Joy joy joy joy joy!

Jan 10, 2008 14:56

Happy More Joy Day! Man, this has been quite a day already. I have an adorable baby polar bear and (gay) bears hugging in my userinfo (thank you, anonymous people!)! I had lunch with sdwolfpup and she gave me an SPN tie-in novel! (I promised to read it aloud to her, chapter by chapter. It is going to be AWESOME.) (Somewhat ironically, our motto for lunch-and possibly life-was: "It could be WAY worse.") I also had a dream last night that Geoffrey Tennant was my professor! And I was going to hang around and listen to him talk to Anna about a play he was directing, only he winked at me (!!!) and told me to go to class. (Me: "No making out, either. Though I'd actually rather have listened to him talk about Shakespeare than have made out with him." SDW: "You have some reeeeal issues with that kind of thing." Heee hee.) And catwalksalone wrote me an insanely hot Ray/Ray snippet! And nos4a2no9 is hosting a Love Meme! OMG GOOD TIMES.

For my own contributions, I have failed a bit at the RL portion of this, save for giving blood (and let me tell you, you have not experienced surreality till you've given blood while being serenaded by Barry White-ALL RIGHTY THEN). But I'm going to put a few things in motion for that tonight. In the meantime, I find myself with many, many, many links of joy to impart to you-so many, in fact, that it's really too much for one post, so I'm splitting it into a couple. So here we have: VIDEO-TYPE THINGS OF JOY. (It is quite likely that I screwed up some of these links, so if I did, let me know!)

YouTube Links of Joy:


Slings and Arrows, 1x01, part 1 - I don't think a show will ever bring me more joy than Slings and Arrows does. This is not the most joyful clip by far, but I'm hoping that if you have seen the show, it will fill you with warmfuzzies for where it all started, and if you haven't seen the show, it might make you want to. :)

The SPN gag reels: Season 1 and Season 2 - Hot guys being enormous dorks. What's better than that?

Vecchio hauling Fraser through the forest in "North" - Speaking of hot guys being enormous dorks. They're singing the SAME WRONG WORDS. I just.

Fraser and Kowalski playing poker for air in "Odds" - More hot guys being dorks. It's a theme! LETHAL levels of adorableness, OMG, plus, suits!


Danny and Anya's jive (SYTYCD) - One of the early dances of the season turned out to be one of my favorites.

Sara and Pasha's west coast swing (SYTYCD) - with the pre-dance rehearsal stuff and without; two of my favorite dancers doing one of my favorite dances. Pasha and Sara! Come to my house and dance for my pleasure and be my BEST FRIENDS!

Benji and Heidi's mambo (SYTYCD) - OK, so most of us are over Benji now, but this was AMAZING.

Run and Tell That (Hairspray) - This movie was composed entirely of awesome, so think about what it means when I tell you that I thought Elijah Kelley was the most awesome part of it.

You Can't Stop the Beat (Hairspray) - Of course, it's tough to beat a finale. Spoilers for the movie, inasmuch as you can be spoiled for a movie like Hairspray.

Make 'Em Laugh (Singin' in the Rain) - Classic. Classic, classic, classic. I watched this a billion times when I was a kid.

Moses Supposes (Singin' in the Rain) - Also classic! Donald O'Connor AND Gene Kelly.

Vid Recs of Joy

Razzle Dazzle (ST:TOS), by killabeez and T. Jonesy - The very definition of mocking with love. This is FANTASTIC. (I know Killa had some issues with her vids being up on YouTube, so if you vidder types think I should remove this link, please feel free to say so.)

I Enjoy Being a Girl (Multifandom), by absolut3destiny - Chicks kicking ass. Many awesome chicks kicking SO MUCH ASS. Need I say more?

Paul McCartney (Will and Grace), by jarrow272 - I defy you to watch this vid without smiling and chair-dancing. It is SO MUCH FUN.

Men (Horatio Hornblower), by sherrold and wickedwords (link goes to their main site) - Hysterically genius vid; I have watched this more times than I care to admit. Also notable on the same page is sherrold's "Roll To Me," an adorable Fraser/Vecchio vid recently remastered by gwyn_r.

Oooh (Dante's Cove) (NSFW), by greensilver - Do not drink anything while you're watching this, because it will inevitably be snorted out your nose.

Through Your Hands (Firefly), by gwyn_r (link goes to main site, which is password-protected; email Gwyn for the p-word, TOTALLY worth it, her vids are gorgeous) - Still my favorite Firefly vid, makes me cry (with joy!) every single time. It's beautiful.

Another Sunday (Stargate: Atlantis), by jescaflowne - I don’t even watch SGA and I adore this vid. Apparently it got a standing ovation at VividCon, and I would've been right there, too. If this was the credits for SGA, is there a person on earth who would not watch it? I doubt it.

One Week (Supernatural) - ficbyzee has an awesome SPN vid to this song, and I couldn't find that one again (ETA: aha! it's here! thanks, minim_calibre!), but I did find this one on YouTube, and I thoroughly enjoyed it-it's sort of more about the show as a whole, both the Sam-and-Dean side of it and the Jared-and-Jensen side of it (it includes clips from the gag reels), and it's a ton of fun.

God Is a DJ (BSG), by dualbunny - Probably the definitive Starbuck vid (aside from its companion 'Cuz I Can, which is angstier but possibly even more awesome); it captures all the sides of her personality, and thus is not entirely joyful, but it has such a glorious momentum and elation and energy to it that it never fails to bring me joy all the same.

Moving Right Along (Farscape), by sdwolfpup (SPOILERS through Peacekeeper Wars) - Farscape brings the angst, but oh, man, does it bring the joy, too, and John and D'Argo are responsible for a very significant portion of that. They're my platonic ideal of male friendship, and SDW did beautiful justice to them in this vid.

Let Me Entertain You (Farscape), by halcyon_shift (SPOILERS through "Bad Timing") - Apparently Lithium Doll made this to get everybody ramped up before PK Wars, and damn, does it work on me. Just a shiny, energetic, kick-ass Farscape vid.

It's Raining Men (Farscape), by halcyon_shift and Doc Wyrm - Another of my favorite Farscape vids. Hilarious and hot, with a little something for everybody. :)

You've Got a Friend in Me (Due South), by sdwolfpup - Fraser and Dief vidlet! Fraser! And Dief! By SDW! You really shouldn't need more than that!

Goody Two Shoes (Due South), by laurashapiro and pipsqueaky - This vid makes me SO HAPPY. It's a big love letter to Fraser, basically, in all his wonderful, intensely annoying glory, and a slightly smaller love letter to both Rays and their ability to keep from killing him. With some F/V and F/K and (if you're me) Ray/Ray and F/K/V on the side. It's really quite something, and never fails to cheer me up.

You Can Call Me (Due South), by sdwolfpup - Reccing this is kind of superfluous at this point, but I couldn't leave it out. I'm going to say right now that I'm not sure anyone will ever make a vid that will make me happier. (If anyone does, it will probably be SDW, but. This one would be hard to top, even for her.) This is pure distilled Joy with a capital J, and it runs the gamut from specific personal joy to big existential joy, all packed into a few minutes of perfection. Show I love, vidder I love, friend I love, message I love. It's not getting better than this.

*wipes brow* Whew! OK. That was ROUND ONE. More later!

dante's cove is the worst show ever, slings and arrows, recs, firefly, farscape, more joy in '08, supernatural, due south, magic of the dance, hornblower, movies

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