a bit and burrowed his head into the pillow a bit muttering in his sleep. Jared and Jensen both frown when they hear what he’s saying.

“Gabriel you’re a fucking dick…” Jensen snorts out a laugh and turns to see Jared rolling his eyes. Both figured Richard would dream about Gabe after stuffing down all that candy. They went and sat down at the small table and then looked to Richard as he shifted a bit more in his sleep.

“I can’t believe he died three times…,” Jared muttered softly.

“Actually four, remember what Misha said? Richard flat lined right as the ambulance came,” Jensen said, correcting him. Jared scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Fine, we lost our friend four times within five weeks…but seriously, you and I both saw how he looked after the accident. There’s something weird going on with him. I’m glad he’s out of that coma, believe me, I am. And I’m glad he’s back to pulling pranks…but he should have known better than to eat all that candy at once…” Jared muttered and it’s clear he is worried for Richard.

“Jared, you know more than anyone that sometimes to pull off a good joke you have to overdo it a bit…though you’re right…Still I don’t know…”That’s when the door to the trailer opened again and Misha’s struggling to get in with two suitcases and a backpack, which he sets down by the couch. He lets out a huff of air and snorts when he sees that neither Jared nor Jensen had moved to help him.

“Guys, there’s more. Cause well…They kinda kicked him out of his apartment when he couldn’t pay the rent…I have a public storage unit nearby that has all of his stuff, furniture and everything…” Misha said quietly as their faces became ones of amusement to those of pure outrage.

“That’s beyond fucked up!” Jensen snarled like an angry lion or tiger. Misha nodded his agreement with that.

“I know it’s fucked up but the guy was just a money grubbing asshole and was trying to sell Richard’s stuff. So I called the cops on him and they let me bring Richard’s stuff down here for free. It’s kinda funny in one of those weird ways cause they are fans of his and had been pals of his as well. They were also rooting for him to recover…” He sighed and then looked to Richard on the couch for a while and Richard shifted on the couch.

“Stop staring at me Misha…stare any harder and I’ll burst into flame…” Richard muttered tiredly, Jensen, Jared and Misha chuckling. They watched as Richard fell asleep again, letting out a somewhat content sigh. Misha looked away and to the boys.

“Still, we have to talk to them about the trailer for him in the morning,” He said as he fell silent when there was this…rustling sound and they frowned and looked around.

“Jen, I think you have rats,” Jared said chuckling as Jensen glared at him.

“If I do it’s because they are scared shitless of your dogs but still want to eat your crap.” Jensen retorted angrily. Then they heard it again and it was followed up with a sigh from Richard as he settled deeper into the couch.

“Guys that was the rustle of feathers, not mice,” Misha said, rolling his eyes as Jared and Jensen raised brows at him in both surprise and confusion.

“What? I had a few birds when I was younger. Though, still, you probably have a nest of birds in the roof,” He says, cheered up a bit to be thinking of his childhood pets before he went back to the door.

“So yeah, remember, talk to them. If you forget I’ll do it.” He said before he left. Jared followed soon after. Jensen got up and had some warm hot chocolate and then got ready to sleep, glancing to Richard before he turned off the lights and went into the small bedroom and crawled under the covers…
When Jensen woke it was to see it was 6 AM, an hour ahead of when he usually woke…so he turned off the alarm and got up and got dressed and ready for work. He then started to enter the darkened living space and he paused when he heard something. He waited and thought he heard something between a whimper and a moan, either way it was there and he turned on the lights and saw Richard curled up on the couch. Jensen didn’t know if he was awake or not. But then he got closer and saw that Richard was defiantly awake as he was clenching his abdomen and his face was contorted in pain and his eyes were out of focus, like he’d focused on something else to try and keep from focusing on the pain.

“Shit! Richard! You didn’t take your meds did you?” Jensen asked, watching as it took Richard a minute to actually respond, his eyes focusing on Jensen and they no longer had that faraway look in them.

“No, I don’t know where they are. Last I recall you guys had them,” He breathed, pain lacing his voice as Jensen cursed and face palmed. Misha had been the one to get the meds from the doctor.

“Shit, well uncurl yourself from that position, it’s most likely not helping you any,” He said firmly and Richard listened, uncurling from the half circle he was in and he sat up, making a strangled noise in the back of his throat.

“That a bit better?” Jensen asked and Richard gave a slight shrug,

“A little,” He said, softly, pain still in his voice as Jensen straightens.

