Fic: Times Like These (10/14)

Jan 24, 2010 12:16

Title: Times Like These
Author: addictt24 (Addictt on
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: R to be safe.
Summary: AU-fic. What if Callie and Arizona met in high school? Multi-chaptered.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or anything related to Grey’s Anatomy. That’s courtesy of Shonda Rimes and ABC. This fiction is not meant to make money or to be harmful in any way. It’s just pure for amusement.

Previous chapters: Ch1 - Learning How To Smile, Ch2 - Fascination, Ch3 - Can't You See, Ch4 - Daydreamer, Ch5 - Hometown Glory, Ch6 - Wicked Game. Ch7 - Wanderlust / Don't Ask Me Why. Ch8 - Hold On To The World.Ch9 - Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely).

Author's Note:I know some of you were a little discontent about the lack of interaction between the two last chapter, and I think this chapter makes up for that. I'm not going to say any more! I hope not to disappoint, especially after such an awesome episode this week...

As always, thanks to the awesome lizadizzle  for beta'ing!

Chapter 10 - Tell Her About It

Another two days had passed since the cafeteria incident. When I walked into the gym, my knee held up and the crutches supporting my weight, Calliope must have been training for over three hours already. The first game of the upcoming tournament is in ten days. Though I’ve heard the team is prepared, they want to be the best. Every Wednesday afternoon is sports related at Miami High and today, the gym is basketball only. The first two hours of the afternoon the junior team made the gym inaccessible, working on passing techniques, stamina exercise and blocking. Because of the upcoming game, there is extra practice scheduled for the varsity team this week. Therefore, when the junior training ended, there was fifteen minutes until the next practice, which could take up all afternoon. I had hoped to talk to Calliope in the short intermission, but due to a meeting of the students activity committee I ran late and the varsity training had already started.

I decided to watch the training instead, I had to wait for Mickey anyway. So here I am, sitting on the bleachers once again, observing Callie. They are working on some shooting as a warm up exercise. When she makes her last jump shot out of five in a row, one of the coaches whistles and she returns to the other girls. She notices me and I flash her a smile, she quickly waves at me before returning her attention to Mick, who is giving the team instructions.

“I see some great shots here and there, but all of you need to try to jump higher. Trust me, it’ll be easier to throw the ball in. So, I suggest you work on that at home the upcoming few days. I want to see improvement Friday, all right? Also try to do about forty to fifty squats a day to work those quadriceps,” I hear him shout, gesturing to the upper part of his legs. “Now, next exercise. Lay ups,” he continues to instruct the team for another minute while my eyes are set on the Latina. She must be so tired right now, working out for nearly three hours and who knows how many more. She truly is a great athlete, I think to myself. It’s special to be so persistent about something. It doesn’t surprise me though. Callie really is something special.

A few minutes later I see the girls teaming up in pairs of two. Calliope pairs with Lucy and I can’t help but still feel a little grudge against her for the other day. Whenever I came across the redhead the past two days it also seemed as if she gave me some kind of evil eye. I try to keep my mind off Lucy but it still bothers me seeing her together with Callie.

During the next couple of hours, my mind registers every handshake, high five and pat on the back between the two. Is it just me or are they touching each other more than necessary? No. This must all be in my mind. I’m slowly becoming crazy. Ugh, what does that girl do to me?

A loud whistle interrupts my thoughts and when I focus my attention on the group I see them heading for the exit, except for Callie who is talking to my brother. She has her hands placed on her upper legs, leaning over a little. Mick pats her on the back and I see her returning his smile, looking up to him. Grabbing my crutches I try to get off the bleachers and head towards them. As I make my way over there, I see them talking to each other and as I come closer I can hear Callie still panting a little between her words.


“There she is,” Mickey says as I join them. “We were just talking about you.”

“You were?” I raise my eyebrows before smiling shyly at Callie.

Mickey nods. “Yeah, I was asking Callie here if she would like to tutor you again, as you’re having so much trouble with your Math homework the past few days,” he says with a stern look before giving me a quick wink.

“Oh,” I reply a little stunned and I can feel my cheeks burning up. “Right. Math.”

“So, are you free this afternoon?” Mickey asks the Latina.

I feel like kicking him in the shins right now for trying to play matchmaker.

“I’m sure you must be exhausted,” I cut in before she can utter a word. I don’t know why I said that, I would love for her to come over.

Luckily, she shrugs and raises her hands. “It’s okay. If you need any help...?”

I’m sure my face is beet-red right now but I don’t care and nod quickly.

“That’s settled then,” Mick says and rubs his hands together. “I’ll give you girls a ride home. Or is there someone who is picking you up?” he returns his attention back to the Latina.

“Uhm, Aria was going to pick me up later but I’ll text her to come to your place in a few hours, if that’s okay?”

Mickey and I both nod simultaneously and at that moment I begin to feel a little worried. Our house isn’t nearly as big as Callie’s. What will she think? Oh my God. What if my father is home?

“Oh, I really would like to take a shower first. Is that okay too?”

Mick puts an arm around my shoulders and flashes her a big smile. “Sure. We’ll be right here waiting.” Callie smiles at me a little nervously before running towards the locker room. When she is out of sight, I softly punch Mickey in his side.

“What was that for?!” he cries out a little offended.

“What did you just do? Who are you, Cupid?” I say with my mouth open. At my last comment his starts to laugh.

“Hey, I got her to our place. You’ll thank me later,” he says with a wink. “Besides, I saw you back there. Your eyes were all over her. I didn’t want to look at that sulky face any longer when we got home.”

