Title: It Wasn't Supposed To Be This Way 1/1
burned_phoenix Rating: R at the most
Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Spoilers/Universe: Crime-AU
Wordcount: 1.011
Summary: It just wasn't supposed to be this way.
Warnings: major emotional pain, (
only click here if you wanna see the full warning )
Comments 31
Anyone, anyone - Bueller?
Oookay. I'd love to say something like: that fic really made my day --- but actually I'm still uhm... well...
Usually I won't read something like that at all, cause it always leave me with a lump in my throat and belly aches... but nonetheless this was very well written.
You did a great job, but I definitely prefer happily ever after fics - so, could you please try something like that necxt... pretty please? *g*
I can't even really tell where this one came from. there was this movie last night and that one scene kinda screamed and ran away turning into THIS :D
What were you watching, anyway? *g*
it was some swedish crime show or something on zdf :D
for the first piece of writing in such a long time, I think I'm pretty ok with it :)
*hugs you back TIGHTLY* I miss you, it feels like it's been ages since we talked!
Especially the way you did the ending; "...the letter flutter to the floor splattered with the blood of FBI Special Agent Jensen Ackles. Deceased." I don't know what it is about it but it was strong and I liked it a lot.
I really wish there was more to this, actually. Like, I wish we had gotten them falling in love, and the whole reason for the take down, and what exactly happened on the job, for Jensen to have to kill Jared. (...That is what happened, right? Jensen had to kill him to finish the job?)
Great job, especially if it's the first you've done in a while.
Really well-written. Sure felt like it oculd have been more!!
I mostly skip over the warnings too, because I hate it if they kill all the surprise, or give the plot away too early :)
I'm really glad you think so, thanks, darling! :) *is proud* :D yeah, it could have been more, but for the moment, it was just that part that really needed to get out :)
I have a few more WIPs lying around, maybe now that things are getting sorted, they will get finished too :) *bounces* :D
Excellent, but shit that hurt.....
but I kinda like your reaction *g*
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