Pieces Left Behind 6/6

May 21, 2011 15:27

 Title: Pieces Left Behind 
Author: candylovinangel   
Rating: NC-17 
Spoilers: Seen Jericho Season 1 & 2? Know who Sam, Dean and Gabriel are? You're good.
Word Count: 3271
Summary: A mushroom cloud in Denver spells panic for the small town of Jericho, and when a storm that is suspected to be radioactive comes upon the town, Bill gets caught in it, even if briefly, and it changes his life along with other peoples' lives from then on...

Part 1| part 2 | part 3| part 4| part 5 | Part 6 - This one-

Bill woke with a start the next morning and he looked around. He saw his wings had shown up in the middle of the night and that the sun was shining right on him, warming him and his wings seemed to be soaking up that light…huh that might be why they were out. But there was that feeling of danger on the horizon that scared him and he got up and dressed in his deputy’s uniform and got both guns from his dresser and put them in his holsters and he got up and all but ran out of the bedroom and saw Dean and Sam dressed in their uniforms downstairs and they were edgy and Jessica was being taken by Jimmy.

“What’s going on?” He asked as he smoothed out his hair.

“Jimmy’s wife is going to take care of Jessica, we’re all needed down at the station, Constantino is trying to get land…” Sam explained and Bill nodded and led the way outside, going to his sheriff’s patrol car and getting in the driver’s seat.

“Dude, really, I’m going to end up in the back?” Dean said with a huff and Bill looked at him in the rearview mirror.

“Ah well you are the naughtiest of us,” He said with a smirk and Dean huffed.

“Not really, that would be you,” Dean said and Bill rolled his eyes as he backed out of the driveway.

“Sorry, haven’t been a Trickster for a while now, Dean-o not since well, the bombs really,” He said calmly as he headed for the station.

He got there with the boys and went into the sheriff’s office where the others were and they started discussing checkpoints and patrols.

“How much time do we have left until the four hours are up?” Gray asked and Jimmy Sam looked down at his watch.

“fifty minutes,” He said after a minute and Gray nodded to him as Jimmy came back in.

The farmers came out to the sheriff’s office and started badgering Gray who started talking to them, telling them that no-one was giving away any farms…

Sam, Dean and Bill helped to try and calm people down and then went back into the office five minutes before the four hour mark and waited, Bill standing by a window and the brother’s at each door…Now they waited to see what would happen…

“Should we call Constantino?” Bill asked after a moment when Stanley came in saying the rangers hadn’t seen anything. Then…Then there was a whistling sound in the air…

“EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS!” Johnston yelled and there was an explosion right as Bill ducked, a shard of glass slashing into his eyebrow… Why was it always the eyes?

Bill ran out with Jake and barely avoided the second blast and he helped to get people off the street before running inside with Gray and heard Gray yelling at Constantino for what he did.

“One hour Gray. We need those farms. We sent in two this time, next time it will be four,” and Constantino got off the line and Bill went outside.

Bill went running outside with Dean and Sam and he started helping up the injured and discreetly healing them. They seemed shocked at first but Dean and Sam noticed what he was doing as he took each person to the med center, healing the wound to the point where they were minor. He did this with all of them. He didn’t want anyone dying today…

Hawkins was on the street and he yelled for everyone to get underground and Bill did, going under townhall with Sam and Dean to join Gray, Johnston, Jimmy, Jake and Eric…

They all started arguing about what the rangers should do as Bill got to the edge of the table and then someone pulled a gun and bill Backed away, holding his hands up. He knew Dean had his gun out and Sam looked to Dean and Bill hissed for Dean to put it down…

Panic was in the air and Bill could taste it…Panic was horrible when it came to situations like this.

So they waited for a long time, the tension thick in the air and he finally spoke.

“How do we know if it worked?” he asked at last and Gray looked up and shook his head. Seconds later four motar rounds went off above them, shaking the roof of the shelter.

After a minute they went out and ran to find Stanley arriving with four maybe five rangers and Bill watched in horror as Bill heard Stanley said that the rest of them were dead and Jake tried to attack Gray but his father stopped him…The men left and then Bill followed Gray and Jimmy down to the shelter under town hall. Bill quietly send the dead to be judged without so much as a thought, though all of them seemed curious as to why he had wings and glowed…

Sam joined them along with Dean and they listened as Gray tried to talk with Constantino and Bill sat there basically praying, it looked like it but he was trying to contain his agitation as strategies and his wings twitched in agitation as he fought to keep from lashing out with Gray who asked for time to think on this in order to make negotiations. Gray granted that as Jimmy left and then came back with Eric.

Bill got up, “Why’d you bring Eric in here?” He asked sharply and Jimmy just said for him to listen.

Eric started talking and then the guys started to move Stanley and Jake out and Guns were pulled all of them taking them out,

“CALM DOWN! DROP YOUR WEAPONS!” Bill yelled along with the others and he head Eric through the yelling.

“We have people out there!”

“Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!” Gray yelled and he talked with Eric who said they had all the maps of where all the sites and supply lines were at and that Jonah was working with them.

Bill felt his heart pounding and he could feel the adrenaline rush through his veins as he put the gun away. ..

