Title: 또 다시 사랑해 주겠니 (4/8) Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Rating: PG-15 Genre: Romance Summary: Key didn't believe anyone and was always cold to people around him. One day, a man changed him and changed his life, his name was Kim Jonghyun.
Sometimes it irks me that these people are very dense and scared to jump into life. Jonghyun can't accept himself as a homosexual but is in love with Key. Key can't accept that he needs to love someone else in this life and that he needs someone.
hahaha I'm a 2min shipper, it's hard not to include them in Jongkey fic XDD don't worry, I'll post up the next chapter soon~ keke thanks for reading! <333~
ooohhhhwwww...........me likes the way things are getting !! aww the jongkey interaction is so cute and loving, also the 2min too :D i really can imagine minho adding food into his bowl and taemin pouting at ingredients! really ,,,, lol :)
Comments 17
Jonghyun can't accept himself as a homosexual but is in love with Key.
Key can't accept that he needs to love someone else in this life and that he needs someone.
People will tend to give themselves reason.
Thanks for reading!!!
Can't wait for the next chap >w<
keke I will post up by tomorrow~
thanks for reading!
and jjong just admit you love key. aish..
love this :3
don't worry, I'll post up the next chapter soon~
thanks for reading!
these two idiots!! just kissed already!!!ajdagdugadpougit679w8u0!!!!
needs more than 2 months to get their brain fixed?!?!?
oh yeah, Jinki to the rescue!!
give that Dino-head somethin better to think of
nice chappie hun ♥♥
haha thanks for reading!
keke yeah~ it's half way through the story now...
thanks for reading!
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