Five New Contributors to Fandom

Jan 06, 2016 13:47

Since Rebcake stole part of my list (stole, I tell you!) as I was writing this, I had to modify it some.  In no particular order, here are five new contributors to fandom for whom I will drop whatever I'm doing and check out their latest work:

lady_sybyl, also known elsewhere as Dactylgirl and TerrusDacktellus (and SoulfulSpiketheKiller on Tumblr).  Dactylgirl gives good comic!fic, delivering wonderfully fun, in character, perceptive, touching, sometimes smutty, stories.  They are always well-written, and her character voices are amazing.  I highly recommend her Lost Continent series (Spuffy, S10).  She's also shown she can do angsty, serious storytelling in one of my new, personal all-time favorite fics: Empty Hearts and Heavy Hands (S5, Spuffy).  Even if Spuffy is not your favorite pairing, check that one out.  You won't be disappointed.

boiiko is a brand new artist who seems to specialize in original artwork.  So far only two contributions, but both are stunners.  Boiiko designed the current banner (for the Fall 2015 round) of seasonal_spuffy, and also contributed this piece: Soulful

Rebcake mentioned bewilde's fanfiction (a truly deserved mention; I drop everything the moment she posts a new chapter), but she is also an amazing artist as well.  Check out her original artwork banner for Prisoners of Love, Blue Skies Above (Spuffy, S4) (if there's a better way to link to the banner, please let me know), and her artwork for the_moonmoth's Winter Lights (Spuffy, post-series).

If Spuffy isn't your cuppa, you might want to try Rafestark.  I don't normally discover non-Spuffy authors while they are 'new', but this author only began writing for the Buffyverse in 2015.  I followed a nomination from SunnyD with some trepidation, and ended up devouring Ritual (Faith/several, S5, NC17).  While the premise is ye olde FOD, the author does a good job of making it about character study rather than titillation, and we watch Faith's self-respect and the concept that she should have agency with regards to her sexuality grow with every chapter.  It's very tastefully done and offers a lot of food for thought, which is not something I would normally find myself saying about this particular trope.

Finally, not an individual, but a new community: buffy_genfic.  If you enjoy reading/writing Buffy genfic, this is the community for you.  Several of the fics/artworks from this community have been nominated for/won awards, which gives you an idea of the quality work you'll find here.  Come join in the fun - the more, the merrier!

Bonus:  Rebcake also already recced the_moonmoth, so allow me to point you to one of my favorite pieces by her, HIlls of Iowa (Spuffy, Riley, post-series).  Beautiful, lyrical prose.

form: community, fandom: btvs, form: fic, char: riley finn, cat: postseries, char: faith, pairing: buffy/spike, form: original artwork, cat: gen

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