366 Photos - 366/366 - ...and a Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2016 22:37

Well, this is it - a photo (at least one!) taken every day for a whole year (a leap year, at that!) and posted for people to see. It's been quite fun - thank you for bearing with me! Here are the pictures for the 31st December 2016. Glastonbury and Wells...

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366 project2016, new year again

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Comments 27

cloudless_9193 January 1 2017, 13:49:03 UTC
I love your tree(s)! :-) Happy 2017 :-)


byslantedlight January 1 2017, 23:46:33 UTC
Thank you! *g* And Happy 2017 to you!


snailbones January 1 2017, 20:24:30 UTC

Either I dreamt I commented last night, or LJ ate my comment, or I commented on somebody else's journal entirely - they're probably making a note to avoid me *g*

Happy New Year, and thank you for all your fab posts. I've loved looking at your pics, and I'm going to miss them terribly if you don't do it again. No pressure *g*

I don't know what we ought to do to keep things going - the Pros-y love is still alive and kicking here, but like everyone else, finding five minutes to rub together call my own is getting increasingly impossible. I'm certainly going to try and post more just generally - I'm rebelling against not having enough time with my invisible mates, so there *g* We'll have to have a think... and didn't DIALJ go fantastically? Yay!


byslantedlight January 1 2017, 23:50:46 UTC
Lol - well, I thought you'd commented too, but maybe you commented somewhere else and I saw you there, and... *g*

And hee - the odds are fairly high that I'll keep posting this year - I'll try to anyway! In fact I thought of posting a photo tonight, just cos I found myself thinking about it - but it's been so wet and grey and dull here, and I've been all tucked up inside trying to write again, so in the end I didn't even take one... which just feels wrong, now... :/

Hurrah for more Snail posts - that would be lovely (although I'm trying not to worry too much about seeing you comment somewhere else about moving to Dreamwidth - and about everyone moving there! Please don't, I would miss you here!) Hurrah for Dialj and all who sail in here - it's always a nice time of year for Pros, if you ask me... *g* I guess we'll all just keep on doing what we can - or at least i hope we will. Here's to a happier 2017.


anonymous January 2 2017, 03:59:22 UTC
Hi. I am another new person around from Australia. I've been reading some of your old posts and it's been fantastic to read all The Professionals stuff - so interesting to read about things I hadn't noticed or missed when I watched the episodes. I am very new to LJ. My only reason for trying it out was to maybe connect with other Pros (and Martin Shaw) fans. If I can figure out what I am supposed to be doing, I would like to trying posting something everyday about the actors or series. Happy New Year! Helen


byslantedlight January 2 2017, 09:39:44 UTC
Hello! How nice to hear from another new person - and from Australia, too. *g* So glad you've been enjoying Pros and my posts. I never quite imagine that people I don't know will find me and read, but it is a public blog, no matter how obscure - so thank you for reading, and even more for commenting! *g* Lj has some wonderful Pros sites and places, and I shall cross my fingers that you decide to come and hang out with us. I like your idea about posting something every day, definitely! Happy New Year to you too - and hopefully see you around! (And actually if you have any questions about lj or get stuck anyway, feel free to ask - I've been doing it long enough now that I might be able to help!)


helenlovesdogs January 2 2017, 10:05:57 UTC
Thanks so much. I guess it will be learn as I go. I regret that I didn't discover and get more involved years ago. Would love any help and tips. I have made my first Pros post so I'll see how I go sticking to my (at least once) daily post.



byslantedlight January 4 2017, 00:29:56 UTC
And a grand job you're doing too - I'm enjoying reading your snippets and thoughts so far! It's funny, I thought exactly that about discovering and getting more involved in Pros years ago when I joined lj (and that was a while ago now, too. *g*) I particularly wondered what it would have been like if I'd discovered Pros fandom when I was growing up in Australia, and Jane of Australia/Nuthatch Press was really active - I wonder if I'd've been influenced into writing more in her style - or if I would actually have taken up writing back then as I always meant to, with that encouragement! Ah well - our life is our life, but it's kind of fun to wonder. *g*


miwahni January 2 2017, 07:08:48 UTC
You really packed a lot into your year and I've enjoyed following along via your photos. I always swear I'm going to post more regularly, but then life happens and somehow the days go past.

Speaking of which - I am hoping to actually meet you, in July, on our way to Cheddar Gorge (your mention above reminded me; I've been meaning to say for ages!). Probably the fifth, at this stage, hoping for a morning tea meetup perhaps?


byslantedlight January 2 2017, 09:46:17 UTC
It feels like a quiet year really, but I think that's always how I feel when I've not gone and done a world trip or moved house or job or something hugely dramatic. I'm still not entirely used to staying put when I do it!

And ooh! You're coming here, to Somerset?! How very cool! Yes, let's meet up, definitely! That said, July is the month when I'm slightly mad with Job 2 (smack-bang in the middle of it), so you may have to take me as you find me... *g* Although also that said, I don't escape the computer nearly often enough when I'm doing Job 2, so it will be fab to have a good reason too. Morning tea sounds fab. *g*

Which direction are you coming from, to get to the gorge?


miwahni January 3 2017, 11:32:24 UTC
Ooh I don't want to distract you from work yes I do yes I do but would def love to meet up. We are staying in Bath for the two nights beforehand so will be heading southwest - we'll (my sister and I) just head a bit further south to start with.


miwahni January 3 2017, 11:33:24 UTC
... and I should point out that she is a mad crazy Dr Who fan so she understands the ways of fandom, oh yes she does....


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