Doctor Who: Alien Magnet of Trouble (1/?)

Aug 05, 2008 23:55

Title: Alien Magnet of Trouble (1/?)
Author: buckshotwon
Rating: PG13 and maybe R.
Spoilers: Post JE and S4.
Pairings: Martha/Tenth Doctor, minor Martha/Jack and Martha/Tom
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Torchwood, Francine Jones
Summary: The Doctor gets infected and Martha has exactly seven days to save him.
Disclaimer: I don’t think a twenty year old could own these characters and not get into trouble for it! So I do not own Doctor Who, or its characters.
Word Count: 2237


Chapter I

(Monday; 8:59 a.m.)

Martha woke up in the discomfort of her own chair.

Her neck ached a little and her eyes went to check the time. It was almost nine in the morning, and Torchwood didn’t open until about ten. Just an hour to get ready, but wait, no, the previous night was starting to come back.

Across from her was the Doctor, still asleep.

He appeared to be fine but looks could be deceiving. Martha threw off the small blanket off her and walked a couple of feet to the Doctor’s sleeping form and gave a little smile. He always looked so calm when he slept. Whenever he would awake, she would have to check him out but until then, she decided taking a shower and making tea would be best.

Once Martha got to the safety of her room, she quickly threw off her oversized t-shirt, and slipped off her house shoes, before walking into the bathroom connected to her room.

It had been a long night, and maybe a long hot shower would do her some good.


Meanwhile, back in the living room, the Doctor started to stir around on the couch. He wasn’t feeling too well; he could feel it in his sleep

Was this a nightmare he was having? He didn’t have those often, but the flashbacks of him crawling into the TARDIS and dragging himself to Martha’s doorstep kept coming back.


Wait, did he make there? Come on, wake up! He told himself and forced his eyes to open.

This wasn’t the TARDIS or his room. This place had more of a home-y like quality. It smelled like chocolates, and he liked that.

The Doctor struggled to sit up and realized a draft. He wasn’t wearing a shirt.
”Bloody hell,” he whispered and heard what sounded to be a shower going and…singing?

He heard that myth that anyone singing in the shower sounded better but it was comforting. Just like the time in 1969, where he would make Martha hum or sing, it calmed him down. It was that same feeling that made his hearts work overtime.

The shower stopped and so did the singing.

He had to get off the couch and cover himself up before Martha came back in and found a blanket on the other end of the room. He assumed she had slept there and blanket was covered in that chocolate scent. The Doctor covered his upper body and leaned against the arm of the couch chair for support, looking at the mantel over the fireplace.

There were picture frames of various family members. He had recognized Tish, Leo, her mother Francine, and her father, Clive. But there were other pictures he hadn’t seen before.

She looked so happy in some of them, where she was standing in between Jack and Mickey. A couple of her and Jack alone, and one of a man he hadn’t seen before. She was wearing her engagement ring, which meant one thing: that man was her future husband to be.

He didn’t hear the approaching footsteps from behind. “I see that you’re awake,” her voice surprised him and he cleared his voice.

“Well, I figured I didn’t want you to get all worried like.” The Doctor turned around to see his doctor standing there behind him, dressed and her hair was still wet.

Martha wore a black pair of fitted trousers, a nice blouse, and her hair was in the process of being dried.

“How are you feeling? I should check you out before I try calling Jack,” she treaded off as she started to move around the room, finding her home kit under the table and pulled out her stethoscope again.

The Doctor was busy processing what she was saying. “Wait, Jack? You’re…you’re working at Torchwood?”

”Yes, I am, now please sit over here.” Martha was into her “doctor mode” and helped him get the couch again.

”What about UNIT?”

“It’s being reconstructed. I’m on at Torchwood temporarily.” Martha squatted down and put the stethoscope to his chest, listening to his hearts.

”Doesn’t this remind you of something?” He said randomly, as he looked down, watching her.

“Hmm?” Martha paused, moving to the other side of his chest to check the other heartbeat. “Oh yes, first time I checked you out. I was completely freaked out when I heard your chest had echoes of heartbeats.” She smiled softly at the memory but that’s all it was.

Martha then used her hand to check his temperature on his forehead. “You’re pretty warm. Do you get sick?” She asked, checking on his cheeks as well.

“No, not often.” That’s all she needed to know before she caught his intense star. It was exactly like that time when she looked at the Doctor the first time, giving her that flirty kind of stare that made her heart flutter. It was doing it again.

“Listen,” Martha paused, and got up to sit next to him. “I’m heading into the hub for a short while and after last night; I want you to stay here. Your shirt was ruined and your jacket is being washed. I could find a shirt for you if you’d like...”

The Doctor nodded his head as he felt a bit woozy again but noticed the engagement ring on Martha’s finger wasn’t there anymore.

Did that mean that she and Tom…?

No, he thought. Can’t think of that now.

Martha moved out of the way to grab him a shirt from her room. It wasn’t Tom’s but her brother’s. He left a few of his things behind before he left to the states. She found a clean white undershirt and offered it to him

The Doctor slipped the shirt on, but needed some help. “Now, before I go, I can make you some tea or something to eat if you like?”

”Tea would be nice.”

”With three sugars, I remember.” Martha smiled and he returned the smile and stretched out on the couch again.

