Five New Contributors to Fandom

Jan 06, 2016 13:47

Since Rebcake stole part of my list (stole, I tell you!) as I was writing this, I had to modify it some.  In no particular order, here are five new contributors to fandom for whom I will drop whatever I'm doing and check out their latest work:

lady_sybyl, also known elsewhere as Dactylgirl and TerrusDacktellus (and SoulfulSpiketheKiller on Tumblr).  Dactylgirl ( Read more... )

form: community, fandom: btvs, form: fic, char: riley finn, cat: postseries, char: faith, pairing: buffy/spike, form: original artwork, cat: gen

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Comments 22

the_moonmoth January 7 2016, 00:05:54 UTC
Direct link to bewildered's Winter Lights art, if you prefer it in situ :)

Also, here is the link for Winter Lights itself, since that's not where the above link goes...

Thank you very much for the rec(s) :)))


baphrosia January 7 2016, 00:38:20 UTC
Oops! I was bound to get at least one link wrong. Thanks for catching it. And, of course you'd be on my list. :)


velvetwhip January 7 2016, 00:23:47 UTC
This is a great list and much appreciated!



baphrosia January 7 2016, 00:38:45 UTC


rebcake January 7 2016, 00:25:51 UTC
Hah! I'm usually the one who gets my list swiped out from under me! *victory dance*

Also, great minds and all that... It was very heartening to see so many skilled new additions in 2015. Keep hope alive, fandom!

I am definitely going to check out rafestark. That sounds great.


baphrosia January 7 2016, 00:42:06 UTC
Aye. So many of my favorite authors seem to have moved on, so it's wonderful to have new blood. Also, what a testament to the show itself - 20 years later, and there are still new members of fandom!


petzipellepingo January 7 2016, 08:25:16 UTC
Thanks so much for pointing these out to everyone!


baphrosia January 7 2016, 09:43:35 UTC
I hope you find something new to enjoy!


lady_sybyl January 7 2016, 09:28:19 UTC
Ahhhh so this is why you wanted my LJ. Well that was nicely timed wasn't it? For my return/entrance sort of thing to this site. Thanks for your kind words, they're doing wonders to break down my writers block.


baphrosia January 7 2016, 10:16:54 UTC
Yes, if I ask a seemingly random and out-of-the-blue question, I usually have an ulterior motive. :) But hey, great timing indeed if it brings you to LJ.

*Your* words always make my day a little brighter, so... :)


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