The Quest for Camelot

Dec 23, 2009 00:36

I was wandering through merlin_finders  the other day, and decided I wanted to do for the Merlin fandom what linabean did for the SGA fandom with her found poem called, funnily enough, Found. Found poems are made by stealing phrases from another source and rearranging them into something poetic; the quotes below are all from merlin_finders, an incredibly useful place that is much ( Read more... )

merlin, arthur/merlin, poetry, metafandom

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Comments 23

thismaz December 23 2009, 06:07:52 UTC
*laughing* Brilliant. I swear, I've read most of those lines so many times, but put together they make such a heart-felt plea. Well done.


callowyn December 23 2009, 06:11:44 UTC
Thank you! It became much easier to narrow down my choices once I realized that everyone was basically saying the same thing.


1bacchanalian December 23 2009, 06:11:36 UTC
<333! funny, well-executed, and it definitely rings true!


callowyn December 23 2009, 06:40:43 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you think so.


nagi_schwarz December 23 2009, 07:24:20 UTC
This was seriously masterful. I'm pretty sure I've read some of the requests where you found those lines. Thanks for sharing! Awesome.


callowyn December 23 2009, 20:02:32 UTC
Thank you! I keep wondering if some of those people are going to come along and say "hey, that's my line!"

And of course it's always fun to play spot-the-fic in the middle of that chaos.


alexi_lupin December 23 2009, 10:27:28 UTC
I think we can all identify with this one. very well done!


callowyn December 23 2009, 20:04:02 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad everyone seems to think this is an accurate representation of our collective lunacy ;)


mychaostheorem December 23 2009, 12:08:35 UTC
I usually really like poems but this was a whole other level, it was so oddly gripping... just wow. I'm actually a bit speechless.


callowyn December 23 2009, 20:00:09 UTC
Haha, thanks! You sound a bit like Bradley in the video diaries, after he climbed the tower: "I'm slightly speechless." (Not that he ever stops talking for long, ridiculous boy.)


mychaostheorem December 25 2009, 00:19:23 UTC
Haha! very true, he never does shut up (not that i really mind :))


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