Spring 09 MAFAs Voting

Mar 23, 2009 00:22

Well, I have to say that the response this time around was even more overwhelming that before. You guys are good, I'll give you that. Thank you!

Now - to voting. Please do take the time to read as many of these fics as possible. Even if you're not interested in voting, this is basically one huge rec list. These fics are here for a reason. But if you are voting, please do read what you can. You certainly have the time - voting ends Sunday 5th April, midnight GMT (ie, as Monday begins).

Voting Rules:
- Votes don't have to be done all in one post, you can come back to it any time before the voting ends.
- Please vote only ONCE per category.
- You do NOT have to place a vote for every category.
- To vote, just list the category and fic title in your comment or e-mail. All comments are screened, and you can e-mail me at smokey2307@hotmail.com

If there are any errors on the list, please notify me! I went by the information the nominators gave me, and didn't have enough time to check out all of them for errors.

Also, if you believe that I have missed your nomination off the list, please also let me know. I've had an awful lot and it's very possible that I lost a couple somewhere along the way, and I apologise in advance if this is the case.

Categories that have no winner: Best Other Female Characterisation.
Categories that already have a winner: Best Gwen Characterisation, Best Uther Characterisation, Best Other Male Characterisation.


Section 1 (Best Overall):

Best Overall Fic:
A Chuisle by exlibris-tenisu
Abide With Me by stripedpetunia
I’ll Be The Platform Shoes by raphaela667
Mirrored Glass by sarcasticchick
No Magic Necessary by mskatej
Onfindan by astolat
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis
The Crown Of The Summer Court by astolat
The Nine Of Wands by sunawareness
Three Tasks by syllic
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch

Best Action/Adventure Fic:
A Year And A Day by linaerys
Abide With Me by stripedpetunia
Excalibur by suaine
Onfindan by astolat
The Crown Of The Summer Court by astolat
The World Under Heaven, All Here Is Lent by takadainmate
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch

Best Angst Fic:
Dominion by burkesl17
Fleet Of Foot by enjambament
Mirrored Glass by sarcasticchick
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis
That Which Binds by lavvyan
The Trouble We Possess by robot_sky
To Be Known by esohpe
When Trust Is A Thing Not Given by aelora
Who Do You Want Me To Be by feathergirl89

Best Alternate Universe Fic:
Be Resigned by franticsga
Dial ‘M’ For Merlin by lou_angel
Easy There by syllic
I’ll Be The Platform Shoes by raphaela667
Kindgom of the Blaggers by hackthis
Lord Drake’s Bequest by pennyplainknits
The Camelot Hotel is Proud to Present… by laceymcbain
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch
When All Is Said And Done by smokey2307
Who Do You Want Me To Be by feathergirl89

Best Chapter Fic:
A Chuisle by exlibris-tenisu
Easy There by syllic
In Your Honour by smokey2307
Three Tasks by syllic
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch
Woke Up New by ficbyzee

Best Crack Fic:
And He Called Merlin An Idiot… by derryere, scifijunkie and wildmachinery
Externality by zarathuse
Happily Ever After, My Arse by hackthis
I Could’ve Been One Of These Things by hackthis
Mildly Disconcerting But Otherwise Par For The Course by phantomjam
The Epic Tale Of The Dubiously Wise Men by lou_angel and hils
The Sword Or The Scabbard? by oconel
Umbrellas On The Inside by moonythestrals

Best Crossover Fic:
And That’s To Be The King by all_my_fandoms
At The Hour Of Britain’s Greatest Need by jade_dragoness
Character Motivation by lassiterfics
Destiny Revisited by lavvyan
Kindgom of the Blaggers by hackthis
It’s Not A Déjà-vu, It’s The Time Warp by eumelkeks
So Merlin Emrys, Here Is Your Holiday by crazyboutremmy
St James’s Park by i_claudia
The Crown Of The Summer Court by astolat
The Epic Tale Of The Dubiously Wise Men by lou_angel and hils

