[fic] SuperJunior - "Painted as Opposites" (6/?)

Apr 29, 2008 02:37

Title: Painted as Opposites [Chapter 6]
Author: phasera
Pairing: Siwon/Donghae
Summary: (AU) Loosely inspired by the k-drama Princess Hours.
Chapters: o1 | o2 | o3 | o4 | o5 | o6 | o7 | o8 | o9 | 10 | #
Note: This story is incomplete, and I will not be working on it anytime soon. I appreciate the readers who still enjoy this fic, and I'm very sorry I cannot promise you a conclusion.

------------------------Chapter 6------------------------

"But what if I get hungry later?" Donghae argued.

"I don't care," Yesung hissed through the congenial smile he'd kept fixed in place all night. "Just do not put hors d'oeuvres in the pockets of that five-thousand dollar Armani tux."

Donghae huffed a sigh and obeyed, morosely feeling that it wasn't much good being a newly-made prince if it came with a glowering shadow that treated you like a four-year old all the time.

"Napkin, use a napkin," Yesung corrected-for the umpteenth time-as Donghae gathered shrimp puffs in one hand.

Donghae rolled his eyes, and briefly considered dashing to the center of the ballroom to take a swan dive into the lavish glistening-gold champagne fountain-if only just to see if he could bring on some kind of cool medical condition that the throbbing vein in Yesung's forehead was threatening-like an aneurism, or an apoplexy.

Munching on his food, he abandoned the idea almost as soon as he'd thought of it-mostly because every guest at the party already treated Donghae like some sort of strange, wild animal. They stared at him in fascination, but kept their distance, as if afraid to get too close. There was no need to prove them right. Instead, Donghae settled for a milder rebellion, tossing his shrimp puffs in the air and catching them in his open mouth. He grinned and chewed in impish satisfaction while Yesung glared.

Donghae would suffer for it through extra boring lessons in Etiquette and Deportment, he knew-but he just couldn't help himself. There was nothing to do at this party but eat food and stare at all the beautiful people who wouldn't talk to him.

Donghae was bored. Really, really bored. All this week, he'd been so intensely focused on preparing for the actual Oath ceremony, that he hadn't spared much thought for what his life would be like after he'd made the vows that would forever bond him to the royal family, and to the Prince.

Somehow, though, Donghae had never expected there to be quite so much… standing around.

"Are those any good?"

Donghae turned towards the voice and immediately felt his eyes bug out of his head in shock. Lee Hyori was standing right there, next to him, peering down at the catering. Hyori wasn't the first big-name celebrity he'd glimpsed tonight at the Prince's birthday party-but she was there, actually talking to him.

"Oh, yeah, umm-these? They're great," he managed to stammer in reply. The famous singer smiled, piling her plate, and Donghae recanted on every negative thought he'd had all night-being a prince was awesome.

And because Hyori didn't seem inclined to run screaming from him in horror, Donghae helpfully pointed out his other favorite foods along the huge and artfully decorated tables. Feeling generous, he even deigned to show her the tray of bite-sized strawberry-cream tarts he'd stashed earlier, well-hidden behind a leafy potted fern and a pot of orchids. (Apparently, the caterers had gone with some sort of jungle/springtime theme. What that had to do with Siwon's birthday, Donghae wasn't sure.)

"My friends are never going to believe that I met you," Donghae enthused at her, trying not to come across like a complete loser. "My roommate pretty much worships the ground you walk on." And the second Kyuhyun gives me back my cellphone, I'm calling Hyukjae to gloat, he thought smugly.

Hyori chuckled around a mouthful of strawberry tart. "That's funny. My friends are going to be jealous of you, too."

Donghae blinked. "Really? Why?"

The singer laughed. "Because you just bagged the country's most eligible bachelor-or did you forget?"

"Oh…yeah, that." Donghae agreed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess it's more that it hasn't… sunk in, yet."

To his surprise, Hyori looked romantically wistful, heaving a dreamy sigh. "I can imagine."

While he gave her an odd look, Hyori snagged a few more of the tarts onto her plate. "It was very nice to meet you, Lee Donghae-you have to promise to introduce me to your husband later, okay?"

"My what?" Donghae exclaimed-or at least, he tried to, but choked on piece of melon instead. Hyori melted back into the crowd, while Yesung pounded Donghae helpfully on the back.

