Fanfic: Puzzle Pieces 1/?

May 17, 2015 17:07

Title: Puzzle Pieces 1/?

Author: Calzonafan2014

Disclaimer: So many things would be different. So. Many. Things.

Summary: It’s been nearly two years since they broke up. Arizona’s bunking with Meredith and Amelia while Callie is contentedly single. The first time went so very wrong, can Callie and Arizona finally figure out how to make their pieces fit?

Grey House

“You need to get laid.” Meredith shot her sister-in-law a death glare while she continued to clean up the juice Zola had spilled all over the coffee table. Zola, Sofia and Bailey had been hastily shuffled upstairs by Arizona following the spill and Meredith’s reaction.

“I yelled. Because I’d told Zola three times not to bring her juice into the living room. She knew better. That doesn’t make me a bad mother.”

“I didn’t say you were a bad mother. I said, you need to get laid.”


“Derek’s been gone for over a year. He’s dead. You aren’t.”

“I don’t. I can’t even…”

“How’s this. Arizona and I will look after the kids. You,” Amelia plucked the dirty rag out of Meredith’s hand, “go out, have a drink, or twenty, and don’t worry about getting up at the butt crack of dawn to wrestle your kids into a semblance of clothing and combed hair. We’ll handle it.”

“Am I really that annoying?”

“Yes.” Amelia grabbed Meredith’s purse and handed it to her, “Now go.”

With one final glance up the stairs to her kids, Meredith walked out the door at the same time Arizona was heading down the stairs.

“Where’s she going?”

“Booty call.” Arizona shot Amelia a look.

“It’s been thirteen months. She can’t be celibate forever.”

Arizona sighed as she flopped onto the couch, “Wanna bet?”

“Who, you?” Amelia laughed. “Seriously, what’s the longest you’ve gone? And remember Robbins, I knew you when.”

“Nineteen months, eight days,” Arizona checked her watch, “twenty-one hours and sixteen minutes….give or take.”

Amelia choked. “Need a hand?”

Arizona rolled her eyes.

“So Callie…”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Oh come on. You cannot drop a bomb like that and expect me to ignore it. Just tell me, is this a permanent vow of celibacy? Did Callie like, ruin you for other women? Is she that good? I mean, she looks like she’d be smokin’ between the sheets…” her second death glare of the evening was sharp enough that Amelia felt the singe.

“Noted. No more talking about your ex’s abilities or lack thereof. Of course, I could ask her for a personal demonstration.”

“What happened to your vow to keep your sex life out of the hospital?”

“This doesn’t count. It would clearly be for science.”


Meredith had had just enough to drink to take some of the edge off, and when a cute guy hit on her she went with it. It may have been years later, but it was like riding a bike, she knew how the game was played. The only difference this time was that she couldn’t exactly take him home to her house filled with kids. So she went back to his place, noted in passing the blue door marked 501, got her rocks off and managed to stave off the tears through a mumbled thank you, a quick redress and a hasty exit. It was only after the door was firmly closed and she was alone that the sob escaped.


Grey - Sloan Memorial

“Doctor Torres, your latte, extra hot with two sugars, and a lemon scone,” Callie looked up from the nurse’s station where she was charting and tossed her hotty hot intern a gorgeous smile. Arizona, rounding the corner towards the station, froze behind her.

“Thank you, Dr. DeLuca.”

“The scone is actually a thank you gift from Mrs. Williams. She wanted you to know how happy she is with her new hip.”

“Ahhh, how sweet.”

“I was wondering if I could scrub in with you today on Mr. Macy’s surgery. I’ve read up on his case file and I’ve been practicing in the skills lab…”

“Andrew, you’ve been on my service for the entire month of your internship.”

“That’s because you’re the reason I’m here. The work you’ve done to build artificial cartilage and now your robotic limb program - you’re the best orthopedic surgeon in the country, I want to learn from you.”

“Really?” Callie couldn’t help the flush at that before she hook it off and got back on point. “Andrew, you’re an intern. And the purpose of being an intern is to spread your wings, explore all of the different specialties - I promise you, I’ll still be here,” Callie smiled kindly and patted his arm while Arizona gritted her teeth in the background. She was so engrossed that she didn’t even notice Amelia behind her until the hip check.

“Looks like she took your advice and jumped on that super hot piece of man candy. How’s that working out for you?”

“It’s fine, and you don’t know…”

“You practically dared her to sleep with him. Why was that again?”

“I didn’t.”

“Oh, believe me, I was there, you totally did.”

Arizona rolled her eyes and was promptly confronted by the one person she really wanted to avoid.

“Doctor Robbins,” Andrew asked, all bright eyed and super hot.

“Yes, Doctor?”

“DeLuca. Andrew DeLuca. Doctor Torres told me I needed to get more experience with the other specialties and I was wondering…”

“Oh, no, sorry, I don’t take ducks in fetal medicine.”

“I assure you, I will do whatever you tell me.”

“Will he jump off the nearest bridge,” Amelia whispered to Arizona sotto voce and Arizona covertly shoved her while keeping her focus on Andrew.

“That’s lovely, and I’m sure you’re an awesome But the answer is no.”

“That’s okay Dr. DeLuca, you can be with me today. That is, if neurosurgery isn’t too much of a step down for you.”

“No, not at all Doctor Shepherd. It’s an honor.”

“Terrific. I like mochas, extra whip cream.”

“Of course, right away.”

Andrew left and Amelia turned back to Arizona. “Didn’t your wife get in trouble for holding back the career of a resident because she was jealous…”

“What? No. I’m not. That’s not. It’s fetal medicine. I can’t have baby doctors on my cases.”

“Excuse me? I didn’t realize that neurosurgery was the equivalent of basket weaving to you.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Yeah, you kind of did,” Callie said coming up behind her and trailed by Meredith.

“What’s going on?”

“Arizona thinks she’s too good for chicks and ducks.”

Arizona looked around at the assemblage of Attendings that had now gathered and threw up her hands.

“Fine. How about you all join me in the skills lab at lunch, and you can show me how it’s done.”

Callie met her ex’s gaze and felt a small smile blossom at the challenge, “Oh, you are so on.”

art: fanfiction, fanfic: callie/arizona

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