Fic: Times Like These (9/14)

Jan 17, 2010 12:14

Title: Times Like These
Author: addictt24 (Addictt on
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: R to be safe.
Summary: AU-fic. What if Callie and Arizona met in high school? Multi-chaptered.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or anything related to Grey’s Anatomy. That’s courtesy of Shonda Rimes and ABC. This fiction is not meant to make money or to be harmful in any way. It’s just pure for amusement.

Previous chapters: Ch1 - Learning How To Smile, Ch2 - Fascination, Ch3 - Can't You See, Ch4 - Daydreamer, Ch5 - Hometown Glory, Ch6 - Wicked Game. Ch7 - Wanderlust / Don't Ask Me Why. Ch8 - Hold On To The World.

Author's Note: Thank you so much for the comments on last chapters. I'm glad you're enjoying this fic! Here is chapter nine, which is a little shorter than the previous two. I'm afraid Arizona might be a little out of character, but hey, don't we all have one of those days?

Thanks tolizadizzle  for beta'ing. :-)

Chapter 9 - Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)

I can't believe it's been over two weeks since I've properly talked to Arizona. You might think my feelings would have subdued in that period of time, but it's on the contrary. I didn't know it was possible but my feelings towards her grew stronger. In the past fifteen days I haven't seen her around much, only twice to be exact on school property. She hasn't been around at our house either because Aria has been busy with cheering lately. I didn't get to talk to her both times, which left me with mixed feelings. True, I got to see her that day but I couldn't get closer than at least ten feet. I don't know what is worse, not seeing her at all or being held at a distance, only capable of seeing her laugh but not hearing it.

The first time I saw her was during practice about ten days ago. She entered the gym about ten minutes before we finished playing and I swear I felt her eyes on me the entire time. The urge to impress her took over me, so I physically concentrated on the game but in the mean time I was thinking about her. We won the game that day, mainly due to the last shots, a few of them made by me. Every time I threw one in, I looked over at her and I saw her smiling back. Strangely, Coach Mick who was coaching us was also looking at her. Did her brother maybe know something? When the game was over and I exited the locker room she was already gone, along with her brother.

The second time around was a much shorter period of time. It was in the cafeteria, and I was sitting at the table with Andy and a few girls I met at the team when she came in. She spotted me within a few seconds and she threw me one of her dimpled smiles. Unfortunately Aria got a hold of her attention and Andy on my side nudged me with a question.

That was three days ago. The only highlights of the past weeks were the extra basketball trainings to prepare for the upcoming tournament. I sigh as I drop my bag onto our regular table. Lucy, Andy and some other were already there, sipping their drinks or eating lunch. Rummaging through my bag I listen to their conversation about a certain teacher I haven't met yet.

"He is so unreasonable!" Lucy says angrily.

"What happened?" I ask sitting down.

"I told him about the extra practices we had this week but he didn't want to postpone the paper for tomorrow, while a few cheerleaders do have permission to hand it in next week. It is so unfair," she says chewing on a sandwich. "I mean, they don't even have to work that hard," she huffs. I honestly don't know how to respond to that so I stay silent for a moment. "Right?" she asks me, her green eyes almost piercing through me.

"I don't know, but he does sound prejudiced," I shrugging. I look one more time in my bag to find nothing to eat. "Crap, I forgot to pack lunch, so I'm going to grab something. Be right back," I say getting up and I put a few dollar bills out of my bag into my pocket. As I walk over to the other side of the cafeteria, I suddenly spot Arizona at the food counter as well. As she tries to support herself on one crutch, she holds the other one in her left hand and grabs a salad with her right hand. There are few people at the counter as well and none of them try to help her.

"Hey stranger," I say walking up to her. I see her jump a little and the other crutch drops out of her left hand. A few heads around us turn around with an agitated look on their face. I quickly kneel to grab the crutch and as I get up again she has turned around.

"Calliope," she says with a nervous look on her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," I hand her the crutch.

"You didn't," she says stumbling over her words. "I'm just a little, uhm... clumsy."

I nod and look around her. "Where are your little helpers?" I say referring to the people who had been glued to her side for the past weeks.

"Lockers," she says shrugging. "I decided to go ahead, look how well that turned out," she says pouting a little. I can still see a glint in her eyes so I know she's not actually upset.

"You need a hand?"

"Yes, thank you," she nods and shoves over her tray with her elbow. "I'm sorry we haven't been able to hang out for so long," she mentions as I put two sandwiches for myself on the tray as well. "I'm so dependable on people to drive me places, I'm pretty much stuck at home."

"That sucks," I agree with her. "How is your foot doing?"

"It doesn't hurt that much anymore, so that's good. Oh, and I got a lighter cast yesterday," she says smiling.

"Great," I reply as we arrive at the cash register. I see her trying to get money out of her pocket, but I briefly touch her arm. A hint of electricity sparks through my fingers again. So that hasn't changed either, I think to myself.

"No, let me get this," I give the woman behind the desk the right amount of money.

"Oh, that's not-" Arizona starts to object but I cut her off.

"Seriously, it's my pleasure," I try to convince her.

Her lips curl into a smile and she gives in. "Okay then. Thanks... I really hate not being able to run with you anymore," she blurts out.

"Me too," I reply immediately and I can restrain myself from saying that I miss her. Her smile turns into a grin but after she sees something behind me, her smile falls.

"Callie," I hear Lucy calling my name. "Are you coming?" she asks appearing on my right side.

"In a minute," I try to blow her off. Lucy's nice and all, but I'd rather spend some more time with the cheerleader in front of me. As if there is some kind of conspiracy I see my sister coming up behind her.

"Ari," she says with a little chant. "What's up?"

