Five from dependable comms

Jan 06, 2016 21:54

So the fandom isn't as active as it once was, but there are still communities keeping up the good work. Here are a few challenge responses I liked this year.

Unwrapping by brutti_ma_buoni. Spike has a rare birthday gift for Dru. She's very happy with it, especially as it's the last one. Spike/Dru.

I Turn To Wax And Melt Like This by carlyinrome. Faith really doesn't want Buffy to find out. Dawn's fine with that. Faith/Dawn.

Time Is Tight by rebcake. Willow gets knocked back in time to New York in the mid-70s... Now, what to tell the local Slayer/Watcher team. Willow/Nikki Wood.

The Crystal Ball Is Not Your Friend by the_moonmoth. 26-year-old Willow gets switched with 16-year-old Willow. Should be a cinch to fix, right?

Ashes to Ashes by garnigal. Vampires who don't live long... did they ever really exist?

char: willow, cat: body changes, pairing: faith/dawn, form: ficlet, form: community, fandom: btvs, pairing: willow/nikki wood, char: vampires, cat: femslash, pairing: spike/drusilla

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