5 New-ish Spuffy Writers (and their works)

Jan 06, 2016 13:29

It’s a new golden age for fans of good Spike/Buffy fic, much of it funny. There is a whole fresh crop of excellent writers dipping into the Buffyverse for the first time. Here are five that have found new things to say - in sparkling prose - about the pairing. In alphabetical order:

bewilde / Bewildered: Stories on AO3
This author brings the ridiculous and the sublime steamy in equal measure. Do not drink liquids while reading.

ChryshCn: Story on EF
Just one story from this author, but it’s a corker! Why are there not more stories from the demon POV?

Sigyn / TheSigyn: Stories on AO3
This author specializes in deep examinations of character motivations and likes fitting things into canon. There may be angst. 52 completed stories since June of 2015, all of them thought-provoking!

solstice: Stories on EF
This author started with a zombie apocalypse, and has been busy building interesting worlds ever since, often with Dawn as an integral part. Family is often a theme in these stories.

the_moonmoth: Stories on AO3
This author started writing in the Buffyverse in 2014, but really took off in 2015. Some stand-out works take familiar tropes and streeeeeech them into fabulous new shapes for your enjoyment.

There is a ton of Spuffy action going on over at ElysianFields, where you’ll find several other worthy new-ish authors, so check it out! However, the site requires registration for some stories, so I’ve linked to other sites where possible.

form: website, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: btvs, form: fic, form: longfic

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