"Did she just say what I thought she said?" Donghae groaned when he could speak again, spirits sinking as the Palace aide only snickered. "That's what I was afraid of."

Even though the press release had specifically stated that Donghae and Siwon's Oath did not constitute a marriage, it seemed that everyone in the world was going to insist on calling it one, anyway.

At least the media doesn't seem to know about the ‘soulmate' thing, Donghae reflected gloomily, taking a napkin Hyori had abandoned and putting it in his pocket to give to Hyukjae later. He felt immensely guilty for not even being able to call his friends; but his cellphone had pretty much exploded with calls the second the story had dropped, and Kyuhyun had taken it away-promising Donghae a new phone, with a secure number.

While Donghae was still staring into space in vague consternation, Prince Siwon returned at last with a stranger in tow.

Donghae eagerly turned to this new distraction, his curiosity growing by the second as he studied the young man's appearance. Rather than the formal-wear sported by every other guest at the gala, the new boy was dressed very casually in black jeans, t-shirt, and a worn leather racing jacket. Still, even with the glitzy surroundings, the young man looked comfortable in a way Donghae found extremely enviable.

How come he doesn't have to wear a tux? Donghae wondered a bit grouchily, remembering the way Kyuhyun and Yesung had practically blackmailed him into his own ridiculously expensive getup. But then Donghae looked into the stranger's aloof and amused expression and found his answer-because here was a person who did just as he pleased, no matter what anyone told him. Wearing jeans to black-tie events was probably nothing to him.

As always, Donghae's gaze soon turned back to the Prince, who looked stoic as ever. Peering very closely, however, Donghae detected that Siwon seemed a bit flustered, which only made Donghae even more curious about what was going on.

"Donghae," Siwon said when they'd approached, gesturing to the young man at his side. "I'd like you to meet my cousin, Choi Kibum."

"Kim Kibum," the other boy corrected, eyes glinting. "I don’t go by Choi anymore."

Automatically, Donghae smiled, reaching to shake Kibum's hand. "Lee Donghae. It's nice to meet you." But his smile faltered a bit, his hand slowing as he realized why that particular name sounded so familiar…

"Ah!" Donghae exclaimed, remembering like a light bulb turning on above his head. "You're that guy-the Prince-in-Exile, right?" As soon as he'd blurted the words, Donghae could have kicked himself for being so rudely blunt. Why could he never learn to think before he spoke?

But Kibum only looked dryly amused. "That would be me." His lips pressed together in a thin smile.

Belatedly, Donghae released the other boy's hand, fumbling for something else to say. "So, ahh… so you're back in the country, then?"

"I have a few matters of business to attend to while I'm here, though they might take me some weeks," Kibum answered vaguely, one shoulder lifting in a noncommittal shrug. "Once that's done, I'll be returning to California."

Siwon frowned, looking at his cousin as if he might say something, but he was interrupted by Kyuhyun coming towards him and muttering something in his ear. The Prince nodded acknowledgement, glancing at his wristwatch before looking back at Kibum and Donghae.

"Gentlemen, it's getting late, and it's time we took our leave," the Prince told them. He looked to his cousin. "Kibum, you're welcome to return with us in the helicopter, if you'd like?"

Donghae jerked, and the tray from which he'd been trying to sneak some more food slid and knocked over an artful arrangement of jade animal statues. Helicopter? Did he just say helicopter?

Kibum was shaking his head. "I have my own ride, but thanks."

"Then Donghae, if you could go with Yesung and Kyuhyun to the roof, I'll follow you shortly," the Prince said, gesturing towards the doors.

"The-the roof?" Donghae echoed weakly, panic climbing up the back of his throat.

"Yes, that's usually where they have the helipad."

Donghae swallowed. "We're going in a helicopter? As in… flying? In the sky?"

"Taking the car is too much of a security risk, with all the media that's surrounded the hotel."

"And planes crash. Into the ground. In a fiery ball of death," Donghae gasped, his paling face reflecting his sudden surge of terror. "I'd say that's a pretty big security risk."

The Prince frowned. "Are you saying you have a fear of flying?"

"Not flying-just the crashing fireball of death part," Donghae grimaced. Any sensible person would!

