Indoors-y things - of books and telly and new year type thinky-thoughts

Dec 28, 2015 12:11

Hello! It's the Monday after Christmas, and it's a bank holiday Monday, and after three days of mostly sitting on my couch and reading books, interspersed with watching telly, I think I should probably try and be a bit more active today... *g* So - a post isn't a bad place to start, I think? Hope you all had good days over the break - and still are ( Read more... )

thinkythings, doctor who, books read, films/tv seen, christmas, dvds watched, pros, astreiant

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Comments 28

miwahni December 29 2015, 11:48:18 UTC
Finally, FINALLY a good Dr Who ep! I loved it to bits ("I think I'm going to need a bigger flow chart!" *g*) all the way through. I always liked River Song and this was just so perfect and brilliant, and I've been wanting someone to squee with ever since it ended. Normally my sister and I text each other all the way through but she had family staying and wasn't able to watch it when it aired. I do have to say though that I didn't like the season finale - who was that person masquerading as the doctor, and getting it horribly wrong? :-( He just seemed so OOC to me in that one.

I have no idea what to suggest to you for 2016. My goals all revolve around consolidating my resources for an os trip in March, and one in 2017 - also the usual ooh must lose some weight - I consider it a victory if I finish the year at the same weight at which I started it.


byslantedlight December 29 2015, 22:54:58 UTC
Yes! Wasn't it ace - heeeee flowchart! *vbg* And a sonic trowel! I'm an archaeologist! So many brilliant bits... I will happily squee with you! *vbg*

I liked most of the season finale, but not the bit where Clara took the Doctor over again, and not the whole long-live-Clara thing. I quite liked Me and I don't want her subsumed by Clara either - gargh! I'm not sure I got OOC Doctor otherwise though - was there something in particular that struck you? *is curious*

I think fitness might be a good one for 2016, cos it would probably also fit in with lots of doing stuff, which is the bit I missed out on this year (though partly that was on purpose - just turns out I'm not so much a not-doing-stuff kind of person... *g*) And writing... Hurrah for your os trips though - that's definitely something to look forward to when consolidating resources! *g*


miwahni December 31 2015, 07:59:13 UTC
Oh the sonic trowel.... and "hello sweetie" said by the doctor... .*sigh* so much to enjoy ( ... )


byslantedlight December 31 2015, 09:40:32 UTC
Oh, gads, you know what I'm doing? Merging the two previous episodes into one! I was thinking of it as the episode with the maze, which I did rather like - but I was also flashing on bits of the actual finale, with Me and Clara and all... *headdesk*

I did think exactly the same thing about the Doctor shooting the timelord, it just made a mockery of every previous Doctor who pointed out that there were other ways than killing people, and that has to include timelords, otherwise they'd all presumably be bobbing about shooting each other at the least thing until they got to their final regeneration... And the whole point of Day of the Doctor, I thought, was that he did stay true to himself and didn't kill people even to end the time war... Yeah, that was one of the things that I deleted, I guess ( ... )


gilda_elise December 29 2015, 12:05:10 UTC
Wow, that's quite a few books! I don't know how you manage it, especially during the holidays. I think I read one, lol.

I hope you do take on the photography project. Your pictures are always a delight. :-)


dollidaydream December 29 2015, 16:45:25 UTC
I agree. Do take up the photography, your photos are always a pleasure. :)


byslantedlight December 29 2015, 22:58:14 UTC
Well thank you! *g* Maybe if I can ask you guys for themes to help along the way... *g*


dollidaydream December 30 2015, 15:03:51 UTC
Have you ever checked out The Guardian's photo assignments for readers? Even if you don't want to join in with their assignments, they have interesting ideas.


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