Best Dark Fic:
A Most Generous Gift by sarcasticchick
Penance by skellerbvvt
The Knife’s Edge by suaine
When Trust Is A Thing Not Given by aelora

Best Death Fic:
All The Laughter From Before by waldorph
Oedran Yr Addewid by graspthethorn
Once Shattered (The Duties of a Prince by i_claudia
That Which Binds by lavvyan
The Second Time Around by eos_rose
Worth This by kathkin

Best Drabble:
Fiscally Speaking by daisy_chan
My Baby Must Be A Magician by cherrybina
Oath Of Allegiance by givemethebook
Sleep Alone by cherrybina
The Bleeding Heart Show by cherrybina
Untitled by cherrybina
What Have You Done? by givemethebook
Wrong Place (Right Time) by smokey2307

Best Drama Fic:
All The Laughter From Before by waldorph
Destiny, Dragons and Distractions by toestastegood
Into His Own by sarcasticchick
Preparations Of An Unquiet Nature by skellerbvvt
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis
The World Under Heaven, All Here Is Lent by takadainmate
Walking Into Legend by lesserstorm
Within Sight by rubberbutton

Best Dub/Non-con Fic:
Exigent (Everybody Knows) by xsmoonshine
Innocence by slashweaver
Makes Me Feel Alive by smokey2307

Best Epic:
Buggre Alle This by oxoniensis
House of the Rising Sun by 01100100
In Your Honour by smokey2307
Onfindan by astolat
Peach, Plum, Pear by sweetestdrain
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis
The Pendragon Guide to How Not To Date by definewisdom
Three Tasks by syllic
Walking Into Legend by lesserstorm
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch

Best Episode-Centric Fic:
Aftermath by shinetheway
Excalibur by suaine
Mirrored Glass by sarcasticchick
The Breath Before Our New Beginning by such_heights
The Musings Of A Prince About His Hapless Manservant by ionaonie
What Might Be by hils

Best Finding-Out Fic:
Am prionnsa, an t-amadan agus na meirlich by aithris
Betrayal by wrenette
Dream A Little Dream Of Me by clarify
For What It's Worth It Was Worth All The While by smokey2307
Remembrance by smokey2307
The Definition of a Life Saved by shinetheway
The History of Two Conversations (On Paper) by takadainmate
the sole of our shoes are all worn down by hariboo_smirks
To Be Known by esohpe

Best Fluff Fic:
Job Orientation by seperis
Love Is A Grave Mental Disease by knowing_shadows
Recklessness by alichay
Remember When by merry_gentry
Setting Down the Lines by phantomjam
Something To Talk About by aleathiel
Springs The Wood Anew by sevenfists
The Secret Life of a Warlock by ravenflight21
Three Tasks by syllic
(Wires/Fingers) Crossed by robot_sky

Best Humour Fic:
Backfire by oxoniensis
Despoiled by astolat
Flood Warning by definewisdom
Kindgom of the Blaggers by hackthis
Job Orientation by seperis
Polishing Buttons by skellerbvvt
Privileges of Rank by seperis
Stones That Aren’t Stones by jade_dragoness
The Curious Incident of the Naked Servant in the Night-time by ravenflight21
The Epic Tale Of The Dubiously Wise Men by lou_angel and hils
(Wires/Fingers) Crossed by robot_sky

Best Hurt/Comfort Fic:
Dark Skies At Night by shantirosa
Five Times Merlin Was The Worst Manservant… by kerryblaze
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis
Threat To Camelot by smokey2307
When All Is Said And Done by smokey2307
Within Sight by rubberbutton
You Don’t Know What You’ve Got by lou_angel

Best Kink Fic:
Dewiniaeth by claire_debonair
Externality by zarathuse
Ribbons by d00mcanary
The Joye Of Sex by aleathiel
The Tower by astolat