"Perfect," Siwon muttered, closing his eyes briefly and massaging his temple as if to stave off a growing headache.

But then the Prince's cousin chose to chime in with an unexpected solution. "I could take him home," Kibum offered. "The paparazzi shouldn't recognize me or my vehicle-we could go out the back way."

"That sounds great," Donghae said quickly, immediately immensely relieved and latching onto Kibum's arm. "We can go now?"

"Sure," Kibum agreed, looking to his cousin for confirmation.

"I suppose…" Siwon nodded slowly, though his brow furrowed as if he suspected it wasn't such a good idea.

"Okay, we're going, bye!" Donghae blurted, tugging the other boy's wrist and rushing them out of the ballroom before Siwon could decide it was too much of a 'security risk,' and try once again to stick Donghae in one of those flying death machines.

Donghae didn't slow till they were out of the ballroom and in the elevator. As the doors slid shut he let go of Kibum's arm, heaving a huge sigh of relief. "Thanks for the rescue," he said to the other boy, grinning ruefully. "But if man were meant to fly, he'd have been born with wings, y'know?"

"It's no problem," Kibum assured him, and his eyes moved over Donghae from head-to-toe in a briskly assessing look. "But we'll never be able to sneak out of here with you still dressed like that."

"Huh?" Donghae was startled.

The other boy was already shrugging out of his leather coat, the grin on his face revealing a bright flash of teeth for the first time. "Ditch the tie, and the jacket. Put this on instead."

Donghae obeyed, grinning back when he understood. He put on the coat, still warm from Kibum's body. He was starting to get the impression that the other boy wasn't just another dyed-in-the-wool, self-inflated noble. "I should find a hat or something, too."

The elevator pinged, opening into the lobby. For whatever reason, Kibum seemed to have some familiarity with the hotel's layout, because instead of going through the main entrance, he quickly guided them through more hallways, ending up in the bustling and steamy kitchens.

Donghae plucked a baseball cap off one of the bus-boys as he and Kibum dashed by, calling a quick 'thank you' to the surprised kid over his shoulder. Laughing somewhat breathlessly, Kibum and Donghae almost slammed through the service door at the end of the kitchens, stumbling with their momentum out into the broad alleyway at the hotel's rear.

A few paparazzi were lurking there, smoking cigarettes with bored expressions, clearly waiting for their chance at an all-important 'money-shot'. Donghae nervously tugged down the brim of his stolen cap while he walked by, but none of the photographers so much as aimed a lens in their direction, no doubt assuming they were delivery boys or something of the kind.

Still, Donghae breathed easier once they were past. He had yet to experience dozens of journalists in his face, shouting embarrassing questions about his relationship with the Prince-but he knew it was only a matter of time before that avalanche caught up with him. If he had a choice, he'd like to put that spectacle off for as long as possible.

As it turned out, Kibum's vehicle was a sleek-looking black and red Kawasaki motorcycle, parked at the end of the alley closest to the street. "You own this?" Donghae gaped, straddling the seat behind Kibum while the other boy fastened on his helmet, passing the spare back for Donghae. "But... I thought you just got back in the country?"

"I work fast," Kibum answered, vague once more. As Kibum turned his key in the ignition, the engine purred into life, then snarled as he revved slightly. Belatedly, Donghae remembered to hold on, and wrapped his arms securely around the other boy's slim waist. There was no doubt in Hae's mind, now-Kibum was definitely of a different sort than that pack of glitterati still gliding about in the hotel ballroom.

Without a word of warning, the bike sprang into motion, sliding like oil through the many news vans and police cars jamming up the street. When they at last hit open roads, Kibum immediately accelerated to what felt like a somewhat alarming speed.

The wind whipped through Donghae's clothes and past his face-carrying with it all the familiar scents of the city, only at a hundred miles per hour. He clung limpet-like to Kibum's back, realizing too late that he wasn't much safer here than in that cursed helicopter. But after a week of being cooped up indoors like a monk, he had to admit the open air and the adrenaline rush felt pretty damn exhilarating.

"Do you remember how to get to the Palace?" Donghae shouted over the other boy's shoulder, when the thought finally occurred to him.

"Do you?" Kibum yelled back.

