Fic: Times Like These (4/?)

Nov 08, 2009 14:55

Title: Times Like These
Author: addictt24 (Addictt on
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: R to be safe.
Summary: AU-fic. What if Callie and Arizona met in high school? Multi-chaptered.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or anything related to Grey’s Anatomy. That’s courtesy of Shonda Rimes and ABC. This fiction is not meant to make money or to be harmful in any way. It’s just pure for amusement.

Chapter 1 - Learning How To Smile
Chapter 2 - Fascination
Chapter 3 - Can't You See

A/N: So, tonight a friend of mine is coming over so I'm posting the fourth chapter right now. I want to thank all of you for commenting, you make me so happy. :-) This has got to be one of my favorite chapters so far, because it's -like last week's epi- Arizona-centered. It isn't very long, but I promise it's worth it. Next chapter will be longer. As always, I want to thank my amazing betalizadizzle for helping me. Last but not least, I'm having trouble finishing up chapter five, so it might take a little longer than a week, as it also has to be beta'd yet. Just a heads up.

Chapter 4 - Daydreamer

Arizona Robbins had forgotten how much time school, cheer practice and work took in a week, not to mention trying to have a healthy social and family life next to those three priorities. This year, she discovered it wasn’t easy being seventeen years old. However, life was good at the moment and she was happy. She liked going to school, the new cheer squad was really nice and her job as a babysitter was always fun too. And fourteen days ago, life had even become more interesting. She made a new friend who had moved here and was also a cheerleader. They shared the first three letters of their first names; the girl was called Aria. While Aria was really nice and a good friend, she wasn’t to be called ‘interesting’. No, the interesting part was her little sister; Calliope.

“Hey, I think we got the routine really down for tomorrow night,” Aria walked up to her, putting her pom-pons in the locker next to Arizona’s.

“Yeah, most definitely. The first basketball game of the year, how excited are we?!” Arizona said, her voice rising a few octaves at the end.

“Very! Besides, we get to see Mick and Tommy play,” Aria said, grabbing a bottle of water.

“Tommy, huh?” Arizona raised her eyebrows.

“I really like him a lot." Aria nodded.  "How is Mick doing? Is he nervous for tomorrow?”

Arizona shook her head. Her brother didn’t get nervous easily and he knew he was a good athlete. Aria stared towards her lockers and bit on her lip. Arizona had learned over the weeks that when Aria was silent for more than minute, something was wrong or she was coming up with an idea. In the meanwhile, Hailey, their captain, had walked in.

“Hey girls, I’m really content with the work we did today! Arizona, your heel stretch is perfect and I’m glad I picked you as a flyer again this year. When you’re up there, the picture really works, you know?”

“Thanks, Hailey,” Arizona responded with a smile.

She loved being a flyer, being high up in the air. She was the perfect size for a flyer, and she didn’t weigh much so she could be lifted easily.

“And Aria... your triple back handsprings are looking really good. See you girls tomorrow!”

Aria mumbled a ‘thanks’ as Hailey left the room.

“I got it!” she suddenly exclaimed.

“What?” Arizona asked, knowing Aria was brooding on an idea.

“The perfect plan. Tomorrow, after the game, we’ll go to the movies! You, me, Mick and Tommy! That way it’ll be relaxed and comfortable, but I can still flirt with him.”

“Right,” Arizona laughed.

“Oh, you’ll do it right? Please, please?”

The blonde shut her locker.

“We’ll see. We’ll have to check with them first anyway.”

A smile appeared Aria’s face.

“You’re so easy to please.” Arizona laughed.

“I just like the guy, all right?” Aria said, grabbing her bag. “I love that we had practice early today. Long Mondays are killing me. Do you wanna get a drink?”

Arizona shrugged and looked at her watch. Two o’clock.

“As long as we get back here by four, I promised Mick I’d wait for him after PE.”
“Okay, cool. I have to pick Callie up anyway. Do you know a good coffee place around here?” Her friend nodded. “Okay then, let’s roll.”

“I can’t believe I only moved here three weeks ago,” Aria mentioned, pulling into the parking lot of their school.

