Alien Magnet of Trouble (5/?)

Aug 15, 2008 11:17

Title: Alien Magnet of Trouble (5/?)
Author: buckshotwon
Rating: PG13 to light R because of something...
Spoilers: Post JE and S4.
Pairings: Martha/Tenth Doctor, minor Martha/Jack (in the future chaps)
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Torchwood, Francine Jones, mentions of Rose Tyler.
Disclaimer: Please. I wish I did own Doctor Who and everything associated with it but I don’t. I am just borrowing them
Summary: The Doctor gets infected and Martha has exactly seven days to save him.
Word Count: 1741

Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV


Chapter V:

(Wednesday, 12:17 p.m.)

Martha was sitting in the captain’s chair of the TARDIS.

It was starting to become her safe haven, and after promising herself to come visit it every other day, she felt that the TARDIS was pleased to have company.

It was quiet, except the occasional hum and tinkering in the background. The mood was set to mellow, the lights were neutral, and Martha let out the longest sigh she had been holding in.

She was tired.

No, tired didn’t describe what she was feeling. She felt emotionally drained, exhausted, and confused all at once. Curling up into the captain’s chair, Martha closed her eyes for the first time in hours. Ever since Jack had left late last night, Martha heard the groans and moans from her bedroom. It was as if every time she had a little peace to herself, it was immediately interrupted.

Martha’s all alone? Time to interrupt once again alarm goes off.

But not here, in here, it was peaceful. The TARDIS was busy calming Martha’s frantic mind. She wondered if there was a way the TARDIS had soothing exercises. Whatever it was, it didn’t pain Martha at all.

Around her neck was the TARDIS key that she had never returned. It was tucked underneath her shirt as her eyes finally gave way to sleeping.


The Doctor was standing in front of the window again.

He would blank out for hours, staring out at the busy street behind Martha’s flat. He could see the alley where the TARDIS was parked and he had seen Martha go in.

It wasn’t that he was nosy. He was just…possessive. Alright, maybe possessive wouldn’t be the right word to use, but he only stared at the TARDIS and Martha’s entering for a moment before he finally backed away.


“So how did she take it?”

”Like I figured she would. She was upset. I mean, wouldn’t you be?” That was Jack speaking to Mickey who was holding another cup of coffee for the day. Jack had counted that was number three in his hand.

Mickey just nodded and sighed.

”Did you find anything new?” Jack asked Mickey, his fingers were tapping with the pencil he was playing with in between his fingers.

“No, we didn’t. Gwen is helping out though. I have this feeling that we’re missing out on this big piece that could pull this thing together, you know?” Mickey replied, sipping his coffee. It had cream and a lot of sugar in it.

Jack nodded his head in agreement. “Well, I’ll help out once I get this other case situated.” He finished, the other case dealt with Weevils, as usual, but they were underground and have been reported by numerous eyewitnesses for days now.

”I’ll tag along. I’ve got get some action somehow, right?” Mickey laughed a little and that triggered Jack to shake his head and laugh as well.

“Come on, I’ll get you situated with a lovely device to capture them.”


Follow my instructions, Martha.

It was a faint voice in her head, distracting her. But it was leading her on, wanting her to follow and go with the flow.

Martha’s body shuffled around on the chair, her head nodding and immediately woke up when her head hit the edge of the control panel. “Oh, ouch, damn it.” Martha rubbed her forehead, in pain.

“Follow my instructions.” Martha repeated and the TARDIS lights changed colors. A light bulb went off in her head. “Was it you talking to me? In my dream, I mean.” Martha asked the TARDIS and received a couple of hums in a row.

”You know where to go, don’t you?”

The TARDIS hummed again in response.

Martha let out a breath before getting up from her chair, taking off her jacket, and left it behind. She walked over to the control panel, staring at it. “You want me to follow your instructions and…fly this thing?” Martha asked.

Just then, the screen turned itself on in front of her.

”Wait, I don’t know how to fly you! Except for that one time, but other people were there. The Doctor was there…” She treaded off, looking down at her shoes.

I will help you. Trust me

”How long will this take? I mean, I don’t want to be gone for days and…”

You will return in due time.

Trusting the TARDIS is the best thing Martha had done during this entire…thing. Still hesitant, she felt the TARDIS nudge her to let her let go and let the TARDIS take over.

