
Jun 20, 2008 06:38

characters: gabe and julian
universe: marvel 626
title: my dick is bigger than yours
players: beautybedamned&calliopedrowns

gabe, rp, 626

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mlina June 20 2008, 00:26:44 UTC
"What a way to Hulk out."

She's kinda cute. Kinda. For a guy.

Julian breezes through. "Foley seen this yet?"

The glee in his voice is mildly disturbing.


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 00:32:00 UTC
"Ha. You won't like me when I'm angry." He quoted, before shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "Josh knows." Gabe smiles, "Kids all know too. Can't exactly avoid it during class when I'm on the rag. Poof!"

"Girlsuit here," He smiles coyly before grimacing, "She pops up when she wants."


mlina June 20 2008, 00:35:47 UTC
He leans his cheek into his hand, elbow perched on the table.


Julian snickers again, tips his head back to take in one last gulp from his coffee. "He try to hit on you yet?"

Nope. He's obviously not letting this go.


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 00:43:43 UTC
Gabe crosses his arms over her breasts, suddenly remembering that she's not... dressed properly for this. "Vacarro ask you to the prom?"

It was hard to dislike Keller. He was a smartass, but he had redeeming qualities that were too hard to ignore. A douche with a heart of gold.

"Josh is my room mate." Not a lie. But hopefully enough to make Julian back off.


mlina June 20 2008, 00:48:08 UTC
Chuckling all the while, he did.

"Alright, alright. I'll cut it out." For now.

This was being filed to the back of his head. For future use.

"So I hear you were big man on campus back where you were from. I know it's pretty late in the day, but how're you handling Xavier's? Pretty small time, huh?"


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 00:55:35 UTC
Gabe laughs, tossing his hair over his slim shoulders. "You heard I was popular but not about this?" He finally smiles at the other boy. "It's just like any high school, except cleaner, and I don't have to go home."

He raises an eyebrow, "You're the man here, from what I know. Do I need permission or something?"


mlina June 20 2008, 00:59:59 UTC
"Permission? Nah," he shrugs, leans back against his seat while his gaze strays a little outside, thinking he might've seen Sofia.

"You're cool. I'm okay with that."

He paused and then figured, what the hey. "When uh... girlsuit decides to give you back full control, wanna shoot some hoops with me and the boys?"

"Heard that you've got superstrength when you're well... yourself, so I figure you might wanna be inducted to Xavier's right and proper." He leaned in again, folding his forearms on the table. "Ever try Mutant Ball?"


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 01:04:59 UTC
Man, it would be nice to play some ball. He'd spent the entire time just sulking in his room. It would be nice to get out and meet other people than the one's in his classes.

And Josh. Crap.

"Why wait to change?" Gabe smiles, "Girlsuit here's pretty fast, plays to win. She's part of the package." His smile widens as an idea occurs to him, "And speaking of part of the package... would it be so bad if Josh hung out with us?"


mlina June 20 2008, 01:21:19 UTC

He tries his best not to gag at the suggestion and then remembers that Cessily has been on his case about being nice to the new kids.

So he shrugs. "Sure, why not? Won't he be at a disadvantage though if we do Mutant Ball?"


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 01:24:46 UTC
"Your face would be a disadvantage at Mutant Ball." Oops. Okay, way to be defensive, Jackson.

Gabe looked up sheepishly at the other boy, trying to make his girl eyes look puppy dog, "Sorry about that." He extended his lower lip in what he knew would be cute, and looked up at Julian through his lashes, "I'm sure I'll manage."


mlina June 20 2008, 01:30:31 UTC
Julian stares for just a bit. Juuuuuuuust a bit.

"Don't do that dude, it's freaky." He chuckles, lamely. "What I just mean to say is that you know, what's Foley gonna do? Heal the damn ball so it jumps willingly into the net?"

Eyebrow raise riiiiiiiight here.

"You gotta pick someone useful man."


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 01:35:22 UTC
Gabe pouts more obviously, "I can't exactly tell him, 'Hey, Josh, off to play Mutant Ball with all the people you don't talk to even if you've known them longer than I have.'"

He wrinkles his nose, trying to do it cutely, man, being girly makes his head hurt, "You really don't like him all that much, do you?"


mlina June 20 2008, 01:40:19 UTC
Julian just sends Gabe a look.

"Foley's alright, I suppose. He needs to get over himself about his parents hating on our kind though. s'their problem, not ours. I say your folks don't want you, it's their loss."

Just a little bit of bitterness there.

"That and he's got an attitude all his own just cos he's an Omega and under Rogue's new team." He'd dropped the 'Miss' there, like he always did when the adults weren't around. "Can't just walk into the school and not respect what's been there before you."

Nevermind that he'd picked on Laurie for a long time before they'd made a semblance of peace. Then again, he respected the mouse for gaining a backbone.


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 01:49:05 UTC
Gabe bit his tongue before replying, "He doesn't seem to hate mutants as much as you think. Other day, he was just saying how I should accept being one."

He stopped with the girliness, settling with his legs wide open, slouching back into his seat. "Way I see it, mutants like me, we don't get the cool powers. Foley may be an Omega," Whatever that means, he thought to himself, "And be able to heal people up better than they came in, but you float shit with your mind." Gabe made an expansive gesture.

"And it's different, with some families. Sometimes, some kids are just closer to their parents. Sometimes, it matters more." He shrugged, feeling the bones in his body get longer and his muscles larger.

"Not everyone is good enough at pretending to be ok." Gabe's voice deepened out into its usual rumble.


mlina June 20 2008, 02:11:49 UTC
"Got me there."

He pauses awhile, considering. He's cliquish to a fault. It used to be just the Hellions that got priority, but after all the shit that happened with Neverland, that's extended to Collins' group as well as Sofia's though he doesn't show it.

"Aw hell, if you can get him to come along, fine. We'll whup his ass eitherway, so you better warn him to be ready."

Julian taps his coffee cup idly on the table. "I guess I'm just not used to having a fifth squad around. I mean, talk about being a fifth wheel to the whole mix ( ... )


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 02:20:35 UTC
Gabe finally grinned at the other boy, "I'm sure he'll come."

He started to really relax, feeling his hackles go down, "Maybe you shouldn't see it as a fifth wheel so much as fifth sense. Or like in giant robots, most of them're made up of five parts."


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