Five New Contributors to Fandom

Jan 06, 2016 13:47

Since Rebcake stole part of my list (stole, I tell you!) as I was writing this, I had to modify it some.  In no particular order, here are five new contributors to fandom for whom I will drop whatever I'm doing and check out their latest work:

lady_sybyl, also known elsewhere as Dactylgirl and TerrusDacktellus (and SoulfulSpiketheKiller on Tumblr).  Dactylgirl ( Read more... )

form: community, fandom: btvs, form: fic, char: riley finn, cat: postseries, char: faith, pairing: buffy/spike, form: original artwork, cat: gen

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Comments 22

shapinglight January 7 2016, 13:05:02 UTC
Great links, which I look forward to following.


baphrosia January 7 2016, 20:33:13 UTC
I hope you find something new to enjoy!


snogged January 7 2016, 13:20:46 UTC
Great rec list.

I enjoyed being part of buffy_genfic last year.


baphrosia January 7 2016, 20:34:17 UTC
I also enjoyed you being part of it. :) I'm looking forward to when it starts up again.



rbfvid January 7 2016, 20:48:07 UTC
Great picks! Boiiko's appearance was especially nice surprise this year, with graphic artists are becoming increasingly rare on LJ.


baphrosia January 7 2016, 22:45:43 UTC
I've have spent hours staring at Boiiko's work. I really hope they feel moved to contribute more.


boiiko February 15 2016, 00:44:48 UTC
I am! I do!

Thank you so much for the reccing, you guys are so receptive, it's amazing to join a fandom and jump straight into such welcoming arms. I definitely plan on drawing more BTVS in between work.


yourlibrarian January 8 2016, 03:28:20 UTC
Some people are really talented! Thanks for the recs.


baphrosia January 8 2016, 05:10:56 UTC
I can't even draw stick figures, so talent of that caliber... wow.


double_dutchess January 9 2016, 01:54:44 UTC
I didn't know Rafestark yet, but the others are definitely great. Excellent list!

And many thanks for posting terrusdacktellus' / soulfulspikethekiller's LJ -- I've been reading her stories on AO3 and watching her posts on Tumblr, but I had no idea she was on LJ.


baphrosia January 9 2016, 06:24:52 UTC
That's me, cyber-stalker... I mean cyber-sleuth extraordinaire! (Actually, I just asked her if she had an LJ, so I could tag her. But apparently it's made her decide to try this LJ thing again, so yay!) :)


double_dutchess January 10 2016, 22:04:49 UTC
Yay indeed, and it means you're owed even more thanks than I already thought!


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