Constantino came over the radio then and Gray looked to Bill, panicked.

“We gotta tell him I didn’t send those men out there!”

Bill just gave a slight shrug and a look of ‘What do you except me to do?’

Then Gray picked up the radio and responded and started negotiating using his businessman skills and Bill watched quietly and he started pacing a bit and Dean and Sam were also pacing a bit.

What turned out to be really annoying was that Constantino had plenty of scouts out there to know what was usable and what wasn’t… He then said he was going to send in more mortars.
Bill prayed that the boys outside on the mortar sight had the right one and that they had been stopped…

That’s when they came, all of them and Bill backed himself into a corner and started sending the dead on their way quietly. Dean and Sam shielded him from sight at a word.

“Did we take them out?” One of the men asked as bill finished and went and sat down again.

“He would have come back on the radio,” Bill said as Johnston came in…

“We took out the mortars…” He said as he held his arm…

“Hell yeah,” Bill said softly as he stood.

“Gray, are you there?” Everyone looked to the walkie talkie as Gray went over to it.

“Yup,” He said as he lifted it up and looked to everyone around.

“Now you’ve brought this on yourself there’s no deals no mercy we’re coming this means war, you hear me Gray?” Constantino said over the walkie talkie and Gray turned it off as Bill numbly stared at the table. Son of a bitch this…was gonna be bad. The dead…knowing there was gonna be more…would be harassing him during the battles… Why did so many have to die?

He didn’t hear the rest of what was said but he did go outside and wait for Jake and Hawkins to get back, and he saw the truck and approached it quietly with Sam and Dean who could all but see the heaviness on his shoulders of the coming battle.

“This…is a fight for our very existence,” Johnston said, “Pray for each other and while you’re at it pray for the men and women of New Bern…and pray that god forgives us,” He said before getting down and Jake got up and called for everyone who needed a gun 16 and older to line up and Bill went up and Hawkins started giving him guns to pass out…

Bill kept one for himself and then started passing them on. War…He remembered a war in a plane not on earth…a war with his brothers…a war that ended with them falling from grace…falling from paradise… Now here he was in another war…and this time he’d have to kill humankind, the kind made after God himself…in his image…

Somewhere between then and Morning the boys and Bill managed to get to the house, eat and in Sam and Dean’s cases sleep while they got into more gray, brown and dark green clothing. The better to hide among the landscape out there in the fields…

Bill stayed up and quietly wondered if this was the war he’d felt coming…but that was for a later time… But soon he was waking up the boys and telling them it was time to go, and then he just brought them on a ride with him to town hall and they went into the office and they then started waiting for Jake.

They talked about where to stand and it was des decided that Stanley’s farm was decided the place to make their stand. Then they all set off to go to the farm, Dean refusing to let his impala be used and he punched one of the guys and well, that got the point across, and that was that. They all got rides in different cars up to the farm, Bill ended up in a truck… He hated how slow it was compared to flying…but hey, blending in right?

But yeah he had an awesome task. He had a mortar round the others had brought in from New Bern. He grinned as Johnston asked him and Gray to arm the tank.

Stanley joined them as they ran over to the Barn and started working on it, Sam and Dean were to help out with the regular fighting on the front line… They fumbled with it before Bill finally managed to put it in and then he looked to Gray.

“Stay by the farm house!” He said before he climbed in the top and Stanley started the engine as he got on the lower level. Bill would be working the gun….so now it was time to go on the slow ride that was the tank’s speed, yet the noticed that Johnston walked along with them, gun at the ready…

The damn thing was so slow and yet Bill could hear fighting and gunfire. He now sent the souls away with a thought not a touch since he couldn’t take his hands off of the steering for the top part.

Soon they got to the top of the hill and he heard the sounds of the bullets bouncing off of the tank and then gunfire from Johnston as
Bill aimed the cannon at the people there… It pained him to do this…bit he waited until they were mostly clear until he blew up a truck,
He then pulled himself out of the chamber and into fresh air.

“Did you see what I just did?!” He laughed as he stared at the retreating forces and Stanley poked his head out from the bottom half of the tank.

“Holy crap!” Was all he could say.

Everyone was happy and Jake said, “It won’t be nearly as easy next time.

“Easy? You think that was easy?” Bill asked and he rolled his eyes before Eric spotted Johnston and he was shot…fuck he’d been shot!

That’s when everyone went scrambling to take him back to the farm house and Dean and Sam followed as a few people stayed behind at the posts.

He stayed in the house and he went over by Johnston and tried to help as best he could and he helped keep the towel pressed to Johnston’s wound as the boys went around like headless chickens trying to find the right stuff, but from the light of Johnston’s aura, Bill knew he was going to die…

Johnston looked to him and squinted at him a bit.

“You’re…bright, Bill…” he mumbled and Bill blinked and looked down at himself…he wasn’t glowing… but then he realized that Johnston was at Death’s doorstep…so of course he could see something of what Bill is… Soon Bill was pushed away and Jake was back and everyone was told to leave and Bill waited outside on the back porch, listening in quietly as he stretched out his senses in the moment that Johnston died… When Johnston’s soul came to him he seemed surprised, but Bill didn’t move he waited for Johnston to initiate the conversation as he sat down without a sound.

