six degrees of Canada Valentine's Day cardathon master list!

Feb 14, 2011 08:39

It seems as though a whole bunch of Valentine's Day cards intended for various fictional characters have gone astray, and ended up in the hands of fangirls and fanboys instead. Gosh, what a shame. But at least we can enjoy them!

I've listed cards by recipient and linked to their squee posts if they've made one, or to pictures provided by the sender if they sent them to me. If you want me to change the URL to your other journaling site, let me know. Please note that the failure of a recipient to squee and/or post photos doesn't mean they didn't like their cards; several participants have locked journals, not everybody has a digital camera, and some people have been too busy to post. Feel free to squee here!

Fandom key: dS = due South, HCL = Hard Core Logo, S&A = Slings and Arrows, WW = Wilby Wonderful - others are written out in full.

akamine_chan got a series of notes between Joe and Billy (HCL), a card from Jill to David (Regenesis), and an envelope of case-related stuff showing Victoria's twisted affection for Fraser (dS)

andeincascade got a valentine from RayK to RayV with bonus Riv and GTO (dS)

debris_k got a bag of swag filled with RayK/Fraser cards and loot and goodies (dS)

exbex got a dinner date invitation from Turnbull to Kowalski (dS) and a love note from Buddy to Duck (WW) [ photos in this post]

gloriana got two telegrams from Sean to Ben, and a card from Ben to Sean (Gunless)

helens78 got a letter from Fraser to Victoria in prison, and a subsequent exchange of postcards between them (dS)

isis got a Valentine's day card from Dan to Duck suggesting a romantic trip to Europe, with tickets (WW) ETA and a card from Darren with a letter asking her to join him in Toronto (S&A/RPF)

j_s_cavalcante got a pair of valentines between Fraser (and Dief) and Ray (and Turtle) (dS)

kyriacarlisle got handmade cards from Dan to Duck (WW) and from RayK to Fraser (dS)

lamentables got three cards intended for hockey goalies in Canada (Rent-a-Goalie)

libitina got a card from Maria to Anna (S&A) and a card from Dodd to Sullivan (Shattered/Memento)

lucifuge_5 got a small and elegant card from Meg Thatcher to RayV, and a triptych card from RayV to Meg (dS)

luzula got a sad and angsty letter (and presents) from Fraser in his hospital bed to Victoria (dS)

marianas got a romantic card from RayK to Stella (dS) and a card with a song from Turnbull to Frannie (dS)

mergatrude got an exchange of cards between Ray Kowalski and Joe Dick (dS/HCL)

mific got a card from Darren to Geoffrey (S&A) and a card from RayK to Fraser (dS)

mizface got OT3 cards among RayK, RayV, and Fraser (ds)

omens got a beautiful handmade card from Donna to Jules (Flashpoint)

simplystars got a flyer for a Russian flea circus with notes between Frank and Cyril (S&A) and a card with an excerpt from Shakespeare's Sonnet 147 from Geoffrey to Ellen (S&A)

spuffyduds got a card from RayK to RayV in the form of a list, and RayV's reply (dS)

thursdaynext_27 got a postcard from RayK to Fraser with a message in Inuktutit (dS)

umbrella_half got an exchange of cards with long letters between RayK and Fraser (dS) and a card from Duck to Dan altered to be about cowboys (WW)

wihluta got a card with a long letter from Sean to Ben (Gunless)

ETA: andeincascade's card 2/14
omens's card 2/14
isis's second card 2/15
spuffyduds's card 2/16
libitina's cards (in comments) 2/16

Participants: if you get additional or late cards, email me or comment here and I'll update the post. I'll make a final announcement post to ds_noticeboard after all cards are on the list. If your recipient has not posted images, and you have some, email them to me and I'll put them in my scrapbook and link them. You are now permitted to comment to your recipient's post or out yourself in your own lj, but please do not reveal your card on this post. You are also welcome to remain anonymous if you like!

Thank you to all participants, and a special thanks to the pinch-hitters and treat-writers. It is a blast to set this up and see all the lovely and creative offerings that get made for this exchange!

challenge: c6dvd, art, fic list

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