
Feb 07, 2010 01:16

So Colin Morgan once mentioned that if they ever make a movie of it, he wants to play Mort- Death's apprentice, from the Terry Pratchett novel of the same name. Mort is described as having "the sort of body that seems to be only marginally under its owner's control; it appeared to be built out of knees" and possessing "the vague, cheerful kind of helpfulness that serious men soon learn to dread." As anyone who has seen Merlin can attest, this would not exactly be a stretch for Colin. And who am I to deny him his wish?

(I love his "bugger, what just happened?" face.)

I admit that I am a major, major Terry Pratchett fan, and when I read that interview I fell in love with Colin just a little bit more. We could hang out and talk about Discworld! Extol the similarities between Merlin and Rincewind! Laugh about Sourcery! It would be so lovely! If only I were not an ocean away and terminally incompetent with social interaction!

All the stocks and backgrounds are from the good folks over at deviantart.

merlin, discworld, clearly i have too much free time, colin morgan, oh my god adorable, fanart

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