Okie dokie, gang, we're gonna try something. I've been making noises about a camp-wide Crowleymischief post, and I thiiink I have it mostly worked out in my head. I have not asked anyone to co-run the post with me yet, but if you think you might like to, after I've explained everything, comment or drop me a line at wilyserpent (at) gmail (dotwarner) com.
At some point in the near future (Thursday afternoon EST is looking REALLY good for me), there will be, in the middle of camp, a table piled high with brand-spankin' new iPhones. Enough for everyone in camp. The problem? The iPhones are as buggy and defective as a first generation 360. The one defect I'm absolutely sure they all have is that they nullify the universal translator -- so if a character who canonically speaks English tries to phone a character who canonically speaks Japanese, the language barrier will be back in force. Any other bugs/defects can be totally up to you, as wild and weird as you can imagine. But all the phones are defective. Yes, all of them. Every last one. They are demonically defective, so even if your character is a complete whiz with machines, they'll still be defective.
While the iPhones are free, there will also be "extended service packages," which will most definitely not be free. (Haven't figured out a "price" for them yet, whether it'll be money or favors or worldly possessions. Am open to suggestions there.) This will allow people with defective iPhones to resolve their problems with a customer service "professional." Once you've visited with the help desk, one bug will be resolved, and another, different one will pop up. This can go on for as long as you like, until your character is left with an iPhone that, while it won't work perfectly, is more or less functional. It may nude-ify every picture your character uploads, it may scream obscenities instead of ring, it may creatively rearrange your schedule, it may even be sentient and start flirting with your laptop.
I NEED "HELP DESK" VOLUNTEERS. Think of your most nightmarish help desk stories -- being on hold for 45 minutes at a stretch, being told by someone that all you need to do is reset your modem/restart your computer/reformat your computer/reinstall EVERYTHING when you've already done that. Snarkery, rudeness, condescension, ineptitude -- we've all encountered them at some point or another. (D'you think I might be just a tad bitter about having to send our 360 back for repairs? MAYBE?) So if you have a character you think would be utterly unfit for customer service in any way, shape or form, I WANT THEM. (I'm looking at you, Bloo. <3) [Quick note: I do ask that Crowley not be implicated -- if someone asks a help desk volunteer how they got the job, they can say they received an unsigned note, or email, or saw a sign-up sheet, or had a premonition in a dream, I don't care. Just don't say, "Oh, that guy with the shades hired me."]
Here's how it'll work: I'll make a post with the iPhones (Crowley will be in the thread, but watching the carnage as an "innocent" bystander), and help desk volunteers should reply to the post with "HELP DESK" (or similar) in the subject line. I don't care how many of you want to be help desk volunteers -- the more the merrier! There can be threads wherein people discover the brand new shiny iPhones are spawned from HELL broken, threads wherein people complain to Crowley and he makes sympathetic noises, or threads where people take their phones to be "fixed."
...I think that's everything. Have I left anything out? It really sounds more complicated than it is, I think.