
Jun 20, 2008 06:38

characters: gabe and julian
universe: marvel 626
title: my dick is bigger than yours
players: beautybedamned&calliopedrowns

gabe, rp, 626

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mlina June 20 2008, 03:00:26 UTC
Julian nods. "You can't tell anyone. It's the golden rule. Whatever I tell you, the adults will freak out if they knew."

He suspects that the Professor knows that the kids aren't as far in the dark as the other adults would like to think. But why they hadn't been reprimanded for it he had no idea. Maybe it was because the Prof had been there. Had seen it.

"The school was trashed late last November." Julian says it softly, evenly. It still bites that he hadn't been there to protect Sophia, Cess and the others. Hell. Penny, who he'd paid little to no notice, had almost died trying to save Jimmy. Jimmy who'd been shot full of holes.

"And when I say trashed, I don't mean chairs turned over and grafitti on the walls."

"The infirmary was full for a week. And the third floor? People avoid that place. Dallas killed soldiers there."


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 03:06:10 UTC
"Shit." Gabe tried to wrap his head around the idea and failed. "That was just a month before I started." The idea that Josh had been there chilled him to his bones, let alone all the other kids. Most of them were even younger than him.

He took another sip from his coffee, ignoring that it was cold, "Why?"


mlina June 20 2008, 03:38:20 UTC
"Because we are what we are. And because there was a project called Neverland and people like these exist and waste valuable air ( ... )


calliopedrowns June 20 2008, 12:12:09 UTC
Gabe let every word sink in, like pebbles on a pond. It wasn't as though he hadn't asked, but more of how he hadn't imagined it could be so bad. He'd lived in a tiny town that barely felt the stirrings of the outside world; so the idea of children like himself waging battles where the stakes loomed perilously high was jarring, at the very least.

"Josh doesn't say anything about well, anything. For the longest time, I thought he was just some quiet kid, y'know? I've seen my share of loners, figured he was a prime example of the kid you stick into a locker and forget."

He felt the urge to shift and tamped down on it hard. "One day, he just stopped being quiet, started speaking to me like," Gabe shrugged, "Like we were friends. And there was this look in his eyes that made me feel-"

Made him feel like Josh needed him. Made him feel like he needed the other boy and his insecure attempts.

"He made me feel like he could be a good man if the world let him."


mlina June 21 2008, 17:15:53 UTC
Julian didn't like to linger on dark thoughts. So when the moment presented itself:

"Sounds like you got a crush on the golden boy." He whistled. Just to be an ass. "S'totally cool though, man."

Because you know, Victor was totally one of his really, really good friends. For real.


calliopedrowns June 21 2008, 17:22:37 UTC
Gabe feels his face burn at the question and he doesn't know what to say. A direct negative would be a lie bigger than he was willing to say, or maintain for that matter.

Especially after last night.

Well, if he'd wanted to deny it, he should've said something instead of just sitting there like a- a. A something. He couldn't be blamed. His head was still swirling at all the things Keller had just said and- shit.



Gabe thinks he said that out loud.


mlina June 21 2008, 17:27:38 UTC
Gabe definitely said it out loud.

And yes, that is Julian choking on his own saliva. Laughing.

"It was a joke, Jackson. A joke."

Seriously. It was a joke.

"Dude," he inhaled deeply, paused. And then started laughing again. "Your face."


calliopedrowns June 21 2008, 17:35:00 UTC
There was just no avoiding it. He was going to fuck it up no matter what he did. Gabe feels an overwhelming urge to just lay down and stay there until Julian left or something.

He sits there, letting his face burn hotter. Ha-ha, why yes, I do have the gay for Josh Foley.

"I don't see how it would be anyone's business."


mlina June 21 2008, 17:40:31 UTC
"You're joking, right?"

Totally, utterly deadpan.

Like, no. Seriously?


calliopedrowns June 21 2008, 17:44:38 UTC
Gabe tries to look calm while attempting to loom over the other boy. How to mutants gay bash anyway? Do the telekinetics hold you down while the others beat you up?

"Is it your business? Because I'm getting tired of the questions."

At the least, he doesn't have to drag Josh down with him. His bones feel like they're squirming under his tensing muscles.


mlina June 21 2008, 17:57:46 UTC
"It might be if I make it." Julian just leans back and crosses his arms, the words offhand as he levels his gaze.

"Gabe," He stresses the name just a little bit. Sure, the prospect of Foley and Gabe was just... weird. Or not, given girlsuit. But that's beside the point. He doesn't appreciate the way Gabe is poised as if there's a need to be worried. Or worse, afraid.

"Whatever you're thinking, don't."

Why should it matter anyway? It never used to. He was Julian Keller. Top dog at Xavier's. Hellion of the Hellions.

But quietly, he offers: "For the record, Victor Borkowski is one of my best friends."


calliopedrowns June 21 2008, 18:05:20 UTC
Gabe clenches his fists, digging them deep into his jacket pockets, "And Northstar is your hero." He bites his tongue before continuing, trying to keep his voice low.

"I don't care. I just wanted to be nice. Give you a fucking seat in a full coffee shop."

He levels his gaze straight into Julian's eyes, trying to keep his thoughts straight, "Just... shut up. Don't tell anyone. Don't say anything."


mlina June 21 2008, 18:13:43 UTC
"I'm just making conversation. Trying to get to know you, Jackson. It came up."

Julian knows when to back off. But he's always been the type to argue, or try to get the last word in.

"And believe it or not, JP Baubier actually is."

He moves to stand, suddenly needing the urge to uproot a tree or ten. "Word of advice though. It's not me who you should worry about. I may be obnoxious and revel in it, but Santo's the loudmouth. Victor still wants to kick him in the nuts for that, but well, you know. It won't be good for his foot."

He pulls out his trademark smirk, "And you might want to remember that you live in a house with telepaths and people with super-hearing. I know a few on your floor."

The Cuckoos for instance. He'd have to talk to them. Convince Esme to play nice. Or convince Sophie to convince her.


calliopedrowns June 21 2008, 18:22:37 UTC
Gabe feels guilty for half a second when Julian starts to get up but it gets washed out by the sudden realization that Keller is right.

He's living in a house with telepaths. Telepaths in training, picking up all sorts of thoughts by accident. Hell, there're people with enhanced smell right next door to his room. Super-hearing, and he hadn't even bothered to be quiet at all.

He was horrified at the idea. Could everyone already know?

"Thanks for the head's up, Keller. Hope you didn't sprain anything giving it." And if his voice is shaking a little, hopefully Julian is too pissed to hear.


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