“Okay, I’ll be right back but first I have to kill Misha for not leaving your meds here,” Jensen said to which Richard nodded as Jensen bolted out the door and ran to Misha’s and hammered on it. His hand hurt by the time Misha opened it. He was in wardrobe and was blinking sleep out of his eyes.

“Yeesh Jensen, you’re gonna wake everybody…What’s wrong?” Misha asked even as Jensen smacked Misha on the head hard.

“You moron! You didn’t leave Richard’s meds in my trailer! I woke to him curled up and in so much pain he was in his own little world to try and escape it! It took me three minutes to get a response out of him!” Misha’s eyes widened and he went back inside and frantically came back with the meds and ran with Jensen back to the trailer, the trenchcoat flapping wildly behind him before they got back into the trailer and found Richard the way Jensen had left him though Jensen had noticed he’d zoned out on them again, hand still to his abdomen and pain still on those handsome features.

“Hey, Richard, you okay?” Misha asked as Richard seemed to be struggling to focus on Misha.

“Cas? What’re you doin’ here?” He mumbled and Misha frowned and snapped his fingers in front of Richard several times.

“Hey! Snap out of it! I’m not Cas and you know it Richard,” Misha said as Jensen came back with the water for Richard.
Richard looked up to Jensen and tilted his head, “Dean? Cas? What happened to Jensen ‘n’ Misha?” Richard mumbled, yeah, he really was out of it, his eyes seemed like they were clouded and still out of focus as he looked at both men.

“Just drink this,” Misha said with a sigh as he put the dosage of pills Richard would need into the older man’s hands and then Jensen gave Richard the water and he blinked at both items for a moment as if he didn’t know what they were but then he shrugged and popped the pills in his mouth and swallowed them with the water.

“We need to give him a sleeping pill, he clearly hasn’t gotten much sleep,” Jensen muttered as he went back to the table and Misha followed. Misha nodded and glanced to Richard who was finishing off the water and now watching them.

“Why do you think he thinks we’re Dean and Cas?” Jensen mutters as he starts making breakfast.

“Well, there are some people who when they’re in a lot of pain focus on familiar things and well sometimes they get a bit confused, kinda like they are in their own world for a bit when they finally manage to snap out of it, usually when the pain’s gone or diminished…” Misha muttered in response as he searched for the sleeping pills he knew Jensen used on occasion.

“Whatcha guys making?” Richard asked from his spot on the couch, shifting the blankets as he put his legs back up on the cushions.

“Breakfast, you hungry Richard?” Jensen asked as he glanced back to see Richard thinking, actually thinking about it.

“A little,” Richard said at last and Jensen nodded as Richard let out a huff of air and got up with a paint grunt and made his way over to the table and sat down heavily, there was that rustle of feathers again and Jensen looked up at the ceiling. He then shrugged and put some scrambled eggs on a plate with some bacon and hash browns and set it in front of Richard.

“I don’t care if you’re not all that hungry, eat it all,” He said sternly like a parent. Richard actually chuckled though there was still clearly pain in it; the pills hadn’t started working yet.

“Sure whatever, Dean-o,” He said as he happily started eating the food and Misha and Jensen exchanged looks of concern even as Richard cleaned the plate.

“Here,” Misha said at last, having found the sleeping pills and he took one and put the others back as Misha poured another glass of water and gave it to Richard and put the pill into his hand.

“Take this,” Misha said and Richard frowned and looked up at Misha.

“No,” He said clearly and firmly and that got an irritated look from Misha and Jensen glanced to the two.

“Why not? It’ll help you fall asleep it’s clear you didn’t have much of it,” Misha said as Richard looked at the pill and then them.

“No, I didn’t have much sleep, but that doesn’t give you the right to try and trick me into taking a fucking sleeping pill,” He growls at Misha before looking to Jensen for help. When none came he let out a bit of a growl and slammed the pill onto the table and went over to the couch and sulked there for a bit.

“Damnit Misha…” Jensen said with a sigh and he smacked Misha’s head again, Misha yelped and looked to Jensen indignantly. Richard looked up slightly as Jensen poked a finger to Misha’s chest.

“This wouldn’t be happening if you had left his painpills here,” Jensen growled and that’s when Jensen’s phone rings and he looks at it and blinks. “Shit! It’s Bob.” And he picked up and grimaced at the voice yelling at him.

