. . . might as well make this official and rip the band-aid off before the move!
Dropping Elijah! I have loved his CR to bits, but my drive to play him is at an all-time low. Thanks to everyone who played with him! It was a blast. ♥ There won't be a drop post because that is how he rolls.
So tomorrow is the big move to Dreamwidth, and I hope you all have an absolute blast breaking the place in with all your shenanigans that I won't be able to take part in because I'm dropping Zoro
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In honour of our transition to DW tomorrow, there is a brand spanking new CR meme post over here. New year, new community, let's get some awesome CR stuff happening!
So hey, remember the counseling event? . . . yeah. Given that, from a quick show of hands, it seems like Livejournal stuff really made it difficult to do this. I am going to extend and amend the event. Here is what that means:
- I'll go through the lists and take out any drops at this time. The lists will largely stay the same!
Heading to Tokyo in about six hours on an overnight bus, and then spending a good four days getting lost before heading home on the 17th, moon time. The hostel supposedly has wifi but I HAVE EXCITING PLANS mostly involving food and bizarre museums so if I'm around I'll be spotty at best, especially since I haven't set up everything with DW yet. IF
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For what feels like a very long time ago I posted a note of slowatus due to my laptop crashing (and later on during the holidays moving on to join the great Network in the sky), and promised that I would be back as soon as possible. In between the kind of stress that usually follows Christmas for a very poor person, I finally managed to work up the
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Ripping off the band-aid, as my activity here has been pretty shameful, and this kid's voice has been sputtering out ;; Carver's going to be heading home, but thanks so much to everyone who threaded with him! I was an absolute blast and the Dragon Age cast here is a mythic level of awesome! Shine on, you crazy diamonds~