Merlin: The Crown of the Summer Court (Merlin/Arthur)

Feb 16, 2009 20:16

I think this story started when I said to rageprufrock, haha, I'm thinking of writing a fusion with the Merry Gentry series of books, and she did not immediately tell me I was insane, even though clearly I was. So this is very loosely inspired by that series. You don't need to have read them, although possibly it is a warning if you have; for those who haven't, be aware that they are mostly a thinly-veiled excuse to write kinky softcore porn about magical people. So, uh, there you go.

My other main motivation for this entire story was so I could put one particular line in. Cookies to anyone who guesses it, although they will be imaginary cookies because I think it is kind of obvious. :>

I then spent several weeks inflicting this and many revisions of it on anyone unwary enough to come in range: *flings hearts at Ces, Mia, Julad, Terri, Merry, giddy, and gear for putting up with all the iterations*.

And when THAT was done, I might possibly have shamelessly harassed trolleys (whose fanart lj is at suchoddity and wow, you seriously want to be watching if you are a fan of Merlin or SPN or HP or any of her other fandoms) until she gave me ridiculously pretty pictures. \o/

And now here it is!

The Crown of the Summer Court, (24,773 words)
Arthur/Merlin, explicit
Warnings for kink! I think it is fairly fluffy kink but still, you know, kink!

"The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. "He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court."

(Read the story)

And go look at the fabulous art at trolleys' fanart comm!

All fb loved! ♥

eta to add links to art! \o/

eta to change the link to point to the AO3 version of the story

fanfic, merlin, fanart

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