"No clue!" Hae screamed gleefully, the wind tearing the sound of his voice away as he spoke.

So it seemed the Prince had been right in his suspicions-this had turned out to be a very bad idea, after all. Grinning broadly, Donghae turned his head to watch the city lights blur by in a stream of neon greens and blues. He wasn't particularly worried. For both of them, he was sure-sooner or later the Palace would draw them home.


Luckily for them, finding directions to a national monument wasn't very difficult at all. Once at the Palace, it almost took them longer to get through security at the gate than it had just to drive there. Frustrated, Donghae finally had to grab the evening's newspaper from inside the booth, emphatically pointing out his own picture splashed across the front page. With many apologies, the guards finally allowed them to pass.

"I'm surprised they didn't recognize you first," Donghae grumbled to Kibum once they'd made it on the grounds and parked.

The younger boy was quiet for a moment, draping his jacket over the seat of his bike once Donghae had handed it back to him. "I must have changed a lot," Kibum answered at last, shrugging. "It's been five years." He lifted his eyes to the building in front of them. The main wing of the Palace rose up out of the night's darkness, ground-level lights illuminating its ancient walls in shades of honey-yellow and peach.

"Is it weird, being back here?" Donghae asked, watching the other boy's face.

"A little," Kibum admitted, leaning some of his weight against his bike, hands tucked down into the pockets of his jeans. The stance made him seem vulnerable, and young. "But it's more the circumstances than anything else, I think."

"How so?"

The other boy paused, seeming to carefully consider all his words before he spoke. "Because of my mother-she never wanted me to come back here." A shadow passed over Kibum's features, though his voice remained steady. "She died a few weeks ago. A car accident."

Donghae's heart squeezed painfully with an immediate rush of sympathy. And his father died five years ago, before they left the Palace, Donghae remembered. He's an orphan now… just like me. "I'm sorry," Donghae told him, truly meaning it.

"I'm alright," Kibum said, though his mouth looked tight as he smiled. "I feel sorrier for you," he told Donghae, obviously wanting to change the subject.

"Sorry for me?" Donghae's eyes widened. "Why's that?"

"Because I already escaped this place," Kibum said, smirking. "But you're stuck here for good, now."

Donghae laughed a little, though inwardly he felt dismayed that his discomfort was that obvious to someone he'd barely met. If only he had the ability to disguise his feelings half as well as Prince Siwon could.

He remembered he still wore the baseball cap and took it off, fluffing his hair out with his fingers. "I'll be okay. It just takes a bit of getting used to, right?" Not to mention, Yesung and Kyuhyun are determined to whip me into the image of a proper noble, even if it kills them. Or me.

"For what it's worth, I could help you try to acclimate," Kibum suggested, once again surprising Donghae with an unexpected offer. "I did spend the first fifteen years of my life as a prince, after all."

Donghae smiled bright, genuinely grateful. "Thanks, I-"

"There you are." Prince Siwon emerged from a door to their left, frowning as he walked towards them. Because he'd taken the helicopter, Siwon must have arrived back at the Palace long before the two of them. Had he been worried? Donghae couldn't tell-the Prince only looked mildly irritated, from what he could see-but then, the Prince pretty much always looked that way.

Kibum straightened out of his lounging pose, looking to Donghae with a small smirk. "Yes, here he is-package delivered, safe and sound."

Donghae chuckled, grinning back. "Yeah, we only had a brush with death, what-three? Four times?"

The Prince stood before them and cocked one eyebrow, but made no comment to the joke. He was still dressed in his party-wear; though, like Donghae, he'd shed the jacket and tie. "I thank you for your help, cousin," he said to Kibum, voice empty of anything but distant politeness.

Donghae looked between them, sensing a strange vibe that caused his mind to whirl with unvoiced speculations. The two almost didn't act as if they were related-was it the five years of separation that made it uncomfortable? Or perhaps it was memories of some sort of childhood rivalry?

"No sweat," Kibum shrugged, putting on his jacket and swinging a leg over his bike. "Donghae," he said, looking up as he started the engine and speaking over the rumbling noise. "We'll hang later, alright?"

"Sounds good," Donghae told him, and waved cheerfully as the younger boy rode off down the long driveway.

This left Donghae on his own with the Prince, putting the two of them alone together for the first time all night.

