Book Sale 2010

Dec 07, 2010 15:39

It's that time again!

Last year, I started my very first book sale. It's a bit of a misnomer, as it implies it's available for a limited time, which isn't true. My books are available all year around, but the reason I'm making an announcement today is that I finally added all those many books I've been promising to add since August.

What does that mean for you?

It means there's 70 new titles added to the sale.

Some of these titles have been read and reviewed. Some of them I liked, some of them I didn't. And some titles haven't been read at all. The reason all of these books have made it to the "For Sale" pile is that like it or not, read it or not, I've no longer got any interest in keeping the books and/or reading them. So instead of hoarding them, I'm happy to pass them to new homes.

How does it work?

1) Browse here.

In the comments section for each book, you'll find the price as well as any special notes regarding that particular book (if it's signed, etc); you'll also note that some books are "shipping only" because I got those for free and don't feel right making a profit off of them.

2) Email me at with the subject heading "Book Sale". In the email, please be sure to provide the following:

a) the names of the books you want
b) your mailing address
c) do you need first class, media mail, or something much faster? Tell me which shipping speeds you want quoted, otherwise, I'll choose the cheapest (which is always media).
d) whether or not you'd like me to insure the package (in case the post office loses it, everyone gets reimbursed; if you don't insure the package, you'll still get reimbursed, but I'm out of luck.*sad face* )
e) if you're paying with PayPal, your PayPal email address

3) I'll mark the books you've requested as reserved (aka, take them off the "For Sale" list; remember, it's first come, first serve). Then I'll package up your books and take the box to the post office to find out how much shipping costs (with insurance, if you want it). I will always take the cheapest shipping, be it first class or media mail (unless you indicate otherwise). I will then send you a PayPal invoice with the total with shipping (and insurance, if you request it) and wait for 1) your approval and 2) your payment before sending the package off to you.

Note: approval is so that you have a chance to change your mind. Maybe shipping's more than you thought it would be, or maybe you've changed your mind about the title. Once you approve the purchase and send me the money, I'll send the package.

Note about shipping: the more you buy, the more you'll save. Seriously. Media mail is pretty cheap when sending multiple books. Obviously, that only applies if you live in the US.

And yes, I'll ship outside of the US. After all, you're paying for it. But please know that shipping outside of the US is higher than shipping within the US, so--depending on where you live in the world--the money you save on the books you may end up spending for shipping. It's your call, and that's why I wait for your approval and payment before shipping. :)

4) To pay, you have a couple of options: you can either write me a check or use PayPal. I have no preference, just note that checks will take longer to arrive, which means you'll have to wait longer for me to ship your books. Which I don't mind doing, as long as you don't. ;)

5) Once I ship the books, I'll let you know the shipping date. Please return the favor by letting me know when the package arrives, so I don't have to sweat it. Especially this time of year when there's so much getting mailed. :)

If you have any questions about any of the available titles, or anything about the process, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm going to try and do better and start adding books to the book sale list on a monthly basis (especially if it's something I've just read and reviewed) so keep your eyes peeled every month for new stuff. I'll announce what's been added when I do my "Monthly Roundup."

I thank everyone for their help and support, because my books are like tribbles, yo, and they breed! There's also the more serious fact that since my husband got a new job this year (woot!) we may be moving in 2011. And if you've ever moved your personal library, you know how HEAVY those boxes can be. So help a girl out?

blog: book sale

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