A Graceful Combination Epilouge

Feb 07, 2011 00:43

Title: A Graceful Combiniation
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Gabriel, Richard, Jared, Jensen, Misha, Mark (In this part)
Spoilers: up until 6x12 
Warnings: Fictional Characters + Actors = Crack from me,
Disclaimer: I don't own anything - Also the Actors here ARE NOT the real deal. I try and make their personalities somewhat close, and they still have their respective partners though RSJ here is single
Summary: Home is where the heart is...or well Grace anyway.
Word Count: 1,351
Note: I got inspired by morganoconner 's fics Entangled and These Scattered Shards of a Broken Mirror (Piece Me Back Together). I had recently been suffering from some writer's block and this was just what I needed to inspire me and get me back on my feet.. Seriously Guys go check those out on her journal they are awesome. HAHAHA Oh wow I totally mixed up the colors for their mind speaking thing here and in the last chapter, aw well hopefully you guys can understand!

Part 1
  Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5

Gabriel woke with a yell the next morning and found he was in an incredible amount of pain and wet, no not just wet but soaked. What the-? He could feel a faint presence tugging at the back of his mind that was Richard but he wasn’t actually there. He wasn’t sharing a body with Richard it…confused him.

Consider this your second chance Gabriel. You can still talk with Richard even now. Now go my son, time for you to go and meet the Winchesters once more. Gabriel smiled upon hearing his father’s voice, warm kind and familiar and he hummed deep in his chest even as he struggled to get up and he was as weak as he had been just hours…or maybe days earlier as he struggled to make his way to the road for help.

It was then that he reached out for his friend and the person he would eternally be connected to it seemed…
Richard had woken that morning to find Gabriel gone…and yet…no could feel him, just a little though not like before. Not like he was actually there…Yet somehow he could-

Hey Richard, Came Gabriel’s voice, laced with pain and exhaustion and it was faint, almost like Gabriel was ready to pass out.

Where are you? Richard asked, alarmed by how weak Gabriel sounded, not to mention the pain in his voice.

Back in my world…It was my dad’s doing before you ask. Said he wanted to give me a second chance here, though he said I could still talk to you whenever I wanted..So here I am talking to you while I try to get to the road for help with these damn injuries… Richard couldn’t help but laugh and it was as he approached Misha, who raised a brow.

“Well, Gabe’s back in his world. Guess it’s his reward or something,” He said as a way of explanation, “Still able to talk with him though,” He said and Misha nodded and smiled.

So in other words I’m your means of entertainment while you try not to pass out. He said with some amusement as Gabriel didn’t even try to deny that.

“Tell him I said hi and that I won’t miss you guys turning my hair blue,” Misha said with a chuckle as they walked towards the set.

Misha says hi and that he’s glad you won’t be able to turn his hair into bright neon colors, Richard said, chuckling while he did and Gabriel seemed amused by this too.

Then he was on the set and he sighed but smiled at the same time. He was just glad that he still was playing Gabriel, that the archangel was still alive.

Okay Gabriel, time for me to be on set..no distracting me okay? I’ll let you know how it went in the breaks okay?

Naw, you go on with your life again and I’ll get to..to the Winchesters like I’m supposed to…Somehow…Oh look a car! Richard blinked at that even as the contact faded…

Several hours later after he got off the set he was chatting with Misha, Jared and Jensen on set when he suddenly felt a rush go to his head and he actually had to grab onto Jared as a support beam…heh and well he felt a sudden lightheadedness and an elated feeling and he didn’t get it really…it wasn’t something he’d felt for a while ever since the painpills.

“Whoa! Well that’s weird…” He mutters as he hears an odd giggling from Gabriel.

Hee hee…Hey Richard! I think I’m…I’m in a hos…hospital…guess what? I got the same injurrreez you had. Wait, I say tha’ right? Ha! They have me pumped fulla morphine.

“What’s wrong Richard?” Came Jared’s sharp and worried voice.

“nothing…Gabe’s just pumped full of Morphine on his end, guess a little of that got through to me when he was trying to talk.” He smiled at them.

“I think he’s a few days away from seeing Sam, Dean and Cas again,” He says with a smile. They smile back and walk with him off set to watch the game and have their fun.
Two weeks later…

There was a knock on the door and Sam went and opened it, and he yelped and jumped back upon seeing who was there, shadowed in the doorway for a moment.

“Well that’s no way to say hello,” Gabriel says with a smirk as he walks inside the Winchester brother’s latest hotel room, his face lit up by the lights in there, and looks around and his eyes land on Dean and then Cas before a smile spreads across his face as he limps inside some more, he was happy to see them alive and well still.

“Well well, looks like someone’s not doing what he’s supposed to be,” Gabriel said, his sharp hazel eyes on Cas who scowled back.

“What are you doing here Gabriel, if it is you after all,” Dean said from the side, having closed the door almost silently and Gabriel waved his right arm about in a careless manner before he sat down in a chair casually, putting his feet up and a slight thunk is heard on the table because of his cast on his left foot as Gabriel leans back in the chair.

“Take a guess, I just love to hear the theories you mooks come up with,” He says slyly as he takes out a lollipop and starts sucking on it, eyes looking between the three, he always did love the strawberry flavored lollipops..

“Your dad pulled you out of purgatory,” Sam says at last and Gabriel smirks and claps his hands mockingly.

“Very good! Though mind explaining why you haven’t been talking to me Cas?” He says now stonily as he swings his feet off the table and goes over to Cas and pokes him in the chest.

“I’ve been trying to get your ass to my location for days you mook. Days and yet you ignored me like I was nothing!” He growls and Dean pulls Gabriel away from him.

“We told him not to, we weren’t sure it was you, hell we still aren’t after all, since when do you have…” And Dean pulls the sleeve of the jacket down, Gabriel hissing in pain as his cast is revealed and his fingers barely twitch and Dean is sent flying hard into the wall and fell to his knees. Dean had unnecessarily caused a flare of pain to go through the injured arm.

“Sorry…” Gabriel said with a mutter, “Kneejerk reaction, though seriously, could have done without you pointing out just how …human I am at the moment,” He growled as he pulled the sleeves of his shirt and jacket back up and sat down heavily on the chair.

“Human my ass, that was a hard throw,” Dean growled as he got back up.

“Didn’t say I was completely human you moron,” Gabriel growled as he glared at them.

“How is that possible Gabriel?” Castiel asked, Sam watching from the side, eyes alert and on Gabriel.

“I’m just a bit low on my battery is all! My power is slowly coming back but until it does I’m vulnerable…and believe me, it sucks.” Sam comes up to Gabriel and pats him on the shoulder and Gabriel looks up to him and can’t help the small smile that comes to his face.

“Well, Gabriel…When you’re in team freewill…crap happens. First initiation step? Dying. We’ve all died at least once, Cas there twice, Me once or twice, Dean…Well you know how many times you killed Dean,” Sam says with a chuckle, getting a glare from Dean and Gabriel smirked at him.

“Well this team sucks then,” Gabriel says with a smirk and then there’s silence as Gabriel flicks his eyes to Cas who squirms a bit. Dean and Sam chuckled and Gabriel relaxed and quietly reflected on how good it was to be home even as he said to Richard…

I’m home…but I still miss your company…

Me too.

castiel, misha, dean winchester, pairing: richard/gabriel, cw rpf, misha collins, fic: crossover, winchester, gabriel, cw rps, sam, cas, fic: supernatural, trickster, richard speight jr, dean, richard, supernatural

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