Arizona remembered it well. Two weeks ago she'd met Callie for the first time in the very car she was sitting in at the moment. That day, she had a conversation with her in her room. Since then she had seen the Latina around at school, locking eyes with her, but due to her busy schedule the opportunity hadn't arose to have some other interaction.

“I know right,” Arizona responded. “You fit in really well.” She looked at the clock in the dashboard. 3:40pm.

“Thanks,” Aria glowed. “And thanks for, you know... being my friend.”

“Aww, silly. The pleasure is all mine,” Arizona laughed. “You want to get inside?”

“Nah, I’ll wait here." Aria shook her head. "Will you ask your brother about tomorrow night?”

“I will,” Arizona answered before getting out of the car.

“Thanks, Ari,” her friend grinned at her. “Hey, isn’t there someone you’re into at the moment? We could double date if things work out between me and Tommy!”

Arizona’s cheek flustered. She doubted the honest answer would please her friend.

“No, not really.”

“Ooh, I’m tasting drama. Did something happen before I met you? Which dirty exes have you been hiding from me?” Aria took off her sunglasses.

“None!” Arizona started leaning against the door of the car.

Aria raised an eyebrow.

“No exes? Really?”

Arizona raised her shoulders.


“Aw! You’re like a little Virgin Mary!” Aria grinned. “Why though? You’re super popular and frankly not that bad looking. I bet you could get any guy you want.”

Arizona shrugged again.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just not that into guys at the moment.” She hoped that with that answer Aria would let her off the hook for a while. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“Bye! Don’t forget to-”

“Ask Mick, I know,” Arizona laughed and waved her friend goodbye and walked into the gym.

Apparently the coach still had his class training and she walked over to sit on the bleachers. Arizona enjoyed watching her brother play, it reminded her of the times when she played basketball with him at home. When she heard someone call Callie’s name, she remembered she had also been here the week before. She narrowed her eyes and started searching between the two teams. Arizona spotted her in no-time; she was at the far right of the court, shooting a ball at the net. Callie scored and her team mates cheered which caused Arizona to smile. The Latina seemed in her element, though Arizona could see she didn’t use a lot of technique.

Cheerleading at games for over three years and having two athletic brothers had taught Arizona well. She continued to watch the girl move around the court and running past her opponents. Calliope was tall, which seemed to give her a minor lead on the other girls. But it wasn’t only that, she was also pretty fast and her shooting was excellent. A soft blush appeared on Arizona’s cheeks as she followed the Latina around. A few minutes later the coach whistled and the game was over. The winning team, which included Callie, got together to give each other a high-give.

“Seeing something you like, sis?” Mick whispered in her ear, causing her to jump a little.

She hadn’t even noticed him sneaking up on her.

“Shut up, Micky” she slapped his shoulder playfully.

“No, I know that look. You’re practically savoring someone. Who is it?”

“Am not,” she answered while looking briefly at Callie who gave her a little smile, which made her blush even more.

Mick traced her eyes.

“Ah, the new kid. She’s pretty.”

Arizona raised an eyebrow at her brother.

“Ah, come on. You know it, I know it,” he whispered as Arizona got up and rolled her eyes. “I still love you,” Mick spread his arms. “Now, give me a hug.”
“Ugh. You’re sweating,” she crossed her arms.

Mick lowered his arms and stepped off the bleachers.

“That hasn’t stopped you before. You’re just being stubborn because I’m right.”

Arizona walked after him and saw Callie leaving the gym with her friend. Just before she walked out of the door, she looked back at her. Arizona lips curled into a smile and raised her arm to wave at her. Her smile grew wider when the Latina waved back before she ultimately left.

“See. This a beginning of things. Watch my words,” her brother, who was now standing before her, winked at her.

“Whatever. She’s Aria’s sister, that’s all,” she said, not sounding very convincing.

“Right. Now, hop on, Robbins, we’re leaving,” Mick stated as he turned around.

Arizona grabbed both their bags and jumped off the bleachers onto her brother’s back. She didn’t care if it looked childish, it was something she and Mick had been doing since they were little kids and most of the peers at their school had already gotten used to it.

“Good game, Robbins,” she patted his shoulder.

“Thanks sis.”

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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