Best One-Shot:
Peach, Plum, Pear by sweetestdrain
Practical Volitation by allothi
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis
The Crown Of The Summer Court by astolat
The Walls Have Ears by definewisdom
Virescit Vulnere Virtus by castalie
Whisper On The Wind by phantomjam
Winter In Their Cry by lantean_drift

Best Plot Device:
A Most Generous Gift by sarcasticchick
All The Laughter From Before by waldorph
Bugger Alle This by oxoniensis
Despoiling by astolat
Excalibur by suaine
Externality by zarathuse
Umbrellas On The Inside by moonythestrals
Unseemly Attachment by sffan

Best PWP Fic:
Externality by zarathuse
Haven & Prison by lickingbeads
How Many Miles To Babylon by lyra_wing
Injukyoshi by astolat
Pavlov Penis by derryere
Privileges of Rank by seperis
Reciprocation by astolat
The Comedown by phantomjam
The Joye Of Sex by aleathiel
Virginal by kaneko
Wounded In The Line of Duty by phantomjam

Best reel_merlin Fic:
Abide With Me by stripedpetunia
All The Way To The Western Isles by smokey2307
Everything’s Got A Moral, If Only You Can Find It by j_apollo
Merlinella by xaritomene
Never Pay The Reaper With Love Only by little_giddy
’Tis A Pity He’s A Whore by xaritomene
Two Weeks Notice by ras_elased
What You Carry With You by ras_elased
wouldn’t it be nice to live together/in the kind of world where we belong by ginnystar

Best Romance Fic:
Lord Drake’s Bequest by pennyplainknits
The Accidental Seduction by ras_elased
The Crown Of The Summer Court by astolat
The Secret Life of a Warlock by ravenflight21
Three Tasks by syllic

Best Sequel:
Chemistry Of by averaird
Not Quite Mrs Banks Either by claire_debonair
Springtime Promises by linaerys
The Only Battle by doomcanary
The Tale Of A Sea Serpent by seperis
Water Is Taught By Thirst by aelora

Best Threesome Fic:
Stubborn With Beauty by whetherwoman
Possession by kelene

Best UST Fic:
A Feeling We Don’t Know Yet by ladyflowdi
Be Resigned by franticsga
Cross You Off My List by strangeumbrella
Give Me Miles and Mountains, and I’ll Ask for the Sea by hackthis
The Weight of Words by waldorph

Best Work-in-Progress:
Be Resigned by franticsga
Easy There by syllic
Fantastic Series by bakarini
Miss The Train Before by fahye
The Camelot Hotel Series: Snake Eyes by laceymcbain
The Second Time Around by eos_rose

Section 2 (Best Characterisation):

Best Arthur Characterisation:
Am prionnsa, an t-amadan agus na meirlich by aithris
Fleet Of Foot by enjambament
Losing Sleep by arislanchan
Mirrored Glass by sarcasticchick
Peach, Plum, Pear by sweetestdrain
So Are They All, All Honourable Men by seperis
The Accidental Seduction by ras_elased
The Weight Of Words by waldorph
Three Tasks by syllic
What Dreams May Come by hils
When All Is Said And Done by smokey2307

Best Gaius Characterisation:
Destiny Plays Yet Another Trick On Merlin by ravenflight21
The Sorrows of Old Age by picturegames

Best Lancelot Characterisation:
Easy There by syllic
Stubborn With Beauty by whetherwoman
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch

Best Merlin Characterisation:
Backfire by oxoniensis
No Magic Necessary by mskatej
Privileges of Rank by seperis
Someone Else by slashweaver
The Breath Before Our New Beginning by such_heights
The Knife’s Edge by suaine
Virescit Vulnere Virtus by castalie

Best Morgana Characterisation:
Don’t Be Sorry by sparky77
Easy There by syllic
Walking Into Legend by lesserstorm
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch

Best Nimueh Characterisation:
Don’t Leave The Room by rowennagal
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup by paperclipbitch
What She Doesn’t See by justthismorning


mod: smokey2307, voting, mafas

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