366 Photos - 366/366 - ...and a Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2016 22:37

Well, this is it - a photo (at least one!) taken every day for a whole year (a leap year, at that!) and posted for people to see. It's been quite fun - thank you for bearing with me! Here are the pictures for the 31st December 2016. Glastonbury and Wells...

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366 project2016, new year again

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Comments 27

caffyolay December 31 2016, 23:58:21 UTC
Happy New Year to you. And yay for lots of reading in 2017. For the first time I managed to complete the three year long challenges I attempted this year (only doing two next year... I say *next* in 2 mins it'll be *this* year. *g*) As to Carl's challenges I finished one but not the other so I think you did pretty well.


byslantedlight January 1 2017, 00:39:18 UTC
Happy New Year! And yeay you for completing all your yearly challenges last year. *g* I don't think I'm going to do any challenges ne... this year (*g*), except I said that last year too. Well if I do I'll try to post properly about them - and maybe just about more books again too. I think the photo project worked for and against me really - I didn't want to bore people with too many posts, and since I was making the photo post every day... So we'll see how this year goes! As long as there are lots of books, and there's lots of reading then I'll be happy. *g*


caffyolay January 3 2017, 23:48:06 UTC
I think, to be honest, that general book posts are really nice. I just enjoy general book chat on people's blogs.. or reviews, or anything really. Just, you know, *books*. Yay.

I have to say that I really enjoy all your photos. You do take some stunners and although I don't always comment I do love seeing them.


byslantedlight January 4 2017, 00:33:37 UTC
I agree - book posts are nice. *g* There must be book chat this year!

And thanks! It's been fun taking the pics - I may have succumbed to the lure today, too... *vbg*


milomaus January 1 2017, 10:54:08 UTC
Lovely end of years pics! Lovely pics as always.

I love the every day posts of you and will miss them so much!

I wasn't bored at all by your posts, I really missed them, when there was none.


byslantedlight January 1 2017, 23:36:23 UTC
Thank you! And thank you so much for being around the project all year - I might not have kept going without everyone who said they liked them. *g*


loxleyprince January 1 2017, 10:54:27 UTC
Happy New Year!

Huge congrats on completing your photo posting project! Love your photos of the Tor and Little Tree! I do hope you continue to post at least some of your beautiful and inspirational pictures in 2017, because I've very much enjoyed seeing the ones from 2016. :-)

Yay! for all the travelling you did (even if you didn't get to New Zealand or Alaska.) I know you've already been to Germany, but if you ever wanted another weekend away there, you're very welcome to come stay with me and Other Half. There's lots to see in Munich!

Big Yay! for writing fanfic! I definitely look forward to reading more of your writing in 2017 and I'm off to explore your master list of fic next, to see what I might have missed. Ta muchly for posting it!


byslantedlight January 1 2017, 23:38:37 UTC
Thank you! I'm fairly sure I'll post photos every now and again again, cos I do like doing it... in fact I almost posted one for tonight, except it's been such a dull wet day that there's been nothing to take a picture of (well, not when you're staying inside trying to write!)

And you know I would love another weekend away in Germany - it's such a gorgeous place (and with very nice people, too *g*)

I made the master list years ago, and I think I've managed to keep it up to date - I think...!


loxleyprince January 2 2017, 17:13:19 UTC

Excellent! We'll have to see what we can arrange then! :-)


byslantedlight January 4 2017, 00:32:02 UTC


Thank you anonymous January 1 2017, 11:35:40 UTC
Hello, I get the lads newsletter each week and found your lj site and 366 photos from that I think.
After reading a story or two that you have on here.
Obviously not very tech saavy ( me! Not you.)
Anyway, I have been following along and loved every minute of your project.
Fascinating photos and a delight to see.
Especially seeing all the places you go over there.
I'm in Aust.
I am a reader, not a writer ....and I absolutely love your stories!
And grin when I see a new one.
Just wanted you to know.
Thank you.
Hope it is ok to comment and I hope I have done it correctly ...
(Probably a bit late to worry about that now ....)
Many thanks and have a wonderful 2017.


RE: Thank you byslantedlight January 1 2017, 23:44:45 UTC
What a lovely comment - thank you so much for dropping in (and you have done it perfectly, and please come back any time, because it's always nice to meet new people, and especially people who love our lads! *g*) And hey, you're from the place of my birth too - I grew up in Aus, and my family's all over there again now.

I'm hoping to keep posting photos and travelling around, and especially writing and reading this year, so if you're still around do stop in and say hi again. Happy 2017 to you! *g*


gilda_elise January 1 2017, 12:50:01 UTC
I love the picture of the Tor. Great way to round out the year in photos.

So much travel! I really envy you. And I hope you manage to get back to all the places that you miss, and discover new ones to explore. :-)


byslantedlight January 1 2017, 23:45:59 UTC
It had to be the Tor - and little tree, who've both featured in so many pics throughout the year! *g*

You've not done too badly with travel yourself this year, I seem to recall... *g* Here's to exploring, and a happy 2017!


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