Title: In My Heart (11/13) Pairing: Minho/Taemin Genre: Angst Rating: PG 15 Summary: Minho let himself fall in love with Shin Taemin, hoping that it would make him forget about Lee Taemin. Would it be in this case? A/N: UN-BETA!
Ah! I waited your update for ages! Hello there I just got back from Paris and other west Europe :) When I got back I was hoping that you've update LOL I spoke to soon
Anyway! Key! Why did you manage to say that? Ow I was reading with a huge smile on my face till Key asked that to Minho owww damn. But well Key has a point to...
Hey ! Glad you updated! So i'm the girl who is translating you in French and things are going really well! Gonna post chapter 6 friday :). You got 32 new fans, something like 40 new readers and 164 comments o_o. I was wondering if you wanted me to translate them for you... It's a lot of work but anyway, this is YOUR comments, even though I reply to them.
Can't wait for chapter 12, please don't make a horrible ending, please don't let Minho and Shin Taemin die and let them find their happiness T_T. We had enough suffered with In My Room, right :DD ?
OMG, i'm so sorry for being so late...! I just read this chapter now OTL Ooh... i'm happy that Minho finally started the relationship with Shin Taemin, part the ending part is pretty sad... I hope Minho can sort out his feelings towards Taemin so both can be happy...
Comments 5
Hello there I just got back from Paris and other west Europe :) When I got back I was hoping that you've update LOL I spoke to soon
Anyway! Key! Why did you manage to say that? Ow I was reading with a huge smile on my face till Key asked that to Minho owww damn.
But well Key has a point to...
Can't wait for chapter 12, please don't make a horrible ending, please don't let Minho and Shin Taemin die and let them find their happiness T_T. We had enough suffered with In My Room, right :DD ?
I just read this chapter now OTL
Ooh... i'm happy that Minho finally started the relationship with Shin Taemin, part the ending part is pretty sad...
I hope Minho can sort out his feelings towards Taemin so both can be happy...
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