366 Photos - 366/366 - ...and a Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2016 22:37

Well, this is it - a photo (at least one!) taken every day for a whole year (a leap year, at that!) and posted for people to see. It's been quite fun - thank you for bearing with me! Here are the pictures for the 31st December 2016. Glastonbury and Wells...

...and then I came home, and there was little tree (there's always a Little Tree somewhere *g*)

I really wanted to find a way to post the pics all together as thumbnails or something, and got partway through doing it via lj - but there was too much code to fit in a single post! I tried to find some programme that'd do it, but erk... and I started to make 366 of them into a vid, but I forgot I'd need somewhere to post it to, so that's not finished either! Ah well - they're all under my 366 tag. *g*

So, back on 31st December 2015, I listed some things I wanted to do this year (and then promptly didn't look at the list again until now) - so how did I get on...?

- reading books. Well, inevitable really, but I'll try and keep up better with posting about them. Still not sure about signing up for challenges this year, considering how poorly I did with them posting-wise last year. But the reading was fun. *g*
Well, I did read books - and I signed up for a couple of challenges in the end. I failed hugely at Mount TBR (reading 24 books from my shelves rather than buying new ones). I completed the Once Upon A Time and Readers.Imbibing.Peril challenges, but I fell down about posting the books reviews. Um.

- reading fanfic, and perhaps more specifically, posting about it. cos it's often more fun when shared, I seem to remember. *g*
See above, re: posting about it... and I didn't read as much as I wanted to really, either. Um. Stoopid plans.

- writing still... fanfic and my other project, too. Let's see if I can beat 13+halves Prosfics next year... or at least bump up the word count. *g* (Not sure what that was this year, I'd have to open them individually and count, and I think I may be too... busy doing other things. *g* But writing, writing, writing!
I did better here, I think. According to my master list of ficI wrote and posted fifteen stories this year. And actually I wrote alot more than that, I just didn't finish them all... Not sure how many words that is, but yeay, 15+halves beats 13+halves! *g*

- cinema - I miss going to the cinema. I want to do that more. *g*
I did do this more! I saw:
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- The Dressmaker
- Room
- Winter's Tale
- Hobson's Choice (okay, this was the theatre - with our MS!)
- Hamlet (also theatre, outdoors, in the lovely summer evening)
- Book of Darkness and Light (also theatre)
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (3D)
- Star Wars: Rogue One (3D)
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2D)
So pretty good. I'd like to do better again this year, cos I do like the cinema. Good start to come - Passengers on Tuesday! *g*

- photography - I think I will give the 365 Project another go, but post here instead of to random strangers on Fb. Bad luck, you guys... *g*
Well this I did!

- and getting out of the house a bit more ... So - I shall visit at least one very cool place and stay overnight every month. That's the plan. At least one night a month away from home! And I will leave not only the country, but also the island and if I'm very canny, the continent! I still need to get my stuff from Alaska (plus I miss Alaska!), and I want to go back to New Zealand to explore... and to find new places! There are so many places I've not been yet!
Okay, well the first bit went like this:
Jan - Fonthill Bishop - Stonehenge - Old Wardour Castle (no overnight trip)
Feb - Avebury - Axebridge Res. - Hive Beach (no overnight trip)
Mar - Bath - Montacute (no overnight trip)
Apr - Wilderhope Manor - Isle of Man
May - Shapwick Heath - Taunton - Wales/Shropshire/Manchester week
Jun - London (but that was work, so shouldn't really count)
Jul - Lavender farm/Farley Hungerford Castle/Calne Locks - Hive Beach - Dunster/Baggy Point (no overnight trip)
Aug - Woodhenge/Stonehenge/Westbury Horse - Cerne Abbas - Weymouth - Taunton (no overnight trip)
Sep - Cheddar Gorge/Black Rock - Old Wardour - Stonehenge/Old Sarum/Salisbury - Weston-super-Mare (no overnight trip)
Oct - Bath - Germany! - Austria (technically, but accidentally *g*)
Nov - Germany (still!) - France (briefly, but it counts!) - Hive Beach
Dec - Erm... Yeovil?
So... could definitely do better on this one too, though Germany counts quite well. *g* No Alaska and no New Zealand, though, not by a long-shot...

What else did I do in 2016? Joined a local writing group (which masquerades as a course), which has been so-so, but may pick up next term, so I guess I'll try it again. Didn't finish binding my photo album. Didn't get any further with the fiddle (or archery). Did go to the local book group most months. Oh, I did manage to watch more telly this year, and catch up on various series etc. I like imaginative things, so that's a good thing! And it was lovely to have a couple of Pros-y visitors and meetings again - I've missed that!

Alright, so 2017... what shall I do? Well, let's give this lot a go (again, in some cases):
- lots of lovely reading (which is kind of like saying "don't forget to breathe", but nevertheless! *g*
- writing - I need to finish things - old and new and fandom and other
- travel - let's try the at-least-one-night-a-month-somewhere-else thing again
- travel - hmmn, I wonder how many counties I can visit in a year? *g*
- travel - ...and how many different countries. *vbg*
- obviously be much more thrifty so as to afford the above
- keep going to the cinema - can I manage once a month?
- and various bits and bobs I won't bore you with here - these are the ones that seem vaguely related to my lj-ing.

I've enjoyed posting every day (well, most days) this year with the photo project - it's been nice to be regularly online and see people around here. I'm wondering if I should make a sort of commitment to post regularly again, cos it's easy to let it slide. Maybe I'll try posting every day, but not about anything in particular. Except... maybe I'll commit to posting about Pros once a week. Maybe we should make that a challenge for anyone who still loves the lads - a regular post, whether it's weekly, or monthly (daily...? *g*) or quarterly, or whatever fits in. *g*

I dunno - what d'you reckon? What should I do to keep my corner of lj alive? What would anyone be interested in reading about/seeing? Or perhaps utter quietness is what you're hoping for after this year's efforts! *g*

It's a fresh, shiny new year - what shall we do?! *g*

366 project2016, new year again

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