
Jun 20, 2008 06:38

characters: gabe and julian
universe: marvel 626
title: my dick is bigger than yours
players: beautybedamned&calliopedrowns

gabe, rp, 626

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Comments 59

mlina June 19 2008, 22:57:22 UTC
Julian fisted a hand and used it to partly cover the yawn that escaped him.

He needed coffee. Or something. Anything to jolt his head awake.

Marathoning Star Trek: The Next Generation the night before set training with Wolverine and Tessa was definitely something worth reconsidering.

He leaned against the counter and sent the girl at the register a winning smile. "You're a sight for sore eyes, Tina. A big one of my fix, please." She shuffled off then, leaving him to turn and survey the area.

A semi-famiilar face caught his eye. "Yo, Gabe."


calliopedrowns June 19 2008, 23:06:26 UTC
Gabe managed not to jump out of his skin. "Keller." He raised his coffee mug in greeting, trying to look like as though his head weren't cracking open from the strain. "Other tables are full."

He'd barely managed to sneak out of the room, let alone the bed where Josh had still been dead asleep on. It wasn't though he didn't want to talk about it or be the kind of douche who left after sex... but Jesus.

Sometimes you need some perspective. Like from a few kilometers away or something.


mlina June 19 2008, 23:15:21 UTC
"Thanks darling," he grins one last time at Tina and heads on over to slide into the empty chair across from the other boy.

Though Julian seriously wonders at why Gabe would want to be friends with Foley, he figured well, you can't choose your roommate.

"You look like shit." He chuckles, takes a sip.


calliopedrowns June 19 2008, 23:24:39 UTC
"Don't look so hot yourself." Gabe growls, half-immersed in his coffee. "Long night at the OK corral?"


mlina June 20 2008, 00:26:44 UTC
"What a way to Hulk out."

She's kinda cute. Kinda. For a guy.

Julian breezes through. "Foley seen this yet?"

The glee in his voice is mildly disturbing.


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 00:32:00 UTC
"Ha. You won't like me when I'm angry." He quoted, before shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "Josh knows." Gabe smiles, "Kids all know too. Can't exactly avoid it during class when I'm on the rag. Poof!"

"Girlsuit here," He smiles coyly before grimacing, "She pops up when she wants."


mlina June 20 2008, 00:35:47 UTC
He leans his cheek into his hand, elbow perched on the table.


Julian snickers again, tips his head back to take in one last gulp from his coffee. "He try to hit on you yet?"

Nope. He's obviously not letting this go.


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 00:43:43 UTC
Gabe crosses his arms over her breasts, suddenly remembering that she's not... dressed properly for this. "Vacarro ask you to the prom?"

It was hard to dislike Keller. He was a smartass, but he had redeeming qualities that were too hard to ignore. A douche with a heart of gold.

"Josh is my room mate." Not a lie. But hopefully enough to make Julian back off.


mlina June 20 2008, 03:00:26 UTC
Julian nods. "You can't tell anyone. It's the golden rule. Whatever I tell you, the adults will freak out if they knew."

He suspects that the Professor knows that the kids aren't as far in the dark as the other adults would like to think. But why they hadn't been reprimanded for it he had no idea. Maybe it was because the Prof had been there. Had seen it.

"The school was trashed late last November." Julian says it softly, evenly. It still bites that he hadn't been there to protect Sophia, Cess and the others. Hell. Penny, who he'd paid little to no notice, had almost died trying to save Jimmy. Jimmy who'd been shot full of holes.

"And when I say trashed, I don't mean chairs turned over and grafitti on the walls."

"The infirmary was full for a week. And the third floor? People avoid that place. Dallas killed soldiers there."


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 03:06:10 UTC
"Shit." Gabe tried to wrap his head around the idea and failed. "That was just a month before I started." The idea that Josh had been there chilled him to his bones, let alone all the other kids. Most of them were even younger than him.

He took another sip from his coffee, ignoring that it was cold, "Why?"


mlina June 20 2008, 03:38:20 UTC
"Because we are what we are. And because there was a project called Neverland and people like these exist and waste valuable air ( ... )


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 12:12:09 UTC
Gabe let every word sink in, like pebbles on a pond. It wasn't as though he hadn't asked, but more of how he hadn't imagined it could be so bad. He'd lived in a tiny town that barely felt the stirrings of the outside world; so the idea of children like himself waging battles where the stakes loomed perilously high was jarring, at the very least.

"Josh doesn't say anything about well, anything. For the longest time, I thought he was just some quiet kid, y'know? I've seen my share of loners, figured he was a prime example of the kid you stick into a locker and forget."

He felt the urge to shift and tamped down on it hard. "One day, he just stopped being quiet, started speaking to me like," Gabe shrugged, "Like we were friends. And there was this look in his eyes that made me feel-"

Made him feel like Josh needed him. Made him feel like he needed the other boy and his insecure attempts.

"He made me feel like he could be a good man if the world let him."


nisa_dranyam June 21 2008, 04:19:33 UTC
(there is so much testosterone in this post i feel like i want to burp and order my woman out of her kitchen for a beer :) i enjoyed reading this one!)


mlina June 21 2008, 18:20:43 UTC
(*cackles* oh hun, we're not done yet. XD)


coffeebased June 21 2008, 18:38:47 UTC
(I'm glad you like it! XD We're enjoying ourselves way too much)


mlina June 21 2008, 18:31:03 UTC
Tommy and Cess wander in just as Julian backs away from the table and heads out.


"Later, Cess." The telekenetic waves dismissively, before digging both hands into his jacket.

"Oh hey, Gabe!" Tommy grabs Cess' hand, drags her over with him to the familiar face. When both note the look lingering over Gabe's face, Cess slides into the vacated seat, not bothering to ask if it's ok.

"Hey, you alright?"


calliopedrowns June 21 2008, 18:34:52 UTC
Gabe feels like he's been shot and rolled off a cliff into deep, icy waters. With sharks. "Yeah, I'm cool." He gives Julian's retreating form a last, horrible glare then stretches his features into a smile.

"I hear he rubs everyone the wrong way at least once, right?"


mlina June 21 2008, 18:37:21 UTC
She's used to this. Has heard it a thousand times before.

"Don't take it to heart." Not sure whether it's ok to reach out or whatever, Cess just takes the abandoned coffee cup and holds it between her hands. "He's not so bad, you know. He's just..."

"Obnoxious," Tommy deadpans, perfectly fine with standing, hands in the pockets of his own jacket.


calliopedrowns June 21 2008, 18:45:23 UTC
Gabe manages a smile, albeit a tiny one, "Sounds like you've sung that song a good many times, Cess."

He takes a sip of his forgotten coffee. Ugh, cold.

He sighs ruefully, then puts the mug down. "Didn't even get to finish half of it." Gabe wants to shift. Or run home all the way to Washington state. He isn't sure if he's ready to go back to his room yet, even though his body's tenser than a plucked string. Josh is there.


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