
Feb 07, 2010 01:16

So Colin Morgan once mentioned that if they ever make a movie of it, he wants to play Mort- Death's apprentice, from the Terry Pratchett novel of the same name. Mort is described as having "the sort of body that seems to be only marginally under its owner's control; it appeared to be built out of knees" and possessing "the vague, cheerful kind of ( Read more... )

merlin, discworld, clearly i have too much free time, colin morgan, oh my god adorable, fanart

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Comments 51

humbuggirl February 7 2010, 09:06:03 UTC
Oh my he would be the perfect Mort!


callowyn February 7 2010, 19:13:29 UTC
We should all start a petition to snag him the part. Surely someone is up for making that movie.


scribblemoose February 7 2010, 09:27:11 UTC
Oh, that's a brilliant manip! I really, really hope they could make Mort with Colin before he gets too old - I suppose it would be difficult fitting around Merlin shooting schedules but he would be soooo good.

I love that he's a Pratchett fan, too. You can see it in some of the humour in Merlin, I think. ;)


callowyn February 7 2010, 19:14:49 UTC
Thank you! I figure he could probably pull it off if given the chance- he managed to do The Island on break, as well as that other new movie he's in whose name I forget. He's a hard worker, is Colin!


kajsa87 February 7 2010, 09:43:40 UTC
What a great manipulation! I totally want this movie to happen (especially because it´s one of my favourites among the "Discworld"-books) and Colin would be a great Mort. And I totally sign this: "when I read that interview I fell in love with Colin just a little bit more"


callowyn February 7 2010, 19:16:00 UTC
I know! I thought "there is nothing Colin can possibly do that will more endear him to me" and then I discovered that he shares my taste in books. The starry eyes have not subsided since.



mychaostheorem February 7 2010, 12:57:02 UTC
Colin's clueless expression in this is priceless!
Your right, he'd be great as Mort.


callowyn February 7 2010, 19:17:02 UTC
The funnest part of making this was going through my (not insubstantial) collection of pictures and trying to find the proper expression- when I saw this one I lol'd and knew it was the one.


baka_oni_ri February 7 2010, 13:04:01 UTC
hahha, so funny and well done! XD


callowyn February 7 2010, 19:17:18 UTC
Thank you!


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