Siwon was staring after his departed cousin, expression thoughtful. "You two made friends?"

Donghae nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He looked down to his feet, feeling suddenly and inexplicably shy. Glancing up through his bangs, he saw that the Prince had turned the weight of that thoughtful gaze to him, causing a self-conscious flutter in the pit of his stomach.

"So," Donghae said, drawing the word out, feeling tongue-tied and awkward. "Did you enjoy your birthday?"

"It was… memorable," the Prince answered, his tone as inscrutable as ever. Turning, the Prince began walking away; but he stopped at the door which he'd come out through, holding it open with a silent and polite air.

Realizing he'd probably get lost if he tried to navigate the many corridors of the Palace on his own, Donghae smiled ruefully at the Prince and followed him inside.

As they walked, Donghae was immediately and intensely aware that the Prince kept… looking at him. Though he only actually caught Siwon in a few discreet glances, Donghae could feel his eyes-it was like being watched by some highly intelligent predator-like a tiger, or a hawk.

Okay, so maybe Donghae had a bit of an overactive imagination. But still, there was no denying that the Prince seemed to have something on his mind, at least.

Siwon paused inside the entrance to their shared courtyard, turning the switch to illuminate the garden with dim, low-level light. A flash of silver on his hand caught Donghae's eye-the ring. The ring to which Donghae wore the twin. He glanced down at his hands, saw that he'd crushed the stolen baseball cap into a twisted mess, and tossed it discreetly behind a bush.

‘Your husband,' Lee Hyori had called the Prince, nearly making Donghae choke-but was it really such a surprise for the public to think that way? During the ceremony, one of Donghae's vows had constituted pledging his mind, heart, and body to the Prince's service-and he'd assumed all along it was because the Oath had been meant for soldiers, for young nobles to make to their liege. But what if he'd assumed wrongly?

Slowly, Donghae turned to face Siwon, biting his lip and with his hands clenched tight at his sides. His thoughts wound their way to the inevitable conclusion-if the ceremony this morning had in truth been their wedding, then… then that would make this…

Their wedding night.

Oh, god, are we supposed to… supposed to…? Donghae was sure his heart had never pounded so fast in his life, and his mouth went bone dry, his tongue feeling thick like a wad of cotton. But why else would the Prince have kept looking…? Did Siwon really expect that they…?

Yesung and Kyuhyun had never mentioned anything, Donghae thought desperately, trying to stay rational, to not jump off the deep end. They had never said-but maybe they were being circumspect? Or they hadn't wanted to panic Donghae before the ceremony took place?

Not that he was scared, he told himself quickly-that would be ridiculous. Because he was an adult. He was an adult, and he could do this-it was no big deal, right? Married (and even unmarried) couples did it every day.

Okay, so maybe only newlyweds did it every day.

The Prince was staring at him again. Expectantly. Wiping his clammy palms against the unfamiliar material of his tailored slacks, Donghae groped for something, anything to say. "Sh-should I go change?" he offered, cursing the stammer that made him sound like a nervous idiot.

"You may do as you please," Siwon replied, brow furrowing.

Donghae was not going to faint. He was not. "Do you have any… any preference?" he squeaked. His skin felt flushed all over, like standing naked under a dozen spotlights. Oh, no-that was bad, bad imagery. Donghae shook his head, trying to dislodge the deluge of pictures from his overheated imagination of himself and the Prince in various stages of undress.

Donghae worked to control his breathing, realizing he'd have to kill himself in shame if he passed out at Siwon's feet due to hyperventilation.

"Is there a reason why I should have a preference in what you wear?" The Prince asked, one eyebrow lifting.

"Because... because... you know," Donghae dithered, unwilling and unable to actually speak the words out loud.

The Prince took a few steps closer, peering down at him. "You look quite unwell. Do you feel all right?"

Donghae shook his head vigorously and immediately regretted it, as the movement made him even dizzier. "I'm fine-it's cool, it's fine." Why did the Prince have to stand so near? Because he was right there, filling Donghae's field of view-all broad shoulders and open neckline and the subtle scent of his cologne creeping into Donghae's nose…

"I'm okay with it, really," Donghae swore, looking up to meet the Prince's eyes. "It's just, it's kind of a surprise… I only need a few seconds to get used to the idea, that's all."

