366 Photos - 366/366 - ...and a Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2016 22:37

Well, this is it - a photo (at least one!) taken every day for a whole year (a leap year, at that!) and posted for people to see. It's been quite fun - thank you for bearing with me! Here are the pictures for the 31st December 2016. Glastonbury and Wells...

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366 project2016, new year again

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miwahni January 2 2017, 07:08:48 UTC
You really packed a lot into your year and I've enjoyed following along via your photos. I always swear I'm going to post more regularly, but then life happens and somehow the days go past.

Speaking of which - I am hoping to actually meet you, in July, on our way to Cheddar Gorge (your mention above reminded me; I've been meaning to say for ages!). Probably the fifth, at this stage, hoping for a morning tea meetup perhaps?


byslantedlight January 2 2017, 09:46:17 UTC
It feels like a quiet year really, but I think that's always how I feel when I've not gone and done a world trip or moved house or job or something hugely dramatic. I'm still not entirely used to staying put when I do it!

And ooh! You're coming here, to Somerset?! How very cool! Yes, let's meet up, definitely! That said, July is the month when I'm slightly mad with Job 2 (smack-bang in the middle of it), so you may have to take me as you find me... *g* Although also that said, I don't escape the computer nearly often enough when I'm doing Job 2, so it will be fab to have a good reason too. Morning tea sounds fab. *g*

Which direction are you coming from, to get to the gorge?


miwahni January 3 2017, 11:32:24 UTC
Ooh I don't want to distract you from work yes I do yes I do but would def love to meet up. We are staying in Bath for the two nights beforehand so will be heading southwest - we'll (my sister and I) just head a bit further south to start with.


miwahni January 3 2017, 11:33:24 UTC
... and I should point out that she is a mad crazy Dr Who fan so she understands the ways of fandom, oh yes she does....


byslantedlight January 4 2017, 00:31:29 UTC
Oh cool! Well, I guess I'm about equidistant from Bath and Cheddar Gorge, so you're welcome to either come here, or I could meet you somewhere. We'll talk. *g* Your sister sounds eminently sensible to me, you lucky duck! *vbg*


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