Title: Five Mildly Unusual Things Ginny Weasley Finds Sexy About Harry Potter Author: attilatehbun Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~650 Characters/Pairings: Harry/Ginny A/N: At magglenagall's request. Lulz.
Well, I think you should write them, because this was certainly better than any of my own attempts at writing Harry or Ginny, and the fandom needs them, doesn't it?
I'm sure the fandom does need more good H/G, I don't think I'm the one to bring it. I just - don't really do H/G, and as a result I have no bloody clue what I'm doing. Ever. *snerk*
First, I just want to gripe because I tried to comment on this earlier when I was between classes, but the stupid computer froze mid-comment and it took all my remaining time to un-freeze everything. Were it not for that, I'd have told you 3-1/2 hours ago how fantastically awesome this is, and how I think you need to write more H/G. The things that Ginny finds sexy about Harry say a lot about her, which is a roundabout way of saying I like your characterization of her.
By the way, Harry is *totally* sexy, even when he's being Stinky Cheese Man. :-P
Well thank you. You liking it is the most important thing. :) I'm flattered that you like the characterization of Ginny. To be perfectly honest, I'd never given too much thought to her characterization, aside from a few discussions here and there. I like her, and I love reading her, but I've never felt a burning need to get in her head the way I do with some other characters. Which might be why I feel like this is so...odd.
But regardless, I'm happy you liked it. XDD
And I don't know if I can ever find Harry sexy. Awww, ickle Harry. Besides, my heart belongs to Ron. XD
Comments 19
Oh, bother. I liked it. Lots!
But thank you. :)
By the way, Harry is *totally* sexy, even when he's being Stinky Cheese Man. :-P
But regardless, I'm happy you liked it. XDD
And I don't know if I can ever find Harry sexy. Awww, ickle Harry. Besides, my heart belongs to Ron. XD
Harry + Smelly cheese = oddly sexy pair, oh my my.
(There is nothing sexier in my book than someone who appreciates the good things in life.)
I'm glad Ginny seems to be working out - I promise you that's a complete accident. Lol.
There is nothing sexier in my book than someone who appreciates the good things in life.
This, again, is one of the reason ILU. *high five*
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