At last Siwon stepped back, a puzzled frown turning down the corners of his mouth. "Used to what idea?"

Donghae blinked. Was the Prince being deliberately obtuse? Or maybe he was being coy… although he didn't seem the type for coyness at all…

Slowly, Donghae answered him. "To the… I mean, you and me, don't we have to…" and at the last word, his voice dropped to an almost-whisper. "Consummate?" he mumbled, feeling his face flush from bright pink to beet-red.

The Prince only stared back at Donghae for the space of a few heartbeats, looking as wide-eyed as Donghae felt. "Oh my god," Siwon suddenly said, covering his face with both hands. When his shoulders began to shake silently, some of Donghae's embarrassment began to transmute into fear that the Prince might be having some sort of emotional breakdown.

Then the Prince burst out laughing, hands holding his stomach as he laughed on and on, mouth wide and eyes squeezed shut, looking and sounding completely and utterly unreserved for the first time since Donghae had met him.

"You thought… you thought we…?" Siwon gasped out, fighting to get his breath back as his hooting laughter subsided into fits of snorts and snickering.

Donghae just stared, mouth open in shock from the Prince's completely unexpected reaction. Then Donghae's jaw snapped shut, his flush quickly returning in full-force with the realization that he had probably just made the biggest and most humiliating mistake of his entire life.

"Oh, I needed that," the Prince muttered to himself, dabbing his watering eyes on his shirt sleeve. He looked to Donghae, a broad and patronizing smirk curling the corners of his mouth and revealing the deep dimples set into his cheeks.

Right about then would have been the perfect moment for the earth to open up and swallow Donghae alive, he decided a bit desperately. But the traitorous ground remained solid and unmoving under his feet.

"You needn't have feared, Donghae," the Prince told him finally, arrogance now seeming to ooze from every pore. "I have zero intention of warming your virginal bed."

That much had already been made abundantly clear, Donghae thought, irrationally somewhat resentful. (There might also have been a brief flash of disappointment somewhere in churning tightness of his stomach, but Donghae brutally squelched it down.)

And then, in the way of all young men, his embarrassment turned swiftly to red-hot indignation. "Wait just a minute," Donghae snapped, stepping into the Prince's personal space to poke his finger into Siwon's chest, glaring all the while. "I am not a virgin."

Swifter than he could follow, the Prince's hand came up to wrap around Donghae's wrist, making him forget his indignity in the surprise of the touch. Siwon used his grip as leverage to tug Donghae forward, until mere inches would have brought their bodies together.

Donghae blinked, once again mute with shock, while a small part of his mind inwardly marveled over the heat radiating from Siwon's body-startling from a person who always acted carved from ice. Donghae could almost feel the rapid beat of his pulse against the tight grasp of the Prince's fingers, but maybe he was only imagining it.

"Are you saying you want me to sleep with you?" the Prince asked, tone still amused and arrogant-but there was something else layered underneath, a dark suggestion that part of Donghae both thrilled to and shied from at once. The rest of him remained upset and confused.

"I…you… no," Donghae sputtered, finally struggling to break free of the Prince's hold. Someday-Donghae thought, both irritated and wistful-someday he would have a confrontation with the Prince and actually manage to keep his dignity in the process.

Siwon breathed and seemed to remember himself. He released Donghae and moved back, posture extremely stiff and correct as if to make up for the brief lapse in formality. "As I said," the Prince repeated, softly. "I have no intention of doing so."

"Oh. Well… good," Donghae said, lamely. Was NASA very close to colonizing the moon? he wondered. They'd need volunteers to go there. Yes, as soon as possible, he should do his civic duty, and go sign up to live on the moon.

The Prince watched Donghae for a few moments longer, silent and pensive but at last shaking his head. "Why is it that conversations with you never seem to go as expected?" the Prince asked, musing out loud.

For that, Donghae managed a weak grin. "I guess I'm just lucky that way."

Siwon snorted. "Lucky isn't quite the word I'd have chosen." But then he smiled, amused, and with no conceit or condescension in his look.

Donghae wished the Prince would smile like that all the time.

(To be continued. . .)

© 2008
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series:pao, sj:siwon/donghae, fic:chaptered, fandom:superjunior

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