“Sorry! We lost track of time! We’ll be right there!” And Jensen hung up and grabbed Misha by the coat and dragged him out of the trailer, leaving Richard alone all that suddenly and he was unsettled by it.
Richard rubbed his head after a few minutes and muttered something indistinctly. Gabriel had been controlling him for a bit, taking on all the pain and hell it had made Gabriel loopy to say the least and Richard pulled back control, telling the angel to rest, which he gladly did. Though now that Gabriel was more or less asleep that left Richard alone…and he hated that feeling. He went over to Jensen’s computer and logged onto Facebook and thanked everyone for their concern and let them know he was recovering well enough before logging off and he got up and dragged his hand through his hair.

Richard…I need you to say yes to me…this…process of recovering will be faster if you do… since you never actually..Allowed me in. Richard could tell at that moment just how weak the archangel was and he bit his lip as he thought it over. Gabriel seemed more than fine to let Richard have control so…

Yes. He said, trusting the angel more than he knew he should. He felt warmth seem to explode through him and he saw a brief flash through the room and then it had dimmed.

Think you can heal the wound at my abdomen now? Since I know I didn’t get it from the accident. Richard said and Gabriel hesitated.

I could now, before I couldn’t because you hadn’t said yes…though you better sit down, I’m gonna need some of your strength to pull this off. Richard sat down and waited as there’s suddenly an incredible pain in his abdomen and he could feel his strength ebbing away but within ten minutes the pain stopped and he was panting hard. Richard shook his head at the wave of dizziness. He was going to need to get something to eat and soon to replenish that energy that had been drained, but first…

He pulled off the bandage and sees smooth flawless skin and pokes it a bit. No pain.

There…now we’re both healed of that wound, Gabriel muttered before falling silent again and Richard felt bad for him but knew there wasn’t anything he could do so he tossed the pill he was still holding down the drain and then went and raided Jensen’s fridge, making himself a sandwich and eating it happily when there was a knock on the trailer door and he ignored it at first.

“Richard, it’s me, Jared,” Came Jared’s voice and Richard got annoyed and waved his hand, the door unlocking. He blinked at his careless action and at Gabriel hissing at him to be more careful and Jared came in and looked to Richard at the table eating.

“How are you doing?” He asked tentatively and he knew then that the boys had told Jared how he’d ‘confused’ them for Dean and Cas. He decided to screw with him a bit and screwed up his eyes.

“Are you sure you’re Jared? Cause you’re dressed like Sam…You two trying to pull a prank on me or something?” He says as he takes a drink of his water as he munches on the sandwich.

“Damn, they said you should be out of it by now…” Jared said with a sigh before he went and sat down by the table, “Seriously dude, snap out of it, you’re freaking us out.” Jared said, worry clear. Richard just smirked and kept eating.

“I’m not stupid Jared, you ought to know by now that I have gotten my senses back to me…though it’s kinda fuzzy from this morning…I can’t believe I called them Cas and Dean,” He says with a chuckle. Jared lets out a soft laugh.

“Well, you wanna go to the set? I know they’ll be happy to see you. They’re almost on their lunch break. I just finished shooting for the day and I was talking to them about getting you a trailer til you can find an apartment,” Jared said, smiling at him.

“Sure,” He said and he got up and snagged pepsi from Jensen’s fridge before he went with Jared out the trailer, holding onto his sandwich and the soda as he carefully went down the steps. Jared had a golf cart waiting just for Richard and Richard smiled. Better than walking and better than a wheelchair. He thought even as he got into the passenger’s side and happily munched away on the food.

“Jensen and Misha let it slip that you were the reason they were late and everyone’s waiting to see you. They’ve been talking about bringing Gabriel back, they’d been talking about it since they released the description for Hammer of The Gods but then you had your accident…” Jared trailed off and Richard put his pepsi in the cup holder and he patted Jared’s shoulder with his injured hand but hell he was so pumped full of the extra strength pills he didn’t feel the pain and he saw Jared look to him.

“Hey, I’m better,” He said with a smile and Jared smiled back.

“Well they have a few surprises for you actually but well if I tell you now they won’t be surprises.” He said as he brought Richard into the stage they were currently on as Richard took a large bite of food and nearly choked on it at the loud cheers that came from every direction as Jared came to a stop before the set and Richard blinked when Jared got out and smirked at him and even Gabriel managed a weak chuckle at all the flashing lights and crowding people and Richard realized it was an impromptu surprise welcome back party as he carefully stepped off the golfcart and was ushered onto the set and to sit down on one of the beds, Misha and Jensen smirking at him as he looked around dumbfounded and saw the food on the tables and the happy as hell people and he saw the drinks off to the side and he started laughing at the happiness that oozed out from everyone.

