Fic: Five Mildly Unusual Things Ginny Weasley Finds Sexy About Harry Potter

Jan 08, 2008 16:09

Title: Five Mildly Unusual Things Ginny Weasley Finds Sexy About Harry Potter
Author: attilatehbun
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~650
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Ginny
A/N: At magglenagall's request. Lulz.


Five Mildly Unusual Things Ginny Weasley Finds Sexy About Harry Potter

She doesn't know how it started, but Ginny has become fascinated with the way Harry brushes his teeth at night. She knows it's a bizarre fixation, but for some reason she just loves to watch him do it.

Maybe it's the way his fingers curl around the handle of the brush, sometimes gripping it so hard that his knuckles turn white. She's seen his hands curl and grip like that at...other...times, times when he's trying desperately not to lose control.

Or it could be the way his lips pooch out, just a tiny little pout, as he maneuvers the brush over and across and around. His lips get wet, and are redder from the pressure, like he's just been snogged within an inch of his life.

Ginny never wants to do anything about it; she never wants to touch him or seduce him or incorporate it in any way.

But she does love to watch.

Harry talks in his sleep. Not in the obnoxious (and sometimes slightly squicky) way that her brothers did from time to time. And thank Merlin, not the terrifying way he had when they were all in school. That mercifully passed, to everyone's relief. Now, - now he talks to himself, or on rare occasions, to his dream-her. Sometimes it's funny (once she caught him singing, and they both laughed for weeks) and sometimes it's sweet (when he mumbles, or giggles quietly). Sometimes it is legitimately sexy, when he moans in just the right way, or whispers her name with a hint of rasp. But those aren't the only times she enjoys.

She simply likes to listen to him talk when he's completely unguarded. Whether he telling her he loves her or monotonally singing "God Rest Ye Merry Hippogryffs", it is sexy to listen to him.

Once (just once, dammit) Harry was eating a particularly smelly bit of cheese, it smelled like very old socks and bellybuttons and something odd that liked to lurk in basements, and it was an absolutely foul smell, disgusting really, but something about the memory and the smell and the way he was enjoying it stuck in her mind and somehow that wretched smell became sexy. It's horrid and she feels like a crazy person, and she won't even allow him to bring the damn cheese into their flat anymore, despite how much he likes it, because it makes her feel nauseous and aroused all at the same time, which is something she particularly doesn't want to have to experience again, and it is clearly all Harry's fault for being sexy while eating the disgusting damn cheese with the strange french name in the first place.

Ginny finds it sexier to give Harry massages than to let him massage her. Not that he doesn't give very good back rubs and foot rubs and other part rubs, because he does - he has very strong hands that very much know what they're doing - but she still prefers to give them instead. She does recognize that part of this is because she likes having him pinned in one place, making it so that he can't go running off.

Mostly though, mostly it's just that certain parts of him feel so damn good. The varying textures between smooth skin and rough skin and scarred skin and hair, the way his muscles jump, the way she can feel his tension melt away under her hands, she loves it all. It is sexy to touch him, to know what he feels like in places that no one else knows.

The taste of Harry's skin immediately after he come out of the shower is one of the sexier things about him, and Ginny doesn't really think she needs to explain why. What is there not to love, after all?


genre:humor, character:ginny.weasley, fic, ship:harry/ginny, character:harry.potter, genre:fivethings, fic:hp, genre:memefic, fandom:hp, genre:romance, 2008, genre:het

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