Five not-so-silly fics

Jan 06, 2016 21:52

To contrast the last post, here are five fics of varying degrees of seriousness that I liked.

What if? by mej-lj. The Council is very good at finding and training girls. What happens to all the ones who aren't chosen?

Giles and the Mountain by rebcake. I think someone else recced this too, but it's so good it deserves to be read again. A young Giles and a friend go mountaineering, with not exactly hilarious consequences.

Putting the Damage On by carlyinrome. Post-NFA, in the ruins of LA, Faith stumbles across a machine, the size of a typewriter. Faith/Illyria.

Wrong by leni_ba. Dawn succeeds in bringing Joyce back from the dead... What does "came back wrong" even look like, really?

Call and Response by brutti_ma_buoni. If Fred was in Wesley's spot... Would she have been able to let Lilah burn? Fred/Lilah.

pairing: faith/illyria, char: joyce summers, char: giles, fandom: btvs, cat: preseries, pairing: lilah/fred, char: slayers, cat: postseries, cat: femslash, fandom: ats, cat: ats s5, char: dawn, char: watchers, cat: episode-specific

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