“Welcome back Richard!” They yelled and Richard beamed at them as they all flocked around him and pushed food into his hands, all of them saying he was too thin, that they needed to fatten him up a bit.

“Hey Richard! We had a few ideas for bringing you back on!” One of the writers in the crowd yelled and he heard a hush go across the crowd as they looked to Richard who had been eating some shrimp.

“Hey, I’m up for whatever,” He calls out to them and there’s lots of people moving and they all started hugging him and carefully too and then Eric and several of the writers came up.

“We were waiting to see for if you came out of your coma or not…and we know it’s been rough for you, and well we would like for you to start shooting in a week or so,” Eric said with a smile and Richard let out a barking laugh.

“You do know I have a broken arm and foot right?” He asked, raising his eyebrows at them.

“We factored that in, read the script,” Eric said with a smile and Richard opened it, aware of everyone holding their breath, and he could tell Gabriel was paying attention now too. He read over it and a slow smile started to spread across his face when he saw how Gabriel comes back into the throw of things. He asks Gabriel what he thinks.

Better than me staying dead on the show, even if I am still dead in my universe, I can never go back.. Gabriel whispered and Richard pretended to still read the script.

I know, but this is the next best thing isn’t it?

Yes. Richard looked up and smiled at them.

“When does shooting start?” He says and he sees everyone cheer again as Richard pops another shrimp into his mouth, smirking at them. Then there was the burst of energy he could sense from everyone as Eric started talking to him and saying they’d be sure to make time for him to be able to stay off his feet too much but Richard waved it off.

“The doctors said it should be better within a few weeks, don’t worry.” He said with a smile but Eric waved that off saying they needed to give him time enough to heal right and not get him overdoing it. After that they all happily ate the stuff provided and Misha and Jensen came over and patted Richard lightly on the back.

“Glad to see you’re feeling better. We were all waiting for Jared to call and say you still were out of it, and we would have had to save this food for another time.” Misha said with a smile and Richard smiled at him through a mouthful of salmon now. He swallowed it and messed up Misha’s hair.

“Hey, we all go to our own little worlds when we’re that out of it, but it wasn’t my fault you know. I was just trying to cope with the pain,” He says as he takes the bottle out of the pocket of his coat and looks it over. Two every 8 hours. He put it back and smiled at them. He was happy he had actual food to eat. He hadn’t really realized just how hungry he’d been. He vaguely saw that the camera men were recording this and he smirked at the camera and snapped his fingers just for show. He saw people start laughing and then he stood up and silence reigned as he cleared his throat and the camera man got closer.

“I just want to thank everyone for everything you guys have done and for the gifts that were given to wish me well. I’m glad there are so many people that care. I cannot begin to express my gratitude.”

“Do the smirk and the finger snapping for the camera!” Someone called and suddenly everyone behind Richard moved out of the way and people with a green screen got ready and Richard rolled his eyes and obliged and snapped his fingers with a smirk and a slight tilt of his head, and Gabriel applauded him for the imitation. That’s when the people with the green screen went behind him and he stayed like that for a minute before moving and he was met with applause and he smiled at them. He then announced he was going to snag a platter of the shrimp and some bags of chips, declaring that Jensen’s trailer had too little food. It was after he said that that one of the crew members came and told him they had a trailer ready.

“Oh goody,” He said with a smirk and he got in the golf cart and the three boys joined him as they were taken to the trailer and Richard given the key as he thanked them again and went inside, the three following him as he set the shrimp and chips on the counter. He smiled at them for a moment before looking around the trailer. It was the same one he had used last time he’d been here and he actually went to the drawers and found his clothes and chuckled, shaking his head. He was happy. Really happy as he sat down on the couch and started talking animatedly with the three that had followed him like stray puppies.
There was a knock on the door and Sam went and opened it, and he yelped and jumped back upon seeing who was there, shadowed in the doorway for a moment.

“Well that’s no way to say hello,” Gabriel says with a smirk as he walks inside the Winchester brother’s latest hotel room, his face lit up by the lights in there, and looks around and his eyes land on Dean and then Cas before a smile spreads across his face as he limps inside some more.

“Well well, looks like someone’s not doing what he’s supposed to be,” Gabriel said, his sharp hazel eyes on Cas who scowled back.

“What are you doing here Gabriel, if it is you after all,” Dean said from the side, having closed the door almost silently and Gabriel waved his right arm about in a careless manner before he sat down in a chair casually, putting his feet up and a slight thunk is heard on the table as Gabriel leans back in the chair.