Martha was busy making tea and maybe heating up some soup when her cell began to ring. The simple ring tone meant that it was Jack calling and spotting the number on the front, she was right. “Jack, thank goodness you called,” Martha said, finding a tea bag in a cupboard. “We’ve got a bigger problem.”

Jack, who was already at the hub, sat back in his chair, phone cradled in his hand. “And what is that, Doctor Jones?” He smirked and he was sure she felt it.

“The Doctor,” Martha replied.

“What about him?”

“He’s back. And, I don’t know, Jack, I think he’s sick with a virus or something. I’ve never seen him so weak and sick before. Have you?” She sat the teabag in a small black cup, waiting on the water to get hot.

This news changed Jack’s day around. “Sick? What do you mean sick? He hardly gets sick.”

”So he told me, but Jack, the way I saw him last night…” she treaded off, feeling a lump form in her throat. “He looked helpless. I found some kind of black substance over his shirt and I was hoping I could drop it off.”

Jack sighed into the phone. “Mickey’s here early so if you come now, we can get started on it. Where’s the Doctor now?”

“He’s on my couch at the moment. I assume the TARDIS is okay, but I’ll look out for it. He has a slight temperature, but everything else is fine as far as I know. I’d bring him in but you know how he feels about the place,” Martha indicated and Jack got the memo.

“I know. Just give me a ring when you’re near so we can get started.” Jack said before he got very serious over the line. “Don’t stress out, Martha. I can’t have you falling apart because he’s returned.”

Falling apart? She wasn’t even near that point!

”I’m not! I’m just worried. I can’t help it; it’s my duty to worry.”

The teapot whistled loudly in the kitchen. “Look, I’ve got to go but I’ll be there shortly once I get the Doctor settled.”

Both Jack and Martha said their goodbyes, and Martha smiled at the phone, remember Jack’s words of saying “I love you” to her. He always knew what to say at the right moment.

They weren’t together, but they had grown a lot closer and perhaps a bit intimate with each other.

Martha came back out with the cup of coffee and sat it down in front of the Doctor who appeared to be spacing out. He did that a lot when he was thinking. “Doctor?” she asked, waving her hand in front of his vision. That snapped him out of it.

“Yes, Martha?”

“I’ve got to go for a while. I made tea for you and there’s soup in the kitchen if you’ve got an appetite.” She told him.

“Not hungry.” The Doctor sounded like a little child, being stubborn.

”I know, but you’ve got to eat something. Doctor’s orders!” She leaned down to kiss his forehead and heard the Doctor’s sigh of relief against her skin. “So, if you need me, here’s my cell number.” Martha scribbled it down on a piece of paper and sat it down next to the tea. “Don’t hesitate if you feel the slightest change, alright?”

The Doctor nodded his head before his head hit the pillow again.

Martha had left him be before he ended up falling asleep again.


The hub was busy with chatter when Martha arrived on cue.

”Martha Jones, you made it under the wire!” Mickey greeted her with a hug. Both of them had grown closer as well.

”Just barely,” Martha replied, letting go of him. “I had a long night so I’m surprised I made it without falling asleep at the wheel.” As if on cue, a yawn came from Martha, but she was awake now.

She had already seen Ianto who was busy trying to figure out the new coffee machine, and found Gwen organizing papers on her desk. Somehow, her organizing system had gotten off to a bad start.

Jack was at his desk and she walked on, and his face cheered up.

”I see you made it in one piece,” Jack replied, getting up from his chair and moved to wrap a friendly, comforting arm around the woman.

“You sound like Mickey.” Martha replied, grinning.

Jack clutched his heart in fake pain. “Just bring down my ego, won’t you?” He chuckled before he let her go and sat down across from her. “Did you bring it?”

Martha pulled out the plastic bag from her jacket pocket and tossed it to Jack. “It was over his jacket too.” Martha started to explain as Jack looked it over. “And there’s something else,” she paused and Jack looked at her, edging her to go on. “He had a bruise on his chest that looked like it had something to do with…whatever that is but when I checked back, it was gone.”

”Kind of like a parasite,” Jack suggested.

“Maybe, but what I don’t get is where this could have happened. Nothing here on earth could have done that.”

”No, you’re right about that.” Jack immediately got up from his chair and Martha followed.

”Alright, I’ll call a meeting in a few, you find the TARDIS and make sure there’s nothing else there,” he handed her a few things to take evidence with. “And get back to the Doctor.” Jack replied, and smiled down at the young doctor. “We will get through this together, alright?” He leaned down and kissed her cheek before calling a meeting for everyone.


The Doctor was back in Martha’s flat, lying on his side. He found the TV remote and tried to find something to capture his attention.

Apparently, Martha’s satellite provider had about 500 channels (he counted), but nothing was on, so he left it onto some soap opera. Eastenders, he heard of that from former companions.

He had finished his tea after falling asleep on the couch for almost half and hour but didn’t touch the soup yet.

The phone number Martha left was sitting there, and he was almost tempted to call her again, just to hear her voice, but he was against that. Besides, nothing was wrong with him.

He felt a dizzy like when he moved around too much, a slight headache but nothing else.

He yawned a few times and fainted on the couch.


A/N: The Doctor’s a stubborn old alien, isn’t he? Since summer school is officially over for me, I’m going to spend more time focusing on finishing my stories here and at so stay tuned for chapter 2, which takes place in the same day.

jack harkness, post series four, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, alien magnet, martha jones, doctor who

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