“So…which one are you?” Johnston asked as he reached a hand out and it grazed against one of the six wings. Bill let out a laugh.

“I…well I was Gabriel, but I’m also Bill it’s…a confusing situation really. I’m kinda two people in one,” He shrugged and a wing stretched out and settled as Bill looked to Johnston who was watching him curiously.

“Why didn’t you do anything to help me?” He asked and Bill let out a sigh and put his head in his hands.

“You sons kicked me out of the house before I could…” He said softly and Johnston seemed more than curious right now.

“So..how long has this whole Bill and Gabriel stuff been going on for?” Johnston asked and Bill looked him right in the eyes.

“Ever since I made that miraculous recovery at the med center…but it didn’t happen right away…it…happened slowly. I only really got these-“ and he moved the wings, “and being able to help people move on along with everything else about a week or so ago…Kinda hard to count the days…” He looked away at that point.

“During the explosions yesterday I healed everyone I was taking to the med center and when I went to that corner of the room and Dean and Sam kinda shielded me from sight? I was sending the men that had died in the first attack on, you know the rangers…” He then leaned his head back against the house and looked to Johnston, “I never asked if they wanted to move on, I could tell they wanted to without asking…but well I can’t tell with you…” He said honestly and Johnston chuckled and shrugged.

“I want to stay and see how it all turns out,” Johnston said honestly and Bill nodded as he stood up. He could feel Johnston watching him, and he had a feeling the man had to stay close to him…

He went to the front with the others and waited as the door opened and Jake came out and looked at them kinda glassy eyes for a long minute.

“My father’s dead,” He said to the crowd of people out there waiting,

“We’ll get through,” And he turned and went back inside and Eric motioned the rangers to come inside and Bill went in with them, he was the last one in and he waited a second as Johnston’s soul went past him quietly and Bill then closed the door and went to stand at the dining room table as Jake told them they were going to keep this ground and that they were going to keep fighting…and then Bill and the others left and Bill stood on the porch and looked to where Jake was with Emily, saw him crying his grief and Johnston looked back to Bill.

“Gabriel…can’t you do something? You’re the Archangel of resurrections aren’t you?” He asked softly and Bill nodded to him, not even caring that he might look weird.

“Can you bring me back?” Johnston asked after a moment and Bill sighed.

“I…could but well…it seems like it was your time…not everyone goes peacefully Johnston…” He whispered and he looked to Emily who was consoling Jake.

“You know he’s watching over us, right?” Emily said softly and Bill let out a small huff of air at the irony of that and he looked to Johnston.

Bill had the walkie talkie from Constintine as he went down and got ready by one of the cars, putting ammo in the gun he had.

“So…if you’re an Archangel why don’t you smite the crap out of these guys?” Johnston asked and Bill couldn’t help a small laugh, and thankfully he was by Sam and Dean.

“There are times a good smiting helps, but not all the time, Johnston,” He said in a low voice and Sam and Dean exchanged looks.

“Johnston’s still here?” Dean hissed and Bill nodded at him.

“He wanted to see how it turns out, I’m not going to deny him that right…” Bill said softly.

“They know what’s going on with you?” Johnston asked with a raised brow and Bill chuckled.

“They are why I’m like this. Before I was 100% pure Bill, pure human until they told their buddy Gabriel that if he wanted to survive to take a vessel no matter what the cost…So well here I am, I’m the ah… more dominant one apparently,” Bill said with a shrug and he let out a soft breath as suddenly Constantino’s voice came over the walkie talkie and Bill pulled it out and went to Jake.

“It’s Constantino…” He said quietly and Jake nodded and took the walkie talkie.

“I’m here”

“My scouts just informed me. I’m sorry about your father,” Constantino started and Bill listened as Jake said one word to him when Constantino was done.

“Nuts,” He said and Constantino asked what he said, “You can go straight to Hell, without my father, you’re the one I’m coming for,” And he then told them they were going to keep the fight where they were…

And then Bill got ready and ran towards his spot with Sam and Dean next to him and got into position as smoke grenades went off in front. Then they waited for the signal…

“NOW!” Jake yelled and then everything went off in a round of gunfire… The sound hurting his ears and making his wings itch. He wanted this to end!

His eyes started glowing and his wings spread out and Johnston looked to him in alarm as clouds gathered and lightning struck the largest vehicle and lightning kept striking at them and people were in shock, seeming to think nature even wanted New Bern away.

“Gabriel! Calm down!” Johnston yelled to him over the noise, putting a hand to his shoulder and it didn’t go through him this time, Gabriel felt it and he looked back to the soul watching this and he knew Sam and Dean noticed his behavior and Bill took in a few deep breaths and the clouds drifted apart and no more than a minute later a helicopter went over the ground they were fighting at and destroyed those fighting from New Bern in a massive explosion…

The Government had arrived…but which one?

jake green, gabriel, jimmy, pairing: dean/gabriel, bill, sam, fic: supernatural, trickster, jericho, fic: crossover, dean, johnston green, supernatural

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