“Take a guess, I just love to hear the theories you mooks come up with,” He says slyly as he takes out a lollipop and starts sucking on it, eyes looking between the three.

“Your dad pulled you out of purgatory,” Sam says at last and Gabriel smirks and claps his hands mockingly.

“Very good! Though mind explaining why you haven’t been talking to me Cas?” He says now stonily as he swings his feet off the table and goes over to Cas and pokes him in the chest.

“I’ve been trying to get your ass to my location for days you mook. Days and yet you ignored me like I was nothing!” He growls and Dean pulls Gabriel away from him.

“We told him not to, we weren’t sure it was you, hell we still aren’t after all, since when do you have…” And Dean pulls the sleeves of the jacket down, Gabriel hissing in pain as a cast is revealed and he makes a motion with his hand-

“Freeze!” Called the director and they hooked Jensen up to some wires and then called action as Jensen was pulled against the wall and fell to his knees.

“Sorry…” Gabriel/Richard said with a mutter, “Kneejerk reaction, though seriously, could have done without you pointing out just how …human I am at the moment,” He growled as he pulled the sleeves of his shirt and jacket back up and sat down heavily on the chair.

“Human my ass, that was a hard throw,” Dean/Jensen growled as he got back up, another yell of cut and they took the wires off Jensen, then action again.

“Didn’t say I was completely human you moron,” Gabriel growled as he glared at them.

“How is that possible Gabriel?” Castiel asked, Sam watching from the side, eyes alert and on Gabriel.

“I’m just a bit low on my battery is all! My power is slowly coming back but until it does I’m vulnerable…and believe me, it sucks.” Sam comes up to Gabriel and pats him on the shoulder.

“Well, Gabriel…When you’re in team freewill…crap happens. First initiation step? Dying. We’ve all died at least once, Cas there twice, Me once or twice, Dean…Well you know how many times you killed Dean,” Sam says with a chuckle, getting a glare from Dean and Gabriel smirked at him.

“Well this team sucks then,” Gabriel says with a smirk and then there’s silence as Gabriel flicks his eyes to Cas who squirms a bit. Then there’s a call of cut and Richard’s letting out a breath and Misha looks to Richard with a smile.

“Damn Richard you really got into it,” He says as he approaches and Richard smiles back at him and lets out another breath.

“Phew. And Jensen, next time, a little easier on that please? You really did hurt my arm,” Richard says calmly and Jensen grimaces.

“Sorry about that,” He says apologetically but Richard waves it off and stretches that arm carefully.

“It’s definitely healing up well though, can’t really lift much with it yet, though been able to lift pots and pans with it without much pain,” He says with a happy smile. The director came onto the set and started talking to them just then and then they redid the scene another five times more for camera angels than anything else…Then finally it was done and Richard remembered going back to his trailer, collapsing on the bed and sleeping for a solid ten hours…
Two weeks later

Richard’s in his trailer laughing and dancing and doing the jerk with Matt Cohen as ridiculously upbeat music came from the radio. Misha, Jared and Jensen were watching Matt and Richard make fools of themselves, Richard more so than Matt because he was celebrating his full recovery, casts gone and filled with pure contagious joy. Halfway through he tripped and almost fell on his face when his arms flew out and he ended up in a handstand before doing a backflip and landing on his feet. Everyone in the room went silent.

“Whoa! How did you pull that off?” Matt asked as Richard gave a faint laugh and shrugged at Matt.

“No clue, reflexes I guess,” He said casually. Over the last two weeks Gabriel had started getting his power back faster than before . He also noticed that whenever he had gotten close to injuring himself like now, Gabriel would instantly take brief control and pull off something Richard would never have been able to do on his own fast enough that kept him from getting hurt. Though it had never been anything this extreme and even now he felt everyone looking at him like he is a freak…

“Would you guys not look at me like that?” He growled, seeing how they were looking at him.

“Like what?” Jensen asked almost too innocently.

“Like I’m a freak. Or like I’m on something,” Richard growled as he let out a huff of air.

“Richard we-“ Matt started to say but Richard cut him off.

“Save it Matt,” He said before looking to the three on the couch, “You three have been acting like I have a second face to me, lately! That and this suspicion and wariness you lot have had around me…You don’t think I haven’t noticed it? And you know what? I’m fucking sick of it!” and with that he stormed out of the trailer and ran at a brisk pace out of the gates and to the park near the set where he came to a panting stop. His breath fogged in the air as he breathed out hard as he sat on a swing and gazed up at the stars with a sense of…sadness and betrayal.