“Fine,” I let out a little sigh. He has a point that I don’t get to be angry with him. In half an hour, I get to sit next to that gorgeous girl again. At that thought a smile spreads across my face.


I wish I had taken a Statistics course instead of Calculus. True, with Calculus I can have Callie fake tutor for me, but she could have done that in Chem or Biology or whatever too. But if I would have taken Statistics maybe I could have figured out by now if it’s a good idea to tell her or not, or at what timing.

Does timing matter, really? You’re into someone, or you’re not. Right? Or isn’t it that simple?

Maybe I should just tell her. Take a risk. Give it a chance. Live life to the fullest. Worst case scenario is that she doesn’t like me back, which is very likely. I mean, what are the odds... again with the Statistics. But Calliope doesn’t come across as a person who would react in a bad way. She’s too much of a nice person to do that, I’m positive. Besides, we might even still be friends. Worst case scenario, this all is.

I should just tell her.


“Arizona?” Calliope suddenly questions me. “Are you paying any attention, at all?”

“No,” I say shaking my head. Her facial expression changes from confused to surprised, her brown eyes still full of wonder. “There is something I need to tell you,” I begin, my heart pounding in my chest. “I’m not sure if I should, but I am going to anyway,” I start to ramble.

Though I am terrified of her response, I look her right in the eye. I have to know.

“Whenever I’m with you, you make me feel like I’ve never felt before. My skin radiates, I feel light inside. But it’s a good feeling, you know? The world seems sharper, brighter, whenever you step in the room. I know how that sounds,” I say with a little sigh. “But it’s true. You turn my world upside down.” I’m beginning to feel a little insecure. Her facial expression has not changed at all in the past minute, her eyes unreadable. Am I doing this the right way? I hate this feeling, not knowing what’s going on with her. I decide to continue my story, unsure what to say next. I wish she’d just say something, respond, like she at least heard me.

“Maybe it’s all in my head, maybe I’m crazy. But whenever I’m close to you, your eyes darken. Whenever I touch you, your pupils dilate even more. Your breathing shallows,” I say as I move a little closer. “and adjusts to mine,” I hear her hold her breath as she notices we are in fact breathing simultaneously. “And no matter where I am or what I’m doing, whenever I feel your eyes on me I get that feeling...” I’ve concentrated so much on our breathing that I didn’t notice how close we are sitting right now. Did I subconsciously shoved over this much? As I close my eyes for a moment, I can feel my skin heat up a little more as I feel her breath against my skin. When I open my eyes again, she is only a few inches away. I hear my breathing hitch as I realize she is leaning in even more. A second later her lips graze mine softly, a sparkle appearing in her eyes.

Instinctively I lean in and kiss her back, our lips meeting longer now. Her hand caresses my cheek for a brief moment and my own hand grazes her knee. The extra contact makes me longing for more and I guess she feels the same way as she deepens the kiss.

As we pull apart for some air, I can’t help but look a little dumbfounded at her. I had hoped, but I never thought I would get this response.

“It’s not all in your head,” she whispers and smirks at me, putting a lock of golden hair behind my ear. The only thing my body feels capable of doing is to smile back and I lean in again, my hand moving up her leg a little and I place my other hand at the back of her neck.

Ten minutes later I’m practically sitting on her lap when she suddenly pulls away and looks concerned at me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her, afraid that she’s not okay with this after all.

“You never had trouble with Math in the first place, did you?” she raises an eyebrow.

At that, I start to giggle. “No,” I reply, trying to look as innocent as possible. “You did make Math a whole lot less boring though,” I say and grin at her.

She scrunches up her nose but then smiles at me. “Well... I’m glad I could entertain you though,” she says before kissing me softly on the lips again. A few seconds later there is a rapid knocking on my door and immediately I jump from her lap, forgetting the cast on my foot and therefore I lose my balance and fall onto the floor.

“Oh my God,” I hear Callie mumble and when I open my eyes I see kneeled down beside me and Mickey standing beside her.

“Ouch,” I grumble, my hand touching my hip. “That’s going to be a bruise tomorrow.”

“How did you get on the floor?” Mickey asks concerned.

“I, err... tried to get up and then I fell,” I say raising my shoulders. As I see them both looking at me with raised eyebrows I flash them a grin. “I’m fine, really. If someone could help me get up?”

A second later I feel Callie’s arms around me and when she pulls me up I can smell her shampoo for a brief moment. Hmm, vanilla.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but Aria is at the door waiting for you,” Mickey ruins the moment and I realize she is still holding me tight. It’s like she also realizes it just now and she lets go of me, but holds on to my hand behind my back.  She looks at me and I can see that she doesn’t want to go.

Squeezing her hand softly I give her a nod. “I’ll call you soon.” At that, a smile returns on her face and she lets go of my hand as well.

“Thank you,” she simply states and I see her eyes sparkle. Then she directs her attention to my brother. “Thanks for the training today and for the ride,” she says with a nod. “I’ll find my way out,” she says walking over to my bedroom door. “Bye,” she says to both of us before disappearing out of the doorway.

I let out a little sigh and smile as Mickey helps me get over to my bed to sit down. As we hear the front door closing he looks me in the eye.

“So? What was that right now? Did something happen?”

I can’t help but grin at his questions and I let myself fall down on my bed. “We kissed,” I try to sound nonchalant.

“No way!” he says poking me in the side, causing me to laugh uncontrollably. “Score!” I’m not sure if I can remember any other time in my life that I’ve felt so happy. I’m sure I’ll sleep better tonight than I have ever slept before as well. Yes, Calliope Torres, you turn my world upside down.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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