Her hands started to move frantically over the control panel, pulling out levers and pushing buttons all around. She almost felt like…the Doctor.

Just then, she felt the TARDIS starting up, no turbulence, and the blue box de-materialized in the alley, heading straight into the vortex.

The TARDIS was heading to the planet where Kryiks habituated.

“You’re crushing me!”

”Oh, sod off!”

”Captain Cheesecake.”

”Mickey Mouse.”

”Okay, we’re not doing that again,” Mickey groaned as Jack finally got off of him, and he rolled onto his stomach. “You are heavy.” Mickey scrabbled to get back onto his feet.

”If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you liked it.” Jack teased and Mickey just groaned again.

“Not now, Jack!”

Jack cleared his throat and continued to venture into the darker depths of the underground that was sealed off.

“Hey, have you heard about this guy who stalks people in undergrounds and subway systems at night?” Mickey started up and Jack just shook his head in almost disappointment.

“Really, right now?” Jack replied before breaking out into a smile.

In the silence, they heard shuffling of what were feet and knew they were on the right track. “On my mark, Smith,” Jack whispered and a Weevil brushed by them in a flash. ”Now!”

And the real battle was beginning.


Back in Martha’s flat, the Doctor paced back and forth.

It was getting dark outside, and Martha hadn’t returned back.

Should he be worried? No. She was smart girl, a bloody brilliant girl, she could handle high stressful like situations.

The Doctor let out a frustrated sigh and went into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. The mirror was in front of him and he stared at his reflection. What he saw wasn’t him. He didn’t do domestic; he didn’t sit around and wait. And he wasn’t stupid to get infected like this.

And finally, he didn’t fall for companions.

Granted, his mind did go to Rose. He loved her more deeply than he realized, and that’s what got him into trouble. He couldn’t give her what she wanted, and she wanted a lot.

Were they soul mates? Maybe.

It obviously wasn’t fate that was working on their side. If it was, she would be here and not in her alternate universe.

Martha was his other choice.

She was still in his life, even after she had walked out of his twice. The first time, he hid it so perfect. He masked his sadness by a simple expression, watching her leave out the TARDIS doors because she had to get out. The second time was not as bad as the first.

But he did miss her.

He wanted her.

He rubbed his face with the sink full of water, splashing it over his face. He looked weak, he felt weak. He took off his shirt and pants and his polka dotted boxers (yes, he wore those) and turned on the shower.

That strange darkness stirred within him again as he stepped into the hot shower, the water fell over his head.

Martha, Martha, Martha.

His hand brushed his dark brown locks from his forehead, and for the first time, he felt cold under a hot shower head. He used his spare hand to stroke his manhood that became hard once he stripped himself of the clothes. His hand moved in an up and downward motion slowly, his lips tightened, trying to hold back a hiss.

With his fingers moving around his manhood, his other hand gripped the tile on the bathroom wall and a soft moan came from his lips.

Martha, save me. was so soft and quiet in his mind and he kept thinking of her.

Yes, her, keep thinking of her.

His thoughts were becoming more and more frantic, his stroking matched the speed and finally…

He gave in.


The time vortex was carrying the TARDIS with ease and Martha had stopped shaking. In shock, she had just piloted the TARDIS on her own, alone. Sure, she had help, but it was an adrenaline rush going through her veins that she couldn’t explain.

It wouldn’t be long before the TARDIS would reach their destination, and she was anxious and nervous. It obviously wasn’t safe if the Doctor was attacked, but being a human, she had more a risk.

Her stomach growled since she had missed breakfast, lunch, and it was almost dinner time, according to her watch.

She hadn’t seen the kitchen in the TARDIS for a while, approximately a few months, to a year. It probably hadn’t changed, and she was right. She made a small cup of tea and a sandwich topped with mayonnaise.

It was that or chocolate biscuits.


A/N: So yes, Martha is currently flying the TARDIS with help of course! Jack and Mickey are….well Jack and Mickey and the Doctor is helpless, poor thing. So did we like this chapter? What are we thinking about Martha’s adventure, kids? I always had this plan in mind about Martha and the TARDIS going off together and as you see, it took this long to get there. And oh! All this took place on Wednesday so three more days, bum bum buuuum.

jack harkness, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, alien magnet, martha jones, doctor who

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