"We were just leaving," Lucy says and pulls me away.

"I-" I try to say but Aria takes the salad off my tray and interrupts me.

"I've got it from here, Callie. Go sit with your friends," she manages to say something supposedly nice in a dominating way. I look at the blonde who looks a little dumbfounded as well.

"Uhm, bye," I manage to utter as Lucy drags me towards our table.

"What did you just do?" I say dropping onto my chair.

"What were you doing?" the redhead replies without answering my question.

"Uhm.. talking to Arizona?" I say pointing out the obvious.

"You can't hang out with a cheerleader," Lucy says taking another bite of her sandwich.

"Why not?" I feel confused. "My sister is one..."

"But you don't hang out with her, right? Not in public anyway," Lucy raises her shoulders. I look for support at Andy next to me.

"It's kinda true, Callie," she says nodding. "Female athletes don't hang out with cheerleaders. It's like an unwritten rule or something."

"What a stupid rule," I say looking over to the corner of the cheerleader. It seems like Aria and Arizona are in some sort of discussion as well.

"Stop looking," Lucy hisses at me and I raise one eyebrow at me.

"She can do whatever she wants," Andy replies at me and gives a quick pat at the back. "At least we've warned her," she says as I take a bite out of my sandwich.

"Fine," Lucy says with a shrug. "Just know that it's frowned upon." I know she's only looking out for me and maybe for the reputation of the team but I simply don't care. I wonder what they will have to think about me crushing on a cheerleader...


"Please tell me we're not getting into this again," I beg Aria as I move my weight from my left leg onto my crutches.

"I wasn't going to, but then you pull a stunt like that!" Aria says indignant and raises her shoulders.

"What 'stunt'?" I ask, trying to keep my voice down.

"It's bad enough that you talk to my sister at home, but do you really have to in front of the entire school?"

"What is your problem with Callie anyway?" I ask moving closer to a near wall. There is no need for other people to listen in on this discussion. "She is nice, and funny, and beautiful," I sum up, not caring how that might've sound or what she might think.

Aria looks at me a little surprised before retorting a reply. "She is an athlete. Since when do you hang out with athletes?"

"Since when don't we? We hang out with athletes all the time. Mickey, and hello, Tommy? Why should this be any different?"

"Because they are guys, Arizona. That's the difference. Besides... they are prep's, like us. Callie however," I can see her look over to her sister. "... is not."

"Ugh," I roll my eyes. "Screw labels. I've always been nice to people, no matter what they do or how they look like. And I am not going to change that because others disagree or think that is stupid. And frankly, it's none of your business what I do or don't do." To avoid any more of a scene, I head for the exit, leaving Aria behind me. I would've stormed out of here if it wasn't for this stupid cast. Sometimes, not very often, people and their stupid biases just enrage me. I can see people turning their heads as I pass them by, but I don't care. Not today.

When I try to open my locker, one of my crutches falls from under my shoulder again from what feels like the hundredth time this month.

"Damn it," I cry out in frustration. Just when you think I might have had enough confrontation for one day, Tommy walks up to me.

"Feeling a little angry, do we?" he says flashing a grin at me and handing over the fallen crutch.

"Shut up," I say forgetting my manners.

"What's going on, sweetie pie?" he places a toothpick in his mouth.

"Don't call me that," I say pointing a finger at him. "And you know what, don't call Calliope that either. Stop being such a jerk towards Aria and leave her sister the hell alone!"

"Fine," Tommy says shrugging. "But what does it matter to you? It's not like she's your girlfriend or something." I quickly shut my locker door and avoid his gaze. Luckily my cheeks are still warm from the heated discussion and being so agitated that he can't see the blush creeping on there as well.

"Or is she?" I can her his teasing tone and as I glare at him I see the same grin on his face.

"You would like that, a little girl-on-girl action, don't you?' I say sarcastically, not admitting that I would like to see that happen too.

"Hey," he says raising his hands in defense. "If let's say you and Aria got together sometime, be sure to give me a call."

"Asshole," I scoff at him and walk away.

"Okay, no time for jokes then," I hear him call after me and I know he didn't mean it the bad way just then. I can't help but to feel frustrated. I haven't seen Callie in two weeks and now that I had the chance to talk to her again, it was only for a mere few minutes before that girl Lucy and Aria interrupted us. I didn't even have the chance to  invite her over to my place, if I actually had the guts to do so.

I sigh as I sit down at some steps. It's almost as if the latina is the forbidden fruit I can't touch or... taste. And now that I know people like Aria don't approve, it's like I want her even more.

"Bad day, huh?" I jump at the sound of Mickey's voice. "I've seen that tortured look on your face more and more the past few weeks," he mentions as he sits down beside me. I lay down my head on his shoulder as he takes me into his big, strong arms. "I know you miss her," he whispers into my ear before he places a kiss on my hair. I nod and I feel myself relax into his arms."Why don't you just call in sick for the rest of the day?"

"No," I say shaking my head. "I don't want to bother Mom and you've got class. Besides, I probably better make an apology to Aria and Tommy."

"That's the Arizona I know," Mickey smirks. "Never misses a class and can't stand unresolved fights."

"That's all because of you though," I say patting him on his knee. "What would I do without you?"

We both remain silent for a moment, both thinking of the odd prospect of next year. After graduation I'm planning on going to med school and Mickey is following Dad's footsteps to join the US Army. I can't believe I'm not going to have my brother by my side anymore every day.

"You know I'm going to call you and mail you as much as possible, right?" he quickly says rubbing my back.

"I know," I reply and flash my dimples at him. There is no time to waste on being angry, insecure or sad, I start to realize. I have to live my life to the fullest.

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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