I’m sorry, Richard. Is what the archangel said, sadness in his voice, something Richard had never heard there before.

Why? Not your fault they are so suspicious… He says as he leans back on the swing and starts swinging on it closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of the breeze through his hair…

It is my fault, if I hadn’t-

Don’t. What you did you did for not only your survival but for mine. I don’t and will not blame you for this. Richard said firmly as he realized he had struck Gabriel speechless. It took him a bit to respond.

Yet…it’s because of me that they are suspicious of you. I won’t blame you if you want to tell them about me. Hell, I’ll even tell them if you want to make it flashy and all. Gabriel suggested and Richard couldn’t help the soft laugh that came from him as he heard the flashy bit.

Ah, well I don’t know. I don’t want to just say it out of nowhere. I like keeping it a secret after all. We could do a lot of awesome pranks and no-one would know better. Anyways, I don’t want it to be out of nowhere. I want it to be right…You know one of those moments where you just…know. He said as he kept swinging. He heard nothing in the nightair and couldn’t help but be disappointed that none of them had.

So…Feel like getting back at them? Gabriel said with mischievousness to his voice and Richard grinned.

I say we make Jared’s dogs an eyesore of a color and then make Misha’s hair neon blue. Richard says, chuckling.

With pink at the tips! Gabriel added.


Richard decided to walk back to his trailer a few minutes after that and when he got inside he noticed Misha was the only one left. He was reclined back in the reclining chair and Richard eyed him for a moment.

“Misha…What are you doing here? I thought you’d be back at your trailer,” Richard said as Misha chuckled.

“Why would I go when I could catch the ‘great’ vessel of Gabriel alone?” And Misha’s eyes went black. Richard yelped and stumbled back tripping over his coffee table and falling on his back. He could sense Misha still in there, trapped. He could sense Misha’s horror at the situation… Richard decided it best to play dumb as he got up and backed away.

“Gabriel’s vessel? Come on Misha, take the contacts off, this isn’t funny…” Richard stammered out carefully.

What are you doing? Gabriel asked, fuming, I could kill it!

Hold on… Richard told the irritated archangel as Misha, or the demon controlling him spoke again.

“You think this is a prank, a game? No! This is real you ignorant bastard! You MUST NOT exist here! There cannot be another angel to oppose Lucifer’s come back! And for that to not happen there must not be another vessel around!” The demon stood Misha up and had him advance…He flicked Misha’s hand in a clear motion to throw Richard. It was clear the demon’s power was weakened here compared to Gabriel’s who was so much stronger. Richard barely twitched at the motion.

“You know the flaw in your plan? Me,” Richard said allowing Gabriel to speak at the end as Richard lunged at Misha and tackled him to the ground. He put his hand to Misha’s forehead and narrowed his eyes as the demon was forced out through sheer force of will from both Gabriel and Richard. The Smoke was trapped as Richard got up and felt weirdly like Sam in the fourth season as he held out his hand and made it into a clawlike motion as Gabriel killed the smoke that was the demon. Richard let his hand drop and he looked back and saw Misha looking up at him from the floor. Richard saw and felt the fear and he felt his heart sink as he tried to get closer to his friend.

“Misha I can-“ He said as he got closer but Misha backed the hell away.

“Get away from me!” Misha yelped as he managed to get to his feet and was edging toward the door, quite clearly freaked out.

See what I mean? Richard said sadly as Misha bolted out the door and there was a thud as apparently he tripped on the way down the steps but when Richard went to the door it was to hear retreating footsteps.

Yeah, I do. Clearly this wasn’t that moment you were talking about. Gabriel said as Richard closed the door and locked it, closing all the shades and taking out some scotch and pouring himself some as he sat there, knowing he freaked out his best friend, not to mention gave him a reason to be scared out of his mind when around Richard now. There’s no way Misha couldn’t have felt the power behind what was done… Richard could tell Gabriel was sad for him and he didn’t need that pity so he downed another shot as he stared at the table and could smell the stench of sulfur. He didn’t care particularly to what the demon had said…

Richard got up after a few more drinks and then put the scotch away and turned off the lights, going into the small bedroom and collapsing onto the bed and burying his face in the pillows there. Yeah…best friend his ass…

castiel, misha, dean winchester, pairing: richard/gabriel, cw rpf, misha collins, demons, jared, gabriel, cw rps, sam, fic: supernatural, cas, richard speight jr, jensen, dean, richard, supernatural

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